Yeah, go ahead and leave me for your mom.

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I made my way to the infirmary. As I stepped inside I was greeted by Kayla and Lou Ellen, instead of Will's friendly face.
"Hey Nico, What can we do for you today?" Lot Ellen spoke up in her cheery voice as she put away spare bandage.
"Just looking for Solace." I muttered and my gaze swept over the infirmary.
"Didn't he tell you? He's leaving for a bit, to visit his mom... I'm sure he'll be back in a week or two." Kayla said shuffling uno cards on one if the counters... Cause why not?
     "Oh.. I usually stop by to help here... Is there anything I can do?" I awkwardly shoved my hands into my pocket. I didn't want to seem like an asshole.
Lou Ellen smiles. "Nope. We are only here because Kayla refuses to take her eyes off Chuck."
Kayla made a shushing motion. Lou Ellen rolled her eyes.
I glanced at the baby satyr sleeping away in his crib, Mellie watching over him while he slept.
"Nothing? I.. Okay-" a short kid pushed by me, I looked down to see coach Hedge walking over to greet Mellie.
I turned and left the infirmary. Jason was chatting with Piper, both dressed in camp half blood attire.
     I approached them.


     Of course. Right when I thought our relationship was getting somewhere, he leaves. I do so much in this couple and he just ditches me for his mom? I hope that news is worth his time.
     Well, at least he's not planning on cheating or anything. Will is an honest person, he wouldn't break his oath.
     I noticed Nico chatting with Jason Grace and Percy Jackson. Rumour had gone around a few weeks ago that Nico was extremely gay. That's probably what put me on edge when Will kissed him. I know it didn't mean anything to Will, but Nico could have gotten the wrong idea. I couldn't have him go and take my man like that.
     Of course I knew Will would eventually come back, I hadn't actually meant for us to really break up, just so Will saw that he couldn't love Nico. It was for his own good, so he could open his eyes a bit.
     I know.. It was a bit extreme, but I had to do it, also our incident earlier that day made me uncomfortable, I am his girlfriend, he should be comfortable enough around me.
     Whatever, irrelevant, what happened happened. Nothing I can do about it.
     What do you mean I shouldn't have locked him inside? Just write, you don't need to talk to me.
     Are you seriously writing everything I say? That's... Weird. Whatever.
     When Will left I was instantly bored. Like someone just took away the fun from the world. It made me feel empty inside.
     A week pasts and there is no sign of Will, no phone calls, no IMs, nothing.
     He has ditched me. He doesn't care about me. Solace doesn't care anymore? I can't believe it.
AN: Hey guys. I know this chapter is extremely short, but it's more of a transition chapter so everything is a bit more cleared up. Feel free to guess what happens next. There's also another story I'm working on, it's a Solangelo AU, if you're interested it's on my profile, titled "How many times will you break my Heart." That's all thanks for reading.

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