Chapter 22

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"Are you ready, Hinata?"

The small girl smiled, silver eyes gleaming with excitement.  "Yes, Sensei."

I ruffled her hair.  It grows so fast.  "If we push it, we'll be there in 3 days."

She nodded.  "Will the others come?"  She asked hopefully.

I chuckled.  "Of course, they want to see their little sister go to her first day of school as well."  We packed up and met the others outside the hotel under the awning.  It was rainy as usual in Amegakure, I noticed a paper angel gently flap towards us.  I plucked it from the air and read aloud. 

Safe travels, please come back soon.  Tell the little Hyuuga good luck.

I smiled and shook my head.  "Thank you, Konan, and tell Nagato we'll be back as soon as we can."  I burned the paper in my fingertips and pulled the hood of my poncho over my head.  "The sooner we leave, the sooner we get to dry weather, everyone ready?"

With everyone's nod, we left and hurried to the outskirts of the village.  When we finally reached the docks, I nodded to our ferryman and handed him the necessary documents.  "Leaving so soon?"

I nodded.  "Got places to be old timer. We'll come back, though."

He grunted.  "Stopped raining soon after you got here, starts back the day you leave.  That's good omen in my book so look for me when any of you return."

I shook his hand.  "I'll take you up on that."  We had a pleasant ride to the opposite shore and removed our cloaks to let them dry on branches.

Hinata smiled at the group.  "Chi-Sensei says you all will come see me on my first day!"  I smiled appreciating the lack of stutter.

Ryo smiled and knelt to her level.  "We sure are kid, can't let anyone pick on you."

Hinata puffed her cheeks.  "No one will."

Shisui shook his head.  "I'm not sure if I can, but I'll be close by."

Her eyes widened.  "But why?"

He frowned.  "I'm not sure if I'm ready..."

I put a hand on his shoulder.  "No one is forcing you, Shisui, but Itachi and Sasuke would love to know you are okay, at least."  He nodded solemnly, and we set off again.  Luckily, Hinata and Shisui easily got used to our fast pace in a short time.  Even with her weights, Hinata wasn't tiring.

We rested at nightfall by a small lake.  After an hour, Hinata grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the water.  "Please, show me again."

I smirked as I demonstrated how to make water needles using her chakra.  "Like this form the needles, then aim and strike.  Just as effective as senbon without the actual needles leaves less of a trace."

She scrunched her face in concentration.  Her needles slowly formed, but she lost shape when she tried to throw them.  She looked discouraged.  "I-"

"Still have to work on it and have come far from where we started."  I gave her a stern look, letting her know that doubting herself was not an option.

She clenched her fist, a new look of determination on her face.  "Then I'll try again."  I smiled and watched as she progressed.

I looked at the starry sky.  "That's enough.  We have a long way to travel tomorrow."

She aimed her last set of water needles at a nearby tree.  They held form until impact, and I nodded in approval.  She looked at me expectantly.  "Two more days, right?"

I shrugged.  "Maybe sooner if we keep this pace, but we'll see.  For now, we sleep."  She nodded and followed me back to the camp.

As she laid between me and Aya, she looked at me sleepily.  "Sensei?  Is it really safe for you to return?"

I looked up at the canopy.  "It doesn't matter... I have promises to keep." 

She frowned slightly.  "I don't have to go to the Academy."

I chuckled.  "Then don't.  I still have promises to keep."  I closed my eyes, ending the conversation.  Soon, I heard her breathing labor.  I sighed.  At least she accepted it...

The stars were still high when I woke.  I sat up, stretching and surveying my surroundings.  I still had some time to kill, so I distanced myself from the group.  I pulled out a scroll and bit my thumb drawing blood.  I swiped it over my right eye and the scroll.  "Summoning Justu!"

There was a low rumble before golden chakra leaked from my eye to the center of the scroll.  The summoning no longer felt like my eye was being gouged out, so though it was slow, we were making progress.  A humanlike Kurama stood before me. He was a grown man with fox ears and his nine tails.  His hair was wild and orange, while his eyes were piercing red.  He towered over me and stretched.

I smirked.  "Well, we're both still conscious, so... progress."

Kurama nodded before yawning and propping his elbow on my head so he could rest his head.  "Hm, I'm feeling more used to this body, sleepy though."

I scowled at him.  "You're always sleepy, you lazy fox!"

He blinked before standing upright.  "True."  His voice was deep and menacing to others, but I was very familiar with him and trusted him to a point.  Otherwise, I wouldn't dare allow him outside of his seal.

I walked a distance away.  "Okay, let's test our limits."  He shrugged and walked the opposite direction. It wasn't long before I started to feel sick, and I marked a nearby tree.  Soon, Kurama was by my side.

He rubbed his stomach uncomfortable.  "Almost 100 kilometers."

I nodded.  "Stretch for bit while I enjoy my mind to myself."  I jumped into a nearby tree.  2 months, and we can only be 100 kilometers away from each other.  Still, he is of more use to me separated from my body than in it.  I looked at Kurama, who was now lazing about in the grass.  Stupid fox...

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