Quest Part 2

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AN: Heyyyy! Sorry for another late post, Happy Pride Month!! I know there's a lot of havoc in the world right now (BLM movement) , but it's important to do what you can. The drawing right above is one of the cats I've been doing each day of this month. Anyways sorry for making you wait so long, on with the chapter!!


Spiders. Now I'm fond of my mother. She has done some great things. But what was going through her head to transform Arachne into a spider!? Couldn't she just kill her? Why make those crawling eight legged creatures.
You could say I'm a bit creeped out by them. I mean I'm not scared. I don't get scared. I just am not fond of those fowl creatures.
When you come face to face with your worst enemy grown 96x it's normal size. That's a bit.. well uncomfortable.
     I was glad to see the foul creature dead and freed from this world.
     We were on the road again as we neared the cave. It was getting colder and we once in a while saw a snowflake or two.
     We had to stop for another break and be settled by a stream but lucky us, it was covered in ice.
     The ground was freezing almost like winter and the clouds threatened us with constant rumbles, a storm daring to be heard.
     No one had thought of bringing blankets, but Nico started a fire and we all huddled around it, trying to stop ourselves from freezing.


     It was coldest of all when darkness fell, being no sun to keep us warm. Malcom had managed so fall asleep somehow shivering slightly in his rest. Butch was tending to the fire making sure it didn't go out.
     And Will, he was next to me. He put his freckled arm around me and instantly I felt his warmth fill my body. I laid my head against his chest, I wanted to forget everything, to just stay in this moment forever, protected, loved.


The room was dark. I couldn't see anything. I could hardly see the outline of my hand.
Why was I here? My breathing quickened at an unnatural pace. Where is here?
I looked around for some source of light but still there was nothing. I was getting dizzy. My head was throbbing.
Father!? There was a sudden flash of glowing light and the man I had perceived as my father for so long was in front of me. I reached for him trying to get out of the darkness but it kept holding me back.
Then Nico was beside him. Apollo had his hand on the small son of hade's shoulder and smiled at me. Why can't I get to them!?
I started to cry. Why can't I get to them!? I repeated in my mind over and over getting out of breath at my efforts. I need to keep trying.
But the light was fading, Nico and Apollo were slipping farther and farther away. Then, once again. I was alone in the darkness.
I woke up shivering. I was no longer in the room. Nico was beside me. It's okay. I told myself. Just a Dream.
The sun was creeping up and Butch, Malcom and Nico started to wake up. The horse I learned to be called Porkpie let out a snuffle of discomfort in the cold area. We needed to get on the road.
"The map! Oh fuck fuck fuck the map is gone!" Malcom said alarmed. "What!? How!?" Butch responded, equally as panicked. "It must've blown away while we were asleep... oh shit." Malcom continued to curse and triple checked his bag and pockets.
"What are we going to do now!?" Nick said exasperatedly. "That was our best shot of finding them."
We sat around feeling utterly defeated. What now?
"I think I might be able to help you with that." A voice sounded nearby. We looked around wildly for the source of the voice and eventually I laid eyes on a frosty water nymph.
Her skin was a light cold blue with white flowing water like hair and bright eyes that gave the impression of ice crystals.
"What?" Butch said confused crossing his arms as if thinking a small simple nymph couldn't possibly know anything.
"You're looking for a cave right?" She asked spinning around in the water, her large eyed viewing is curiously.
"Yes, we are. The cave of Delphi." Nico prompted.
"You want to go there!? Oh that's very dangerous. No no no." She ducked her head underwater and popped up again seconds later.
Butch grunted getting slightly annoyed. "We don't have much of a choice. Do you know how to get there?"
She nodded splashing water around her doing so. "I know everything close to my stream. I can show you how to get there... if you like that is?"
"Yes! Thank you so much!" Malcom said with a relieved sigh. The nymph giggles and spun around in joy.
"Well... it does come with an itsy bitsy price though." She said still giggling. Butch tensed up.
"What kind of a price?" Nick asked with a sigh.
"Weeeeelllll, there a really really pretty flower nymph not too far from here, she has golden hair and little black freckles.." She giggled and blushed a blue colour. "But the rest of the nymphs in the field are really mean and protective of her. If you could.. I don't know.. bring her to my stream, just so we could talk for a bit.. that would be amazing!! Her name is Summer." She said with another giggle and splashed around.
Malcom grunted "I'm sorry, but we don't have time to go play match maker." "What other options do we have though?" I asked. "We'll just do it quick, get the directions and get there as fast as we can."
"So you'll do it?" The nymph said with a smile. Butch looked at us then back at the nymph. Malcom let out a sigh and brushed back his curly blond hair and adjusted his glasses. "Right, Fine. We'll do it, where is the field?"
"Oh goodie!! It's just downhill from my stream where the temperature starts to rise. You'll know it when you see it." The nymph said and disappeared under the water.
Nico sighed. "Guess we better get going then."


We left the Pegasi there since we expected to come back and get them, they were aloud to go fly around though, spread their wings if they pleased. Then we began our walk downstream.
It became a lot warmer a lot quickly as we walked downstream. It was starting to feel like normal weather again when we reached the field, the nymph was right, it was obviously.
A long stretch of sunflower fields was right in front of us, dozens of nymphs were gathered there, laughing and chatting with one another.
We looked around for one that matched the water nymphs description but as far as we could see, they all had golden yellow hair and black freckles.
"Hi there!" Will waved at them friendlily. In hardly even 10 seconds all the nymphs has swords and spears made out of sunflower stems and were advancing on us quickly.
We drew our weapons ready to fight but we were outnumbered 30 to 4. We were quickly surrounded and we had to prepare for what was about to come.

AN: Again! So so so sorry I updated late. I have a lot on my mind and to be honest, I forgot about it for a bit. I'm still going to try and update as much as I can. Hope you enjoyed the chapter anyways, Thanks for reading!

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