When you realize your dad is gone.

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I quickly learned the boy's name was Oliver. He wasn't keen on sharing anything about himself at first, but after 12 minutes of silence he finally talked. I didn't find out anything that was bothering him or what could have lead to his depression.
I ended up giving him some medication for his depression, in hope it improved somewhat. Oliver was satisfied with that and agreed to take it.
I was glad the session was over. Psychology isn't my expertise, I'll stick to being a medic.
Nico came and visited me after. He kissed me briefly and sat down on one of the empty cots.
"Something bothering you Neeks?" I asked sitting beside him. I put my hands on top of his and did my best to be supportive.
The son of hades pulled his thin pale hands away and brushed his raven hair out of his eyes. "Leo." He responded vaguely.
I looked at my flip flops. Oh. I didn't realize his death was still bothering Nico, I know he blames himself but it was unavoidable. It must be harder of children of hades.
"What about him?"
"Something isn't Right will. I had sensed his death before but now.. now it's different and... Solace I don't think Leo Valdez is dead. No, I know he is alive. I have no idea how he did it. But I know for certain, Leo died, then came back to life. This is impossible of course but that is what happened Will, and it's driving me insane."
I sat there in silence, trying to process this. How was this possible? I asked, "Are you positive Nico?"
Di Angelo nodded and dug his hands into the fabric of his jeans. I patted his arm.
"We have to tell Chiron."


"...is not dead." I finished explaining to the other camp councillors. Then I sat down in my seat around the ping pong table in the camp's rec room where we had all our serious meetings.
Malcom Pace, who was filling in for Annabeth Chase while she was at school with Percy, was the first to ask a question, "How do you know for sure?"
I had expected that question. Unfortunately I didn't have an answer. "I just know, it's a gut feeling, I can sense that he's no longer dead."
Malcom started again, "but what if you're wrong. What if we end up doing all this to try and find him and it's all for nothing. We should be concerned on the why all forms of communication are down. Will have you heard anything from Apollo? Or Butch, anything from iris?"
"Apollo has been completely silent." Will responded now realizing how bad the situation was.
"I've tried to ask iris about it but I can't get through, but it seems she's just as confused as the rest of you." Butch responded.
Muttering arose from the other councillors.
I spoke up again, "Even if it's only a small chance, isn't it worth to try and find him?"
A few people agreed and a few were on the fence about it. In the end we agreed we would try and find Leo. We had no leads on the situation with the connection problem or the disappearance of Apollo but we had to find Leo.

AN: Thank you guys for reading! I would really like if you could give me some ideas.

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