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-I rewinded the footage. Oh the joy of technology. Best way to help your fangirling needs.-

     "What do you mean?" Will asked with a cough, his crying has reduced to hiccups. Nico just rolled his eyes.
     "You are so dense sometimes, she's been practically attacking everyone around her. And if you haven't realized, she makes everything seem like your fault. So she has done dumb excuses for doing what she wants. Reba seems like the person to kiss a guy before realizing she's kissing them, then after she realizes she feels like she has to commit to that. Maybe she kissed that guy, then decided, "Heck imma start dating him." You get what I mean."
     "You're very observant. Do you spend like an hour every day just observing how people act?" Will asked, still slightly hiccuping, but looking a lot better.
     Nico sighed and stood up. "William Solace. You can do so much better then that.. then her, you can do so much better then Reba."
     The boys chatted about how much they hate the daughter of Aphrodite a bit, it helps Will, Nico cracks a stupid joke and Will breaks down in laughter. The son of hades does have a sense of humour after all.
     Nico laughs along with Will.

-Gods it feels weird writing those words.-

Will looks happy again, he's smiling at Nico like a dork, I don't think the son of hades notices, but it's obvious that Nico's head over heels for Will.


Solace stops laughing and so does Di Angelo. They started into each other's eyes for a second to long and Nico looks away quickly, the littlest bit of colour appears on his cheeks.
Will runs his hand through his curly hair and closes his sparkling blue eyes. His expression calming again, he's not smiling.
"I-I still feel like I screwed something up, I don't want to be that person. Reba... There's... There is a reason she cheated on me, cause I did something wrong and I couldn't fix it."
The smol Italian boyo looked the son of Apollo in the eyes. "If that's the case... You're gonna need to find out what, cause guess what? You're most likely gonna deliver this baby in nine months."
Will shuddered, "It seems like last week I delivered little Chuck. Gods, delivering my Ex's kid doesn't seem as bad as a satyr baby, they kick!"
Nico smiles and falls over on the bed. "Did you wash your hands after that?"
"I knew that's what you were thinking when you pulled away! Honest to gods. I was to awkward. I'm glad we're friends Nico. You're like an emotional support animal." Will laughed.
"What animal would I be then? Lemme guess a black cat?"
"No, a hellhound, duh. You're to... actually no you would be a cat, you're not that energetic." The son of Apollo lay down beside the 'cat'.
The boys had another silence where they just stared at the ceiling.

-Reyna says this isn't good for my health to obsess over these to like this... and they probably feel extremely uncomfortable with everything I pester them about... and that I know it probably won't work out in the end but I need something to cling onto. Jason understands though, good Jason, I hope he has a happy a successful life with piper and that he grows old and tells his otps to his children and grandchildren.-

The son of Apollo sits up. "There's this kid, she's about... yee tall, and she's writing a book about me, idk why. Idk even know this girl. Should I tell her about my breakup with Reba?"
Nico looks at the curly blond like he's insane. "Did she randomly show up at camp shortly after the battle with Gaia and randomly confront you? The same girl that follows Rick around like he is her king?"
Solace says, "You are oddly observant, has she been bugging you about your personal life to?"
"Nah she's my therapist. You said she's writing a book? I think I need a new therapist." Nico laughed again.
     "Yeah, That would be the best idea... has it ever fazed you that she's not a qualified age? Like at all?"
     "You're not a qualified age for a doctor and look at you, Solace. You're the best thing the camp has. I mean you've saved so many lives." Nico muttered blushing. I guess even children of the dead care about living.
AN: I really just wanted to post something 😂 here ya go. Another late chapter. Luv ya no homo/hetero/y'all gets ma point.

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