Reba ruins everything!!!

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Because of plot...

     Reba looked at Nico then Will, then back at Nico. She didn't look the least affected by the night before. She actually looked... happy? Exited? Like a Bitch?
     The daughter of Aphrodite looked Nico over; black messy overgrown hair, check. Dark circles under eyes so ya know he's from the underworld, check. General emo aesthetic, check check check. Secretly, no longer so secret cause now the entire camp knows, Gay? -insert 100 Argo 2 sized shipments of checks-
     Then Reba broke out into a fit of laugher and giggles, but in a, I'm still hot kinda way.
     "You think you're gay Solace? You think you're a f-(woah there we don't say that word)? You think you're like this f-(Reba, ya need to stop using that word, I will get a pride parade to come and stomp on you until you understand.)!?" Reba laughed and gestures to Nico who clenched his fist as his other hand slid to his sword.
     "I could say a few things about you ya sl-(Nico. Reba. Staaaaaaaaaapp!!), you think you can just match in here and say that?" The son of hades unsheathes his underworld iron sword, and brandished it to her.
     This entire time Will has been dead silent.
     Reba laughed harder. "So cute, so defensive. Threatening will only get you into more trouble then anything good. Chiron wouldn't like it if one of his campers died, you would be exiled... again." She made a cute smile and blew a meaningless kiss.
     Will put his hand on Nico's shoulder. "She's just trying to push your buttons don't react stay calm and ignore her, she's not worth it." Though we all know he wanted to attack Reba as much as Nico.
     "You move on quickly Solace. I mean, are you so desperate for love that you move onto the first person you see?" The daughter of Aphrodite flicked back her hair like she was bragging about her looks to an extreme.
     At that moment she realized she fricked up.

AN: I just like making people wait. Woo hope ya like cliffhangers... cause I wrote this short chapter and cut it really short. Love ya guys!

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