Tartarus Part 3

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"Nico!? What the hell are you doing in.. hell?" I somehow manage to croak out even though my throat burns with every word.
Nico coughed, "good." He said weakly. "You're alive." He walked over to me and put his finger on the back of my neck. "Barely though. Common let's get moving. Can she walk?" It took me a moment to realize who he was talking to. It was easy to get lost in his dark eyes, his raven hair falling in his eyes, his hand behind my neck. Like I could just forget the entire situation and just let go, so I can be happy, with nico at my side.
I know it can't be that way. We are in dangerous territory. My heart clenches and the son of hades takes his hand off my neck.
     Nico helps me drag Reba to our feet, as much as we equally despise her, it's better if we didn't leave her here to die. Reba looks at Nico then at me and looks around the ominous landscape dizzy and faded from the world.
     She managed to walk on her own, but in general she resembled a walking corpse. That might be what I resemble as well.
     Nico lead us deeper and deeper into Tartarus. Each step getting harder and harder. I stumbled and stay on the ground for a bit, half hoping if I stayed in one place whatever is trying to kill me will kill me faster. Nico grabs my arm and drags me up forcing me forward.
Can we just stop? Can we just get this done with? I don't want to live if I'm living like this. I'm trying to shake these thoughts from my brain, but its not easy.
I'm probably a terrible therapist.
I'm stumbling forward no idea where Nico is taking us. I want to reach out and grab his hand, to reassure him that's it's okay, to reassure me, to make sure he's real.
The ground shook as I wrapped my wrapped around my sides. Trying to convince myself not to get dizzy, I didn't need anything else to put pressure on the load.
I knew what was happening, I knew that I wasn't going to get by easy. I drew the blade I used to free Reba and Nico drew his sword.
A minotaur, the size of a double decker bus comes running at us out of the blue.
I don't believe my small blade will do much of anything against the massive beast so I just brace myself for an extreme amount of pain.
Something crashes into the minotaur. My vision is blurring and I feel myself about to pass out but from the corner of my eye I see the skeleton of a kitten.


"Bob!?" I stare at him in shock. It's been so long since I last saw him. And when I did he was a brainwashed Titan named Iapetus that worked as a janitor in hade's castle. I kinda maybe sorta used him as a therapist... and spilled all my secrets about liking Percy to him.
"Nico!! Who are your friends?" Bob says excitedly as Will passes out and falls over. Reba catches him before realizing she's too weak to hold his weight and crumbles beside him.
I try not to get annoyed at Reba's existence. "Will is my... boyfriend." Kinda love saying that. Boyfriend, boyfriend, I have a boyfriend. Focus Di Angelo you're dying. "And Reba. She's not my friend, but she got stuck here with us." I say as I literally jumped into Tartarus after Will.
Bob looks confused for a bit. "What about Percy? I saw him not long ago, he and his girlfriend Annabeth are really great people!" Bob says enthusiastically. "Why didn't you keep trying for Percy?"
I sigh. "I got over him. He's history Bob, now I have a boyfriend and I really really like him." I smile then remember everything hurts. "But right now we need to get to the river of fire so we don't die."
Bob nodded and picked up the skeletal kitten he had by his side. "Me and Small Bob will help you." I didn't question it. My mind was still to foggy to process much.
It seems very different to see Bob like this. His silver hair matted and tangled, wearing armour asides from his janitor uniform, holding a spear instead of a broom.
He picked up Will with his spare hand, around the size of a large frizzby. Being 10 feet talk he easily carried Will and I helped Reba walk. I've expressed my hatred towards her, but I won't leave her to die, not like this.
We stumbled around for a bit. Now I had to walk twice as fast to keep up with Bob. Reba was really struggling, and I was resisting to scream in pain with each step.
Then finally in the distance I could see it. The River Of Fire.

AN: Hey Sorry I'm a little bit late on this chapter, I've been unmotivated and I've been doing some work on my other stories if you feel like checking them out. Anyways thank you guys so so much for reading. And credit to @elephant65536 for the idea of Bob helping out our boys.

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