Uncontious People Don't Want Tea.

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     "Solace. Wake up." Kayla's voice sounded above me. I felt a jab in my shoulder and I sat up.
     "Yes Kaylie?" I rubbed my eyes. My gaze drifted to the window. Gods of Olympus I slept in! The sun was already up. I checked my alarm clock. 7:21 am!? How could I be so stupid!? I scrambled quickly to get some proper clothes on. Kayla sighed at my struggle.
     "Will... I only woke you up to tell you your girlfriend is at the door." Kayla mumbled and searched for coffee. We were most likely out. "Go greet her or she won't leave."
     I finished changing my shirt and I opened the door.
     "Baby! Good morning!" Reba was much more cheerful this morning. Her hair was in a crown braid with roses perfectly placed in the braids. A little to perfect for my taste, but she likes it so so so I! She kissed me on the cheek and gave me a hug before I had time to respond.
     "You're in a good mood. What happened?" I asked.
     "So I'm not aloud to just be happy? What's wrong with being happy?" Reba pouted.
     "N-no! Just... Never mind Good morning!"
    "Yes good morning!!" The daughter of Aphrodite proceeded to boop my freckled nose, like I was some dog or something.
     Not that I didn't mind it! No I'm fine with it! Perfectly..
     I was about to close the door so I could go grab whatever coffee Kayla has found, when she grabbed my wrist and stole me from my wake up juice.
     "Ummm... Reba? Coffee?" I spudded as she dragged me across the green.
     She didn't respond and continued to drag me away from caffeine. Her curly brunette hair bounces as she happily leaped around, holding me by the arm. She really was beautiful.
     "Where are you taking me?" I almost tripped a few times, Reba didn't stop and continued to skip. Eventually she rounded a corner and somehow, we were in an empty room I've never seen.
(AU: Next part is kinda rated PG 14+ or whatever those ratings are... I'm sorry Kat... And Jaden, and everyone else. Sorry... This part is actually kinda relevant though... you can skip if you want... Sorry...)
The door locked behind me. There was a door there? Great. Reba looked at me with a smirk.
She started to take off her shirt. Oh.. uh.. no. No thank you.. umm no..
"Reba? I don't... Put your shirt back on. I'm not comfortable doing this, I'm only 16.." I muttered and tried the doors.
"Oh common.. we never do anything together! And 16 is old enough. Please babe? Just this once?" She pouted in her cute way, like I had hurt her.
"I... Reba... I just..." I didn't want this. I wanted to be back in my cabin drinking old coffee from a random cabinet.
"Do you not love me?! Listen, I do so much for you! This is how you treat me. That's not very fair to me.. Now is it Solace!? Is it!" Reba hissed.
"I... Reba. I love you, but I have the right to give my consent... I'm sorry.." I muttered and tried to door again.
"Unlock the door!" I shouted and shook it.
"What is wrong with you!? I asked politely, I guilt tripped you... Why don't you get it!? I am trying to build our relationship stronger.. All you are doing is pushing away! I accepted you when no one else did! This is how you repay me back!? What a boyfriend you are..." The daughter of Aphrodite cried, her makeup started running and her roses started tilting.
"Tell your little gang to open the door Reba, this is not funny!"
"Funny!? I just wanted something for once Solace. I'm trying to do this for us!! Why won't you listen!!" She screeched.
"This doesn't do any good. It never does. Now, open the fucking door." I heard a click outside and the door swung open.
I left Reba crying. No one was there to have locked the door, I didn't care. I was mad. Mad, at Reba.. Mad at myself. Why are relationships so hard..
(AU: Sorry about that, I will try to avoid as much as I can of that as possible. I kinda just wanted to add some drama, cause this story is kinda boring.. Am I wrong? So no more of that.. Sorry.)


     I sat up in the infirmary bed. The sun was up. I could see some of the other patients stirring.
     Why hadn't someone closed the blinds? My hand passed though my blanket for a split second. Still fading..
     Will walked in, the other healers were already here doing there usual work. He looked terrible. His blond curly mop of hair was completely messed up. His eyes were bloodshot and the son of Apollo resembled an angry bull. Well, I mean he looked angry. Yet he put on a smile and clapped his hands together.
      "Good morning everyone! Sorry I'm late... Something came up.. It's all okay now. Everything is ok." Will said cheerfully, though it sounded a lot like he was convincing himself.
     He went though the morning routine. Fresh bandage, water, new stitching, tissue boxes, ambrosia, nectar, healing potion, baby toys.. all included in a normal day's routine.
     Solace got to me last. "Okay Di Angelo. How are you feeling? Have enough rest? Headache? Anything?"
     "Uh... I'm fine.. Are you ok?" Normally I didn't press people like that, but Will seemed to worry me. I didn't like seeing him like this."
     Will hesitated. "I.. I'm fine.. Just tired.." he said at last, shooting me a kind smile. "Have some ambrosia." He handed me a piece. I bit off a piece and the taste of Percy Jackson's blue birthday cake filled my mouth. What? It was good cake.
     I leaned against the wall and finished the chunk.
     Then my air vent was cut off. I started choking. All went black.

(AU: Again really sorry about that chapter. I just didn't have any better idea. Bleh. Hope you enjoy this stuff.. Cause if you don't imma still keep writing it..)

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