Chapter 7

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I waited for everyone to fall asleep before slipping through my window.  I walked a distance from the house before Aya and Ryo joined me.  Ryo smiled widely.  "So..."

I frowned at his barely contained excitement.  "So."

He smiled wider.  "You won't become a Leaf nin!"

I rolled my eyes.  "Why would I do that?"

Aya punched him.  "Calm down before we're caught, idiot."  She smiled at me.  "You'll stay with us."

I shrugged.  "You two just keep following me around."

Aya giggled.  "What would you do without us?"

I smirked.  "Be a heartless murderer, I suppose."

Roy's face dropped at the statement.  "That's not funny."

I tilted my head.  "But it's true."

Ryo scratched his head.  "How come no one says your name here?"

I blinked.  "What?"

Aya nodded.  "Yeah, I haven't heard your name either."

I shrugged.  "I hear my name all the time."

Ryo pouted.  "Behind closed doors, maybe."

I rolled my eyes.  "Info?"

Aya and Ryo both turned serious. This is why we worked well together. When it was time for business,  the play ended.  They detailed what they had found during the day and Danzo's movements.  When they finished, Aya furrowed her brow.  "Something is off about that man, I don't like it."

Ryo agreed.  "He's definitely hiding something more than his underground organization."

I nodded.  "I know, I need to know what.  Continue your reconnaissance tomorrow, and we will meet later tomorrow."

They nodded and departed into the trees.  I began to walk back to the house but felt an ominous stare.  I looked towards it direction.  "Orochimaru."

He stepped from the shadows. "So, you really have returned."

I suppressed a shudder as he licked his lips.  "Clearly."

He took a step forward.  "You would do nicely in my collection, girl."

I didn't move.  "No thanks."

He smiled.  "Well, I should leave you with a parting gift, at least."

I watched unafraid as his head extended toward me, slicing it down the middle with a flick of my fingers.  "I'm not the same scared girl you chased all those years ago, remember that."  I turned to leave, hearing his dark chuckle fade into the distance.

Itachi was outside when I approached the house.  "Out for a walk?"

I nodded.  "Met Orochimaru by accident and decided to come back."

Concern crossed his features.  "Are you okay?"

I shrugged.  "Should be more worried about him."

I stepped into the porch, and he looked me over.  "Please be careful."

I smiled at him. "I remember my promise, Itachi.  I have no intentions of dying anytime soon."

He relaxed.  "So you really don't want to be a ninja?"

I thought about the question.  "I'm already a ninja.  I just choose not to be one affiliated with here."

He sighed.  "So how about elsewhere?"

I shook my head.  "I'm not suited to serve one nation."

He nodded.  "The kids start at the Academy in two months."

I smiled.  "I know, I'm so excited to see them start."

A slight smile crossed his face.  "Those teachers will have their hands full."

I smiled sadly.  "I know, I feel like I've missed so much in the last six years.  It's hard to believe they're on the path to be shinobi."

He chuckled.  "Not like the training we give them helps deter that."

I went to the window and looked at the kids sprawled the floor.  "They'll make excellent nin one day."

Itachi joined me.  "Yeah, they may even become stronger than us."

I rolled my eyes.  "Maybe later in life.  Unlike us, they will lead normal lives and do things the proper way."

Itachi watched me closely.  "So graduating after the first year isn't normal?"

I scoffed.  "More normal than never attending at all, well... except the one week."  He went silent and looked to see him studying me.  "What? Is something on my face?"

He shook his head and looked away.  "Do you regret not going?"

I thought back to the year I was supposed to start attending.  "No, I went for a week before I was assigned to infiltrate the Land of Waves.  Even in that short time, I knew it wasn't for me."

Itachi looked down at me.  "Although I finished the year, I felt the same."

I gave him a small smile.  "Then became a Jonin in three years, no small feat."

He shrugged.  "Too easy, in my opinion."

I looked back at the trio.  "But it cost us... we never really had a childhood."

He sighed.  "You even less so than me."

I looked at him.  "How so, I'm twelve and your fourteen, not that big of a gap."

He took two fingers and poked my forehead.  "You're eleven."

I pouted and rubbed it.  "Not too far off."

He shook his head.  "Do you know when they'll send you off again?"

I looked down.  "I never do."

He took my hand.  "Well, let's just enjoy it while we can."  I looked at our hands confused.  Something is different about him. 

I smiled up at him regardless.  "Yeah, that sounds like a plan."

I pushed off the window and went to go back into the house, but Itachi stopped me.  "Do you want dango tomorrow... that waitress... she won't stop asking about you."

I tilted my head, remembering who he was talking about.  "Sure."  We went in after that, and he released my hand when we got to my room.  "Sleep well, Itachi."

He nodded.  "Sweet dreams, Chihiro."  I went in and closed my door.  He's acting strange, could it be because of the coup?

Kurama's deep chuckle echoed in my head.  I'll explain when you are older.

I began to change into my pajamas as I frowned at the fox.  Really?

He smirked.  You wouldn't understand...

I rolled my eyes and got under the covers.  Well, if it is the unrest within the Uchiha, I hope that he feels a little better now, but I don't think he believes me.

Kurama chuckled again.  Just sleep, brat.

I sighed.  That's all you do anyway. He curled himself into his tails, ignoring me.  Stupid fox.  I relaxed and allowed myself to drift to sleep.  Maybe I can talk to him more about it tomorrow...

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