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I felt him approach me from behind but continued to meditate, ignoring his presence. He sat beside me in silence it was obvious he had something important to say or he would've left. I sighed and peered at him through one eye. "Ryo?"

He sat back on his hands. "When do you think they'll come for you?"

I closed my eye again. "It doesn't matter."

He huffed. "Why do you put up with it?! They cast you away and pull you back whenever it suits them!"

I knew his frustration was justified, but I didn't appreciate it in the least. "Ryo, are you done?"

He heard the threat in my tone but spoke anyway. "You have no ties to the Leaf. You were never their shinobi. You can't be considered a rogue ninj-"

"Ryo, that's enough!" Aya strolled into the cave, wary of my reaction to his words.

He glared at her. "You know it's true!"

She pulled him out of my reach in hopes that it would deter me from striking out. "It doesn't matter. She'll go back when it's time and return to us when it's time. Just trust me, okay?"

He looked between the two of us. "Bu-"

He stopped in his tracks as my chakra thread sliced his cheek and struck the wall behind him. "That's the end of this discussion. If you're unhappy, there's nothing keeping you here."

He lowered his eyes and nodded, understanding the finality in my tone. "I still don't like it." He said as Aya healed the broken flesh.

I nodded. "I understand, I don't either, but I have promises to uphold."

He stalked out of the cave, and Aya watched after him. "He doesn't understand... He's still adjusting to this. Last time you left, he was afraid you wouldn't come back to us."

I sighed. "I know, he avoided talking to me for two whole days when I returned."

Aya nodded and left me to my thoughts. This girl has come to know me well.

Well, 3 years of on and off traveling with you and your temper... Do you expect less? I looked at Kurama as he lazed in my mind.

No, I didn't choose her to accompany me for no reason. The same can be said for Ryo.

I like the boy he has guts and spirit. Don't kill him.

That was never my intention, Kurama, but he has gotten comfortable with questioning me.

You need to be questioned sometimes.

I glared at him. You're on his side?

Kurama rolled his eyes at me. Unlike your friends, you don't scare me, brat, though you can beat the hell out of me.

I smirked. You asked for it.

He sighed. You took it too far.

I'll speak with him. Zetsu hasn't come to tell me anyone from the village was coming for me, so there's still time.

Kurama eyed me cautiously. Will you really go back after last time?

I smiled at him. Of course, I never break a promise.

I exited my own mind to confront Ryo. He was sitting beside the riverbank sulking. "You really shouldn't pout like that. It's unattractive." He ignored me and stared angrily at the water. "So, you're back to not speaking to me, mature."

I sat silently thinking back to when we met.


I was running through the trees, luring my pursuers to a secluded location. When I felt another presence coming behind them, I shrugged it off. It's just an extra casualty. I came to my target location and turned to face my pursuers.

The leader stood behind his entourage. "So, tired of running?"

I gave him a blank stare. "No, I just have you exactly where I want you."

He laughed. "Please, little girl! Just come quietly, and we won't hurt you... too badly." I formed hand signs silently. "What's this? Do you think you can fight us?"

I noticed the extra person was standing back but was too close to my goal to lure him further. "Silent Barrier Jutsu." The 5 men who were pursuing me looked around in shock as a translucent, green barrier quickly surrounded us.

The leader glared at me. "You're a ninja!"

I kept my expressionless mask. "Yes and no."

He smirked. "Well, this keeps you from running, doesn't it."

I shrugged. "I'm not the one who should be running. Enough talk."

The men charged, and I stood motionless, and they surrounded me. I felt the extra person rush toward the barrier. Useless...

When the men were in range, I spun releasing chakra from my pointer and index fingers on each hand, forming chakra threads.

I saw a ripple in my barrier and frowned, but completed my task. My pursuers lay dead around me clean cuts littering their bodies. I faced the newcomer and sent a single thread toward him. He put his hands up in a sign of surrender, and I stopped short. Interesting...

He froze. "Hey, not with them." I didn't retract the thread and stared silently. "I thought you may need help, but clearly, I was wrong."

I nodded and let my chakra dissipate. "How did you pass my barrier?"

He sighed in relief and smiled proudly. "Passing barriers are my specialty, haven't found one I couldn't walk through yet." I nodded in acknowledgment and turned to leave. "Wait!"

I stopped but didn't turn around. "Yes?"

He spoke nervously. "Uh, I'm Ryo."

I started to walk again. "Kunoichi."

He followed me. "Well, clearly you are one, but what's your name?" I continued. "Can I go with you?"

I shrugged. "Won't your village miss you?"

He came up beside me. "I have no village, so no one to miss me."

I looked at him. "Do as you please."

He smiled brightly. "Thanks, what you did... I've never seen anything like it. Can you teach me?"

I shook my head. "It requires a certain ability, which you do not possess, but we can work on yours."

He nodded eagerly. "I'm cool with that."


"Kunoichi... I'm afraid if you go back."

I looked at him. "Why?"

He frowned at me. "You and Aya are the only family I've had. I told you I didn't have a village before you two."

I placed my head on my knees. "They're not that great from my experience."

His frowned deepened. "Then why go back."

I sighed. "I have promises to uphold."

He thought for a moment. "And if they make you stay next time? What, then?"

I pondered on the question. "You and Aya can come too, but that's unlikely. I plan to kill someone who will either make them try to execute or banish me." He gasped but didn't question my words. Good...

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