He lives

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AN: Reminder. Get. The. Fuck. Off. My. Page. If. You. Don't. Support. Black Lives Matter. MMIW or any other movements for oppressed groups. Thank you 😊


I'm sitting here screaming. I've been doing it for the past 4 hours since the campers found us. I refuse to believe Nico is dead. I refuse. I refuse. There are people around me. They are trying to calm me down. I won't give in. I won't rest until I feel Nico's arms wrap around me. Until I know he's okay.
He can't really be gone.. can he? No.. no he can't it's not possible. My throat hurts from screaming. My eyes sting from crying. Screaming sobbing repeat.

It's been two days. I won't let them burry Nico's body. He has to come back. He has to. Hazel Levesque comes to visit us to see him. She doesn't know me well and I don't know her. Yet we sit together holding each other's hand in support, we both know we lost someone close to us. Us just being in each other's presence is enough.
"Thank you for taking care of him." Hazel says at last. Her soft New Orleans accent subtle and calming. I slowly nod unable to push the words out.
I just wish we could've had more time together. I would give anything at this moment just to have him back. Beside me right now.


Hades paces in front of me. I just asked a heavy thing from him. I thought he would turn it down instantly. Yet he's considering the options. Bob sweeps happily in the corner small bob resting on his shoulder. Hades didn't hesitate before accepting Bob's request to work for him again.
I died and I was instantly brought to my fathers palace. Like he has promised when I was carrying the statue to camp, he had a room saved for me in the palace.
     I didn't want to die. There's so much I still want to do. I'm asking a big thing right now from my father and I don't know if even he has permission to do it.
"You get a week trial. If all goes well then you get to stay. If I decide I need you back then you are back here no exceptions. Am I clear?" He says after what seems like ages. My face lights up. I can't help, but smile. "Of course father." I respond trying to contain my joy. I get to see Will again.
"Don't make me regret this Nico." He sighed and I felt a tingling sensation before I woke up.

AN: Hey guys. Sorry this is a really short chapter. I just had a wonderful encounter with a racist so I felt the need to post something. Yay Nico is not dead! I think that the fanfiction is coming to an end though. So thank you guys for making it this far with me. Thanks for reading.

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