Lets go out with a bang

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He's not coming back. He's dead. Everything is dawning on me at once. I lean over and kiss the son of hade's forehead. I let go of his cold dead hand and stand up listening to the dead noise of the useless life support he's hooked up to.
I walk over to the life support and reach for the outlet. Just do it Solace. My hand hovers above the cord and I let it drop to my side. I can't make myself do it. I cross my legs and put my face in my hands. If I do it, it makes it all real. I'm not ready yet. I don't think I'll ever be ready.
I told Oliver the only way to move on from something is to fully accept it. To accept all the pain. Let it out and then walk it off. I can't even follow my own advice.
Like a band-aid. I tell myself taking a deep shaky breath and removing my hands from my face. Rip it off like a band-aid. Get it over with.
My hand firmly grips the plug and I count down from three and yank it out. Life support off.
Nothing happens. I don't think I expect anything to happen. Everything feels so silent. The room is silent. Nico is completely still except for the subtle rise and fall of his chest.
I start to walk away, before realized corpses don't breathe. "Nico!?" I run back to him as he opens his eyes shocked and gasps for breathe breathing heavily.
I almost pass out from shock. Nico looks at me and a big smile spreads across his face as his dark eyes meet mine. "Will!" Nico grabs my shirt with such speed it was like he didn't even die and pulls me close to him so he can press his forehead to mine. This can't be real. Pinch me I'm dreaming, and such a perfect dream it is.
We stay there in silence for a bit, our foreheads pressed together as we smiled and breathed each other's air. I tried not to think of how unsanitary this was. How unsanitary practically everything couples do is.... I focused more on my pure joy and shock. If this is a dream I don't ever want to wake up.
I cupped my hands around Nico's cheeks as if to rest of he was real, then I pressed my lips to his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and everything was perfect.
Then I passed out.
You see the thing is. I would've liked to wait until we had finished, but the shock and really got to me so, I fainted, like any normal person does when their dead boyfriend comes back to life.


     You know, this is great and all but when Will dropped unconscious it was hella awkward. We are finally together again, aw cute, then Mr Classy Solace just passes out. He could've done it before he kissed me, or even after is a perfectly acceptable option. I'm sorry my standards are so high to not want my boyfriend to pass out in the middle of an emotional moment.
I mean yeah. I get it okay. My awakening was quite the surprise, but aren't I aloud to have standards?
     I sighed hauled him off the floor and flopped him onto the bed I had inhabited.
     I left the infirmary having no need to remain here anymore. Naturally I run in to the one the only, kings queens and in betweens, Reba Filance. Oh don't we love her.
     "Nico! Oh my Hera. I thought you died! Actually no you definitely died. How are you alive?" Madame Filance only seemed shocked for a moment, yet I couldn't detect her usual snappy sarcastic bitchy tone. Strange.
     I stared at her. "I have my ways. What do you want?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. She awkwardly swept her hair behind her ear. Wait? Reba? Awkward? Something wasn't right.
     "I'm.... I'm sorry. I truly am. For... well everything. I was such a bitch. I mean I had my reasons. You stole the love of my life from me.. so naturally I reacted like any jeleo- this isn't about me. I am sorry." Reba crossed her arms and let out a deep breath.
     I was shocked by her sudden honesty. It seemed too good to be true. I don't know what came over her. I let a small smile loose. "What gave you a change of heart?" I inquired generally curious this time.
     She simply shrugged and looked back at me. "Tartarus does stuff to people. I... I know it's a lot to ask... but one day can you forgive me? Start new? I still care dearly about Will, and if I have to settle for working towards gaining his friendship, I want you to be my friend as well."
     I paused. Unable to process what was happening. I smiled brighter and responded, "Yeah, I think we can work on that."
     She smiled back.
     One day...


     I woke up alone in the infirmary. I knew I dreamed it. I hit myself for being so stupid and before I could properly assess the situation I started sobbing again.
     He was my first boyfriend. I... I think I loved him. It took me a few minutes to realize I was in the infirmary... In Nico's bed... That he was not inhabiting.. so it couldn't have been a dream!
      I wiped my tears and smiled to myself.
     "Oh shit I passed out." I thought out loud and erupted into laughter.
     I rolled out of bed and went to find Nico.
     He was walking back to the infirmary with a smile on his face. I practically ran to him and I picked him up to kiss him.
     He laughed and wrapped his legs around my waist and kissed me back. Even though we had only been together a couple months it felt like centuries.
     "I.... I love you." I breathed. He was silent for a moment before he kissed me quickly again. "I love you too."

AN: Wow. Can I just say it's been a journey. It's been such a crazy, long, journey. I started this fanfiction I think maybe a year ago and I- just wow. 47 chapters. Averaging around 1000+ words each... even though I have made some questionable choices I am so fucking proud of myself. Thank you to all of my readers like holy shit there's so many of you! Thank you for all your supportive comments! Thank you just so much. I have some other fanfics I'm working on so feel free to check those out if you wish. Overall, thank you so so much for reading. Have a good day/night 😊

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