Is it poisonous?

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Can someone please explain how relationships work? I mean, she says she needs a break.. Does that mean she's breaking up with me.. Or she'll see me later. Turns out, it was the latter.
She stopped by the infirmary and angrily gave me lunch. "I don't want you to have to leave here." She fumed and handed me the lunch. I was just going to head out.. Oh well.
"Thanks.. Is it poisoned?" I asked.
     Reba rolled her eyes. "I have no intention to kill you.. I hate you by the way.. Have a nice rest of your day." She said sternly like she was angry and the daughter of Aphrodite sashayed out of the infirmary.
     Technically she hadn't answered my question...
     "What did she want?" Katie Gardener asked lacing up her sneakers. She was all set to leave today. By now the infirmary was mostly empty. All that was left was Katie, Mellie and her baby, with Nico.
     "Just giving me lunch... Have any way of knowing if it's poisonous?" I said leaning against the wall. To be honest I just wanted to get on with my daily activities.
     "Reba doesn't seem like the person to put in the effort. I'm sure it's fine." Katie grabbed her bag. "How can you stand it in here Will? Anyways I'm going to the stables." Now the room seemed empty again. Mellie was taking care of her son and Nico was sleeping.
     I think I have archery... Ugh. "Ok Mellie, I'm heading out, if anything happened you know what to do." I put on my red flannel over shirt and slipped on my flip flops.
     The afternoon air felt nice on my face. Gods of Olympus I need to get out more. I made my way to the archery range.
     A class was already in session. Austin and Kayla were both shooting perfect targets, a child of Hephaestus I believe was helping out the younger kids.
     "Hey William! Good to see you outside. Now come shoot some targets." Austin pressed and tossed me a bow. Umm how do I use this?
     "Guys... You know I'm shit at archery."
     "You are here aren't you. Just try it." The Hephaestus kid pipped up helping a son of Hebe.
     "Fine." I knocked an arrow and tried to aim, I felt the string rub against my face, the wind seemed to be going straight.. I think.. The arrow pulled back against the string.
     I let go and the arrow, with the string, flew forward. The string slapped me in the face and the arrow wizzed in a random direction, eventually impaling itself in the back wall. How the fucking gods did that happen.
     Kayla burst into laughter. Austin was trying his best not to roll on the ground dying of said laughter. The rest of the people there either sighed or laughed. I cracked a smile.
     "See? I'm no good." I put it bow away and retrieved the arrow.

     Still stuck here thanks for asking. Ugh. I give up. I'm so bored. Mellie is occupied with her baby and Will left. And I can't fucking leave this place!
     I found my sword at the end of my bed and practiced by throwing pillows in the air and slicing them in half. I ran out of pillows fast, and now there was a mess. I cleaned up.
     Percy walked in to the infirmary. He awkwardly smiled. "Hey Nico... How have you been." His raven hair was combed messily, like someone tried to look nice and then realized they'll never look as good as the models they are trying to look like. I used to consider Percy an exception.
     "This is only going to be awkward if you make it." I muttered and cleaned my blade off pillow stuffing.
     "I just want clarifications." Percy came and sat down on my bed without asking. I leaned against the bed frame.
     "So.. How long did you like me..." Why Percy was asking these questions I didn't know. I sorta wished he would leave me to my boredom. Yet he stated there gazing at me curiously with his sea green eyes.
     "Why should that be important... I liked you, yes. Now I am happy for you and Annabeth, you can go live your life now." I Half hissed half muttered.
     Percy looked uncomfortable. "Right... Yeah, sorry. So... How are you doing?"
     "Bored. Will has sentenced me to this bed for three days.. It's so annoying. I have stuff I could be doing.."
     Percy smirked, "Will Huh? You mean son of Apollo, Will Solace, head doctor, about 6 foot something?"
     "Who else would want to make me suffer here?"
     "Will cares about you. He's probably doing this for your own good. You could use some rest Neeks." Percy ruffled my hair in an older brotherly kind of way.
     "First of all. I doubt it. Secondly I know my own good. And thirdly don't call me Neeks." I murmured. I elbowed him in the shoulder.
     Percy took the hit and winced slightly, but kept his classic trouble maker smile.
     "So, I ain't your type right? What about Solace? He seemed pretty cool." Percy changed the subject.
     "Will? I don't... No he doesn't like me anyways. He's as straight as a guy can be. And plus he's not into guys like me. He's into... over dramatic chicks."
     "Well he seemed pretty set on kissing you this morning." Percy continued to display his smirk.
     "Oh my gods it wasn't a kiss! I was unconscious and he was giving me CPR!"
     "Well it was enough to make his girlfriend break up with him." Percy nudged me.
     "I don't..." I trailed off. Was it anything more.. No.. I wasn't getting my hopes up again. It wasn't worth it. But what if this time it was?

(AU: Ahhh! Sorry this is so late being published, my thing died and the charger broke. Lame Excuse I know. What should I add to the story? How do you guys like it so far?)

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