Figuring things out.

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     It's been three days. Three days since Nico has come out to me. I haven't said a word to him since. That shouldn't have been my reaction, but it was.
     I just was so upset, how could a person go though all this? And not die from all the pressure. It scared me to be honest. I wished I knew earlier, I wish I knew about everything.
     My first instinct should have been to confront Reba. To at least talk to her. Of course, I did nothing. I hid in my little isolated bubble of sunshine.
     I was avoiding Nico, because I was ashamed, I didn't want to face him as I was doing nothing. Nothing at all.
     That was not the right decision and I know it.

     I have officially scared off all my friends. Jason left to camp Jupiter to work on the temples. Percy hardly looks at me. And now Will? I thought we had a bond or something. But my problems scared him off. I lost him.
     He's avoiding me. And I wasn't the only one that noticed.
     Oh guess what. It's our favourite bitch. Reba she came to give me a visit.
     "Ghost faceeee..." Reba came up behind me and put her hands firmly in my shoulders. The contact make me extremely uncomfortable and I tensed up.
     I spun around and reached for my sword, then I remembered it was in my cabin. I clenched my fist.
     "What do you want Reba?" I grunted and backed up from her.
     Reba smirked, her little followers followed her example. "Saw your boyfriend's avoiding you. Whatcha do to scare him off this time?"
     I gritted my teeth. "Aren't you supposed to be in the infirmary dying from a stab wound? Why can you walk again? Why can you move at all?! Why are you alive!?"
     Reba giggled, "Oh it was really simple. You thought you could actually kill me? Please. That hardly did anything. The blade stabbed me Yes. It didn't go all the way though, and it just passed right by my ribs. Hurt as hades but nothing a little ambrosia couldn't fix."
     My jaw dropped. That didn't make sense, but honestly what the actual fuck.
     "B-but you were in a wheelchair, in a coma!!" I gasped and took another step back.
     " b-but.. Can you believe him!? I'm only showed them what they thought they were going to see, what was believable. I am very persuasive that way. Especially with my boyfriend." Reba giggled again and flicked my shoulder.
     "But what about the baby. You were pregnant and Will couldn't detect any signs of life." The words kept shooting out of my mouth I wanted to know what happened.
     "I was never pregnant. Happened to think I was, had all the symptoms, but when I took the test it came out negative. Any other questions?" She giggled more like everything she said was the most hilarious thing ever.
     I bit my lip. I could make her suffer. I could summon all the pain in the underworld upon her. It would drain me, it could kill me, but at least she would get what she deserves.
     No. I'm not the bad guy. I don't want to be the bad guy. Instead I asked her the same question that's been wracking my brain since the day I met her, "Why me?"

AN: Yay I'm postinggggg love you

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