Tartarus Part 1

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     I woke up. Something is definitely off. We got the campers out. We are back in the forest with the Pegasi. Butch is nursing wounds- Wait butch is nursing wounds!? Where is Will!?
     I don't see him anywhere. Malcom is pacing. One of the campers are crying, I don't check to see who it is. It's Oliver. I've become accustomed to hearing him cry. He's not exactly subtle about it. Dam kids can't get a grip nowadays.
"Malcom! Where's Will?" I call to him. He looks at me. "Oh you're awake.... I.. I'm sorry Nico. Him and the Aphrodite lass fell into.. there's no way to put this lightly they are in Tartarus and.. sorry Nico, they'll be dead by now." Malcom avoids my eyes and keeps pacing.
My breath stops. No. They can't be dead I didn't feel it. But.. that just means they are alive.. walking through that... I refuse to believe it. Not Will. Not even Reba deserves that.... Will has done nothing to end up there.. oh please let them be dead if they really are down there..
My breath quickens. He has to be okay. He has to be!


Huh. Well looks like I'm in quite the pickle here. Yeah, I've been falling for a solid 15 minutes now and I know I will die when I hit the ground. If I don't die all my bones in my body will break and I'll later die from the injuries.. right? Cause physics and stuff or something...
I should be screaming. I should be panicking, I'm about to die, but I don't. I don't really want to die screaming, or crying. I want to die knowing I did everything I could to prevent it. Or at least prevent someone else's.
Right Reba. She's also gonna die. I hope death will be quick. I may hate her, but I don't wish her pain. I guess some people are just made to hate and be, well hateful.
She won't go to Elysium, most likely the fields of asphodel. She's not that bad for punishment, but not really good either.
I think I'm good enough for Elysium. I dedicated my life to helping people and I died trying to save my ex girlfriend. If not then, well I guess I'll be okay with asphodel.
Reba isn't taking this as well as me. She's screaming, her lungs must hurt from screaming for 15 minutes straight. I understand why, I should also be scared.
I hope nico can visit me in the underworld. He's what I'll miss most about being alive.. my boyfriend. I don't want him to be sad though, I don't want to cause him pain.
I hope they find someone good to take over as head healer. I hope oliver can get a better therapist. I hope Nico can move on, settle down with someone that treats him right. I hope that Leo is found and comes back safe. I hope that Apollo comes back. I hope people can connect with each other again. I hope my mother Will be okay. I hope Kayla gets into the olympics. I hope Austin gets a good music career.
I start to cry now. I don't want to but I cannot help selfishly thinking, Wow, I'm not going to be able to see any of this.. I wipe the tears from my eyes. They just come flooding back.
I'm going to die. There's nothing I can do about it.
I hope Lou Ellen is going to be okay. I hope she settles down with a family she loves and is happy. I hope Cecil gets into that college program he's been trying at for months.
     I'm sobbing now.
     I hope everyone will be okay. They just have to be they just have to be....
     The wind pushing upwards makes my tears rise above me. It feels faster than before. Reba stops screaming, she probably lost all her air.
     The air is getting thicker, like toxic fumes. It's hurting to breathe now. Its getting warmer, uncomfortably warmer.
     Oh yes, I think I see the ground approaching now. This is it. Im about to die.
     And I hit the ground.

AN: Sorry this one is a bit short. Its just a lil update on it. Hope you all enjoyed!

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