Chapter 28

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The Uchiha compound looked exactly the same as when I first visited.  I looked around and was surprised that there were no hateful glares or whispering as I passed.  That was soon interrupted by a familiar voice.  "Itachi? Where have you been?"

I kept walking as Itachi turned.  "Izumi..."

I heard her approach him and ignored it.  "Sasuke was asking where you were..."  She must have seen me walking away.

Itachi caught up with me and grabbed my hand.  Geez, can he not grab me?  "This won't take long."

I frowned at him and pulled my hand away.  "A simple 'wait a sec' would suffice."  I crossed my arms and started looking around again, noticing the smiles and whispers directed towards the pair.  Match made in heaven...

He sighed before facing her again.  "I was busy."

She fidgeted for a bit.  "Well, at least you came home."  She glanced between the two of us.  "Are you two..."

Itachi turned and grabbed my elbow to steer me in the other direction.  I raised an eyebrow but didn't resist.  Are we two what?

Nothing.  I rolled my eyes and focused on the familiar house that loomed ahead.  He didn't bother knocking, but I stayed in the doorway.  He looked back at me before disappearing into a doorway.

His mother came out, smiling.  "Chihiro!  It's been so long.  Why are you standing out there? You know you are welcome anytime."

I smiled in return.  "Thank you.  I was summoned by Fugaku-sama yesterday..."

She stilled for a moment.  "Were you?"

I nodded.  "I may have delayed it a day.  He may not appreciate how, though."

She giggled.  "So, you are the one who evaded those men."  I shrugged and smirked.  "He's in his office dear, please stay and have dinner after?"

I thought for a moment.  "Let's see how this goes first."  She nodded as I walked further into the house, I had been there enough to know the layout.  My hand hovered at the door as I heard voices.  "I can't let you do this."

"Itachi, it's what's best for our clan."  Fugaku's tone was grave.

"The clan? What about the village?  What about Chihiro?  You know what happens if you release the Nine Tails." 

"I understand you have feelings for the girl, but this is not your choice."  Feelings?

"You know noth-"  I knocked, not wanting to listen any further.

There was a rustling.  "Come in."

I smiled as I came through the door.  "You sent for me."

Fugaku paused, suddenly unsure.  "Yes, you knocked out my men, impressive."

I nodded.  "They shouldn't have underestimated me."

A smile tugged at his lips.  "I have a question to ask you."

I tilted my head.  "Hm?"

He looked at Itachi, then back at me.  "What is your relationship?"

Both Itachi and I froze.  "Uh... I'm not sure how to respond to that."

He smirked.  "Why not?"

I blinked and frowned.  "I mean... we're friends, but you know that already."

He chuckled.  "Nothing more?"

I started feeling awkward.  "I'm not sure what you mean."

He stood and rounded his desk.  "I mean romantically."

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