Tartarus Part 4

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I'm shaken awake, every bone in my body is screaming in pain, though I don't remember why. Oh right, I'm stuck in this shit ho- OH MY GODS IT'S A FUCKING TITAN HOLY SHIT WE ARE DEAD CODE RED CODE RED!!!!
Like a the responsible person I am I pass out again. Because I am just so utterly amazing and skilled at my existence on earth. OH WAIT I'M NOT ON EARTH I'M IN TARTARUS! When I wake up again I come to the simple realization that for an unknown reason I am not dead yet, even though theres a silvery 10 foot tall titan standing right in front of me.
"Oh my gods Will wake up. You need to get up." Nico croaks beside me, his hands on my shoulders. I look over at him, he has become a living corpse. Reba lays next to him though I'm pretty sure she is just a corpse. I force myself into a sitting position and rub my eyes.
"W-wha-who'se he?!" I stammer, my eyes drifting back to the massive being standing before me.
"Hi!" The titan says cheerfully and bends down to match my height. Or well, close enough. "I'm Iapbut my friends call be bob." He holds his hand out for me to shake it. I don't. I'm terrified. The war was too soon ago. Far too soon.
Everything still hurts. I feel myself start to pass out again and Nico slaps me. "No passing out on me. You need to drink fire."
"What?!" I managed. Nico gestured to the river before us. Some sort of hot red liquid flowed before us.
Reba moves an inch indicating she is not a corpse. Nico looks at me with pleading eyes. Then he bends down to get some of the burning liquid in his hands and brings it to his mouth to drink. He does that a few more times looking like every sip is more painful than the next, but after he looks slightly less dead.
"Your turn." Nico closes his eyes a steadies his breath. I stare at the liquid then back at the son of hades, then at the 'Bob', then back at the river.
I gulped and made my decision. I was gonna die down here anyways so I mustered up the effort to drag myself to the river and I cupped some of the liquid into my hands. It stung and I winced. The liquid fell back into the river and Nico put a hand on my shoulder for support.
My hangs still stung, but I dipped then back into the red current and brought the liquid to my mouth. Instantly I regretted it, for fire it wasn't very hot. It was quite the opposite actually, coldest cold I've ever felt in my life, like I had gotten hypothermia, then when my ghost rose from my corpse it froze as well. I shivered as I took another sip.
This time I knew what to expect, cold, like all warmth from the world has been taken from me. I was feeling slightly better. The cold was burning off my wounds, stingy my throat, stingy everything. In heat, so hot, it froze.
I drank until the liquid was gone from my hands, until the stinging was so strong I was numb everywhere, it was easier to breathe, easier to see.
I hugged nico. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his lips. This was all that mattered right now. The distance between us felt so wide until that moment. Until I got to hold him in my arms. Nothing else in the world was important, not the titan, not Reba, not the overwhelming heat of Tartarus. Just me, and him.
"H-hate to.. break th-this lovely moment. But we're in Tartarus." Reba croaked and I let go of nico. Because she had to ruin everything.
The titan looked at her. "Drink from the river. It'll make you feel better." And with that Nico, the titan and I helped Reba drink the river water. Normally I wouldn't be so keen on helping the child of Aphrodite, but currently all negative emotions wouldn't help. So we had to help each other out.
I had never expected something like this to happen to us. A son of Apollo, with his boyfriend the son of hades and his ex girlfriend a daughter of Aphrodite, sitting beside a river of fire in Tartarus beside a titan named bob.
Hope boiled inside my chest and I couldn't help feeling, maybe we will get out of here. Maybe we will make it.

AN: Heyy! Sorry this chapter is kinda short and sorry for the delay, never the less hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a nice day/night!

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