Please, don't sing...

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     Someone told me that Nico was laying on the ground of the arena staring at the sky. I didn't know if he was okay, still I was a bit worried.
     The Son of hades was laying on the ground looking at the sky, his eyes were  wide open, but he's wasn't moving.. I checked for a pulse.
     He's got a pulse all right. I waved my hand in front of his eyes, no reaction. I looked over at Percy standing by with a slightly worried expression on his face.
     "Could you Umm... get some water?" I asked hoping he got the point and summoned a tidal wave to wake Nico up.
     "Oh uh sure." Percy walked away. Dang it he didn't get my point.
     I snapped my fingers in front of his face. He sat up so quickly he hit my head with his own. Our heads collided I fell backwards from the force.
     Nico slapped me.
     "What the f-...."I caught myself, not on my Greek half blood camp. "Sorry, I mean.. Why the f-.... Sorry why did you just slap me?"
     "Wait.. Didn't... Nevermind.. Sorry." Nico muttered confusingly.
     "Did you pass out? What happened?" I asked before Percy arrived with the cup on water,
     "Yeah, that's what I meant." I muttered and thanked Percy for the water.
     I splashed the water on Nico's face. "That's for slapping me."
      Nico scowled and stood up. He didn't lash out, just scowled with a hint of a smile. Wait.. am I seeing right?
     "If you pass out like that you probably need to rest more, I don't think your body can take that kind of activity." I said going back to doctor mode.
     "I'm fine." Nico muttered.
"You should know that never works on doctors Di Angelo." I hissed.
"Will he just spent three days resting. I'm sure he's fine." Jason said, wait what? How long has he been standing there. "I mean I'm all for making sure Nico is safe, I just think it's.. maybe a bit excessive?" Jason continued.
"As a doctor, it's my job to make sure everyone is safe." I said with an edge of finality.
"Will, you're not even legally a doctor, you're a healer. No one under estimates your skill, but you haven't gone to medical school or anything really. Maybe he should just have taken it easy, I'm sure He'll be fine.."
"I delivered a baby. I think I'm qualified." I hissed.
"I know your qualified, you still have to go to medical sch-" I cut him off.
"I saved hundreds of demigods in both wars, I've seen death, I know what it's like to lose people, I'm the best thing this camp has to a doctor, so therefore I have the right to tell people what they need to do in order to stay alive."
Jason sighed. "Your the man Solace." He patted me on the back and walked away. That was... Awkward.
     I saw him give me a random wink before he was gone.... What the f- SHIT! Oh fuck, shit, bitch ah!!
     Don't write that!! Agh!! Delete that now!


Will just sent me off to my cabin. I sat there for a bit, not realizing it was going dark outside.
I sat up and examined the black coffin shaped bed frames. I do really need to redesign this.
Days pass, I feel like every second I'm around Will I feel stronger, I feel more complete. It was the feeling I had around Percy, except with more trust this time.
I do my best to visit Will as much as I can. Though recently he seems kind of empty, like some important part off his life has been taken away, every day he gets less and less sunny. Today, I can hardly feel his radiating warmth that usually could heat up an entire room.
"Will? A-are you sure you're okay?"
"Nico, It's nothing to worry about, I don't want you getting any stress from my problems." Will responses and played a C chord. His golden yellow blond hair seem to lay flatter on his head then the curly puff it usually is.
I crossed my legs and looked into those crystallizing blue eyes... "I don't like seeing you like this, can you at least tell me what I can do?"
"Be a good friend, and don't hurt me?" The son of Apollo smiled and his eyes twinkled for a second with their usually gleam.
"Always... Whats this called again?"


I'm gonna do it. I have to. I can't keep this up. It's only been a week and I feel so... empty. It was like she was a part of me.
Reba occasionally glanced at me, but ever since she brought me lunch a week ago, she seems she doesn't want anything to do with me..
I know, I know that she overreacted, I know what she did wasn't fair. Though this was the worst feeling I've had for a long time.. I couldn't stand being without her.
Yeah, I was gonna do it tonight, at campfire, cause otherwise it would be weird. I think... I don't know girls.
     It was 7:34pm, camp fire started at 8:00pm, and I had no idea what I was doing...
     7:42pm. I still have no idea what I'm doing.
     7:43pm. I hate myself for thinking of the idea of singing "Sorry" by Justin Beiber...
     8:59pm. I give up I'm singing sorry, with my ukulele. I have no other ideas.
     8:04. Shi.... Shoot I said shoot, I'm late.

     Solace said he was going to do something at campfire.. He didn't tell me what..
     Campfire had already started and there was no sign of him. People were leading songs up at front... No sign of Will... oh there he is.
     Like 15 minutes after campfire started Will decided to sing a song... With his ukulele..
     He strummed a nice melody at the start.
     Then he started to sing.

(AN: Het guys I'm back and I have stuff to write about. Thanks to my friend Kat for the motivation and some of the ideas. I will try to post as much as I can. Hope you enjoyed!!)

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