Like here ya go.

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(Cause I wanted to write like this again, I'm doing POV, so just ignore the different writing change and deal with it okie? Okie thanks.)


The air around me was suffocating, grasping at my breath as if trying to steal it away from me. Yet I cried, I'd given up at this point, I'd held in my feelings so long it was tearing me up inside. I didn't understand how to cope.
My life was now one problem after another, it was becoming unbearable.
I watched Will walk into the doors, so calm, so collected, so sure of his life choices. Solace had never done anything wrong, he didn't have bug problems. Now he was watching his ex girlfriend die, at the hands of me.
That's what I was. That's all I was. Child of the underworld, seemed fitting to be a murderer. Outcast, broken,
Reba was going to die, and her unborn child was already dead, not even alive long enough to be born.
Will was putting his life's work into saving her. The girl who cheated on him, the girl who broke her heart. The girl he still loved.
I was not any part of this. I was a friend. Maybe not even that. I wasn't important enough to Will. It's another Percy Jackson. Out of my league. To good to be true.
I'll get over him. That wasn't the problem at hand. I needed to fix this, but what can I do? I'm a child of the dead. Death, not living.
I sat outside the infirmary and cried. There was no longer a point in trying.


There was nothing left to do. I had done everything in my ability to help her. Now I just have to wait. The hardest part. Waiting.
Austin came over. He had become a temporary healer for the day. Though he lacked experience, he got the basics and got me what I needed.
"You need a break Will, go to the cabin, change, take a shower, and for gods sake comb your hair. Then take a nap. Assistant part time healers orders."
Austin looked out of place in his healers clothes and out of his usual dress clothes and saxophone, but I followed his orders and headed to my cabin.

.... Three days later ...

I gets out of his cabin in a rush, I runs down half dressed, still pulling on my t-shirt and barefoot.
I runs into the infirmary and look around at the healers surrounding Reba.


The news had spread quickly. Kids looked at me weird, some fear, some disappointment, some anger... none good. Now Reba had gone into a coma and there's no knowing what'll happen next.
Will approached me for the first time since the last time we talked, three days ago.
"Alright I can get mad now. There's nothing more I can do to help and I have a few things to say." Solace looked around to make sure no one was in the area.
I sighed and nodded.
"Why on any level did you think that was okay? Why!? How!? You can't just stab someone. I told you not to let her push your buttons! Don't you understand what can happen!? She could die! That would be a life in your hands. I don't care what she did. Reba didn't deserve this anymore then anyone else, nor did her baby." Will stopped for a breath, he ran his fingers through his mop of curly blond hair.
"I'm done crying. I'm done complaining. What's happened had happened and we have to live with that, we have to move on. We have to forgive and forget. Chiron trusts you... so I guess I have to." The son of Apollo continues and closed his eyes. I continued to stare at him in silence.
When the silence got to long I spoke up.
"I... I wanted to defend you... I... My fatal flaw is grudges. My grudge with her is how she was treating you. One thing I can't stand is seeing my fr- seeing people get hurt when they don't realize it. I don't know if I'm making sense... I know I'm a monster... I shouldn't have reacted like that... it just happened. I'm sorry." And I meant every word of it.


I looked around me one more time.
"I'm sorry to..." I muttered. Nico looked confused.
"For wh-" he started Before he was cut off.

AN: 😄

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