Chapter 42

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Studying the scroll, I figured it'd be five days to make it to the destroyed village. "How unfortunate."

Aya looked over the scroll as well. "So, is this the place?"

I shrugged. "Not confirmed."

Shisui frowned. "So, he made an offer on something he didn't check first?"

I nodded. "Something about not needing more scandals." I rolled up the parchment. "I have something to take care of... It looks like we'll be here longer than planned."

I slipped into the night and made my way to my second home. "Damn you, Fugaku." I knocked on the door, and Sasuke answered.

He smiled when he saw me. "Chihiro, are you coming for dinner? Itachi isn't here right now, though."

I shook my head. "I have business with your father actually."

He nodded and let me pass. The aroma of rice hit me instantly. "Mikoto, it smells wonderful in here." I leaned into the kitchen doorway.

She turned beaming. "Chihiro! It's good to see you... Itachi is ou-"

I shook my head again. "Here for your husband, if he's around." She nodded her head towards his study. "Thank you."

I knocked on his door. "Enter." I went in and was met with surprise. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I sat across from him. "A friendly visit... this time. How are things in Konoha?"

He shifted uncomfortably. "Okay, I suppose."

I crossed my legs, examining my fingernails. "I got a whiff of some disturbing information..."

He leaned into his elbows. "And what was that?"

I smirked at him. "Don't play with me, Fugaku."

He frowned. "You've spoken with the Hokage then."

I tilted my head. "Yes and no. Don't worry, he didn't give me details, I found those on my own. He proposed an arranged marriage, I denied. Now, after investigating... it leads me here. "

He frowned. "Itachi is becoming... distracted in your absence."

I copied him. "So... you want us to marry. That's..."

He shook his head. "Not you and Itachi... Shisui."

My eyes widened. "That's not happening. Even if it were Itachi or any of your clan, I have no interest in marriage."

He nodded. "Yes, but I got approval from Hiashi since you were once his ward. He found the match favorable as well."

I scowled. "He has no right. What did Minato say?"

He averted his gaze. "Never asked him, but he desires you to be a part of the village."

I scoffed. "That's a no, for you and Hiashi. I leave you with the same warning as before. Please don't test my patience further."

Fugaku looked at his hands. "The clan will not be pleased."

I chuckled. "I would hate for there to be less of a clan. If anyone I care for is swept into your chaos, please know that I will not show mercy. You should inform Hiashi of this as well." I left his office and waved to Mikoto and Sasuke on my way out.

I strolled through the compound and heard a familiar voice. "I'm happy you agreed to this Itachi-kun." I smiled a bit before continuing on my way.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. "Why are you here?"

I rolled my eyes. "I had business to attend to, nothing to see here." I kept walking and was pleased Itachi didn't follow. I sat on the edge of the bridge on the Uchiha training ground. Me and Shisui? What would make that a good pair in anyone's mind.

I looked out at the smooth surface of the lake and sighed. "Uchiha are weird." Yet you can never seem to escape them for long...

They're stalkers too. Kurama chuckled. What fox?

He smirked. Would you really be so against it if it was the other one?

I looked at him, surprised. Yes.

He frowned. You seem so sure.

I shrugged and felt a slight headache coming on. I released my hair to relieve some pressure. I combed my fingers through the curls. "Time to cut this..."

I felt a small tug on it and froze. "Why would you do that?" Forget it, I'll take the headache...

I began to bunch it back up for it to be pulled loose again. I glared at Itachi. "Stop it."

He smirked. "It's gotten long... I haven't seen it down in a while."

I frowned at him. "Shouldn't you be with your date."

He ran a hand down his face. "Not a date, my mom asked me to help her."

I shrugged. "She seemed to enjoy it." I successfully pulled my hair back up, instantly feeling my headache worsen.

Itachi sat beside me. "What's wrong?"

I rolled my eyes. "Headache, I'm fine."

I felt a tug, and my hair tumbled out again. "Then don't make it worse."

I couldn't deny the relief. "Did you know?" He looked at me curiously. "About your father and Hiashi?"

He arched a brow. "What about them?"

I looked away from him. So, he didn't know either.

"Nothing now." He remained silent, and I laid back. I heard the faint rustling of pages and read the title Itachi had pulled out. "Glad you and Kakashi have different interests in books."

He chuckled. "Would it make you uncomfortable?"

I shrugged. "Never found it interesting, personally."

He glanced at me. "Hn." I started to hum until I felt the pull of sleep.

I peered at Itachi through my lashes. "We should go..."

He glanced at me again. "Not yet."

I blinked at him. "Why?" He shrugged and kept reading, making me sigh. "Uchiha, if I fall asleep, it's on you." I closed my eyes again. Why doesn't he want to go home anyway...

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