Quest Part 4

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AN: The picture above is for BLM and LGBTQ+ supporters. If you are not them, please get off my page. Everyone deserves equal rights regardless of Skin, Gender, Sexuality, Religion ect...


     I gestured to the gang to follow my lead. Trying to make the least amount of sound possible we crept forward cautiously trying to keep our head high above the vapour to try prevent inhaling it in. The people in the cages were unconscious their heads drooping to their side as they leaned against the bars like trapped animals.
     We made it to the cages without waking python, but his tail was swishing around in his sleep giving us nervous vibes.
I inhaled sharply. The doors were melted shut. The only way to open it would be to break the metal bars. I glanced at Will.
It could be worth the risk... if we can free these campers. I mean they are right in front of me... Will understood what I was thinking and shook his head aggressively.
I slipped into the shadows and popped up beside a camper I reconized as Valentina Diaz from Aphrodite cabin. I took hold of her arm and disintegrated into her shadow and out beside Will again.
My energy was quickly draining everything around me growing fuzzy and I felt my eyes droop. Will glared at me. And as he warned me again I slipped back into the shadows and brought back two more campers. Butch and Will took care of them while Malcom watched Python.
I could still feel my energy slipping, my eyes growing heavier and heavier, each shadow travel harder than the next, I tried to move into the shadow again but I was struggling to move my legs. All my energy had gone to trying to trying to stand. I fell into the shadow, and tried slipping away. But, It was too hard, my energy was failing drastically. I could hardly move my head without being overwhelmed by exhaustion. My eyes closed and I fell into unconsciousness.


I looked over at Nico, passed out on the ground and couldn't help but sigh, we had gotten so far and we didn't have the materials to fix him up. The three campers were starting to wake up. I looked over at Python's large snake like body.
     Valentina let out a grunt of pain. Will covered her mouth with his hand and looked her in the eyes. He removed his hand and put a finger to his lips to indicate be quiet. Will looked over at Python and Valentina understood and helped Will check over the campers for injuries quickly. 
     Butch was sawing at the bars of a cage with his sword, It took a great deal of time. I constantly glanced at Python to make sure he didn't hear the scratching of the sword sawing at the metal bars.
     Fuck. I had took my eyes off Python a second to long. He opened a snake like eye and let out a piercing dinosaur worthy screech. Will tried to shake Nico awake.
     "Where is Apollo! You dare enter my cave, and foolishly try and take my prisoners!? You will die for your crimes!" Python spoke in a deep snakelike voice, the same voice that had rung through camp that one day.
     "Apollo is gone! He hasn't been seen since the war with Gaia!" Butch uselessly pleaded.
     "Now's not the time to play peacekeeper Butch!" I yelled and readied myself to fight for our lives.
     Nico woke up quickly, took note of the situation and shadow traveled and grabbed the camper in the next cage. I focussed myself back on Python. Here is where we die I guess.


     This was a very stressful situation. Like honestly. Who does this stuff? Mr snakey guy was all angry and spiting acid or something at- Oh my gods was that Will!? He's come to my rescue oh he truly does love me! Oh I guess Death Breath, Brainy Boy and Rainbow Pony is there as well.
     I'm so glad I couldn't see myself at that moment. It would not be acceptable, I would've probably died from the shock. Oh yeah other people.
     Will was leading the campers that Di Angelo brought out of the cages attempting to still get them to safety or something. Nico looked exhausted, no ideas how he was managing all that death teleportation magic.
     BUT THIS BITCH! He looked me dead in the eye then turned to Will hardly standing up and I swear he said "That's all of them." LIKE HELLOOOOO! What am I!? A Prop!? Will looked over and me, then jumped out of the way of some acid and disappeared with the campers. UGH HOW IGNORANT! This entire situation is so stressful and I cannot believe that no one is helping me!
     Malcom Pace was trying to get a swing at Python, but he was bleeding from a deadly gash in his shoulder. Making his attacks less accurate. He winces in pain every time he swung at him. Butch was mostly trying to distract and dodge Python instead of attacking.
     Nico passed out and Will appeared again. He looked at me then back at Mr Snake dude and sprinted to help me. Will took out a pocket knife and started sawing at the bars, I tried to help him.
     Python snake man dinosaur thing noticed my knight in flip flops (like honestly do you not own shoes its like practically winter.) 
    Will managed to break one bar off giving me a tight exit. I slid through but the second I did that Python's tail swished by and knocked me and Will over the side of the cliff.
     Falling, falling, down, down, down.. the air started feeling like toxic waste, the only thing in my sight was Will.
     For the first time since I've been here, I recognized what the massive crack in the ground lead to. Tartarus.

AN: Okay guys since you kept asking me to.. Reba has fallen into Tartarus, This is your fault. But ya Welcome.

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