I promise

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Chiron called a meeting in the big house. The cabin leaders were summoned around the usual ping pong table, so you know this was serious stuff.
"Nico Di Angelo has brought some interesting information, and after further inspection this has been confirmed true... It seems at the Iris messages no longer function. Butch, have you received any information from your mother?" Chiron started the meeting, his body in full white stallion form, stretched out behind him.
Butch shook his head. "Nothing, not a word."
Chiron frowned, it didn't seem of disappointment, more out of confusion. "Iris has always been quite responsive..." He muttered, then turned to face the son of hades.
"How long has this been happening?" The centaur asked.
"I can't be sure, all I know is last night after campfire I tried and it didn't work." Nico said, his gaze fixed on Chiron, not even glancing at his surroundings.
"Hmm..." Chiron looked at the ping pong table as if it was disrespectful towards him.
His head shot up and he fixed his stern, but kind gaze on me. "Will, any news from your father, has he sent any messages."
I thought for a second, I couldn't think of anything. "N-no, nothing, not since the giant war."
I hadn't realized before, but I was wrapping my hand repeatedly with bandage. I shook off the poor job and tried to focus.
"Jason, Piper, Percy, Annabeth, you were there, what exactly happened in Athens?" Chiron flicked his gaze to the remains of the seven. Since Frank and Hazel we're back in Rome and Leo was... Leo was dead.
I shook the thought out of my mind, he sacrificed himself to end Gaia's wrath, we are forever in his dept.
Jason shuffles uneasily, Annabeth spoke up. "Zeus sent him to Olympus, the gods need to decide his punishment."
Chiron nodded. "There has been no sign from Dionysus either, unless anyone else has any further information, this meeting is dismissed."
The rest of the campers stayed silent, and with a flick of Chiron's tail, we were dismissed.
Reba met me outside the big house, she had been waiting for me.
"Hey baby!" Reba greeted me with her usual grin. I wrapped my arm around her waist and we walked down to the strawberry fields.
We lay on the grass, facing opposite directions with our heads pressed together. Stupid excuse for a date, but cloud watching was all I had.
"Can you promise me something." Reba said, her dark hair spread around her. I sat up and looked at her.
     "Shoot." I smiled and crossed my legs, she sat up as well and faced me.
     "Can you promise never to cheat on me again... I know you might be going though this faze, that you think you're gay or something.. I know you better than you know yourself, you're straight okay? So don't go kissing other boys, or girls in that matter." Reba leaned over and kissed my cheek for good measure, even though she said the words with kindness and understanding, I know she was still upset about it.
     "I didn't cheat... Reba, Nico is my friend and he was chocking, at the moment he needed CPR. I know I'm straight... Obviously." I kissed her forehead, "Look, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but I promise that I'll never cheat on you, as long as you never cheat on me."
     "Swear on the Stix?" The daughter of Aphrodite pressed.
     "Swear on the Stix.."
     Then the moment was perfect, we were together, we were happy and we trusted each other. The foundations for the perfect relationship.
     I kissed her again, breathing in her rose and honey sent, she placed her hands on my shoulders and I put mine on her waist.
     I had put my trust in Reba, the girl I loved. It was all I could have wanted, at his moment, just to be with her.
     Days later. I received a call from my mother, Naomi Solace, on the camp phone.
     "I need you home as soon as possible... I have some exiting news and I need to tell you in person." She said, her voice was eager, like it was the most important thing in the world to her.
     "Hang on, I'll be there as soon as possible. Love you see you soon!"
     "Love you Shakespeare." Then she hung up, our calls never lasted long, since the shorter, the less of chance monsters were attracted.
     I rushed outside of the big house, after telling Chiron the situation.
     As always Reba was waiting for me. "What was that all about?" She asked sliding off the railing on the big house porch.
     "I have to go home, it might just be for a bit... But my mom has news! Plus her birthday is coming up soon, can't miss that!" I told her cheerfully.
     "Oh.. how long will you be?" Reba asked sounding disappointed.
     "As long as she needs me." I smiled. "It'll be great to see her, I don't see her often since I'm a year round camper.."
     "Oh... Well.. Have fun.."
     Reba helped me pack. Then she left me on my own, to sort out the infirmary before I left.
     Baby Chuck was growing strong, Mellie should be proud to have him, and other than the occasional injured, the infirmary was quiet. I left Kayla, Austin, Cecil and Lou Ellen in charge, since I spend enough time with them so they know what to do.
     Then I was off, in one of the camps cars, Argus drove me to the bus stop, so I could hopefully catch a bus that stopped close enough for me to walk home.
     I bit my farewell to Argus and stepped onto the bus.
     Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark shape merge from the shadow behind me.

AU: Give 👏 Me 👏 Feedback 👏 Please. What does it need improvement on? What can I do to make it more enjoyable!? Anyways hope you enjoyed... Umm what do I say again? Bye?

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