All Problems start with... Reba

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     Nico. My mind had gone completely blank. Except for him. I was starting to get really worried about him. With reason, I can't believe he just left like that. But something else was pushing at my gut. I really was bisexual.
      When me a Nico kissed I hadn't thought that much off it. I hate to say it, but he was kind of just a filler in my heart for the hole Reba left. Now that she's back... I realize I've had this hole way before Reba dumped me... or I dumped her... That hole was Nico.
     When we kissed the first time, when I kissed a guy the first time, it was different then Reba. I loved Nico. I no longer wanted to be ashamed of it. I no longer wanted to be ashamed of my sexuality. Yeah, I thought I did love Reba. I might've, but that feeling was gone. I loved Nico, and not something was terribly wrong, and I've been too foolish to see it.
     When Nico disappeared from my view, out of the corner of my eye I say Reba, standing, without her wheelchair or anything.
     That shouldn't have been possible. Reba just got out of the infirmary. She's been in a coma- What if... No... No no nono....
     I didn't know what was happening, but one thing was sure. I needed to find Nico.

     I opened the door to my cabin only to be stopped My someone's arm. I wasn't in the mood for any of Solace's lectures so I spun around to tell him off.
     Only it wasn't Will. It was Reba, and her little Aphrodite clones.
     I tighten my grin on the door handle and pulled my arm away from Reba. "Leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for your stupid ideas." I growled and looked away from her.
     Reba smirked and looked at her friends. "That's not very nice Ghosty." She twirled her hair around her finger and gave me one of her 'heart melting' smiles.
     "Listen, I don't give a fuck. So leave me the fuck alone." I met her eyes and clenched my fist narrowing my eyes. My other hand was still firmly clenching the door.
     Reba threw a punch at me and I took it I tossed one at her but she easily side stepped it. "You're to exhausted from your little shadow travel to even see straight... Oh sorry. You never do anyways f(no Reba. Bad Word.)t."
     "Sexuality isn't a choice bitch." I was suddenly filled with rage. But my exhaustion was really starting to make my vision blur together.
     Reba sneered, "You know what is though, stealing my boyfriend?"
     Oh my gods... not this again. "You broke up." I hissed and tried to open the door, only to be stopped by her grabbing my hand again.
     "That doesn't mean you can just go down and claim him!" She shrieked.
     Angry continued building up in me, how can she talk about him like that? "Claim him? He's not property! You can't claim a person. They make their own decisions regardless of if someone had 'claimed' them. You make me sick." I don't know if it was Reba making me sick at this exact moment, but I was feeling very queasy.
     "Now, leave me alone." I mumbled a little woozy.
     "Why should I-"
     I have zero regrets for what had happened. Zero. She deserved what she got. It's not like she could have just kept on saying those things. I did the right thing. I don't think I could have stopped myself anyways.
     I bend over and threw up, right on her shirt. Better it come up then leave me in pain.
     You can guess what happened, use your imagination. I on the other hand had enough, my body also decided that because I immediately passed out.


     I obviously was a little late. Because when I came, Nico was on the floor, out cold, Reba had vomit in her shirt and she just stood there in shock.
     This needed a bit on context.
    "What on Hera's name happened here!!?" I yelled and ran down to them.
     Reba just blinked at me, like she was unable to process anything that had just happened.
     "fine, go get yourself cleaned up, don't explain. I'll get everything from Nico when he wakes up." I snapped and Reba ran off without another second.
     Just in case, I checked Nico's heart rate and breathing. All seemed fine so I brought him into his cabin to lay him down. Probably just passed out from the shadow travel. He really needs to pace himself. It's to much at once.
     I left him there and decided to check up on him later.
     When I did he was awake and pacing in his room.
     "Feeling better?" I walked in the cabin making him jump, probably should have locked.
     Nico nodded duly and continued pacing.
     I took a deep breath. "Nico. I need you to tell me what happened. I need you to tell me everything, actually. You can't hide things from me. Nico, What happened, what are these bruises... what's happening?"
     Nico sat down, his eyes clouded with sadness, and he told me everything.

AN: Heyyyy I did it!!! I finally posted something!! I think I'm going to try and wrap up this story to an end. I hope you guys like it! Don't worry there will be a few more chapters. I'm sorry I don't post as much as I'd like to but I've had a lot on my mind. Thank you so much for all the love and support you guys offer!! It means the world to me. Love you guys.

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