Chapter 6

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I felt his surprise.  How?

Shisui asked me to stay away from your home, and I may or may not have entered his mind.  But, I want you to know Fugaku's plan will fail.

You seem so sure.

I am.

Care to explain?

I won't explain, but I'll let you guess.


Wrong.  I thought playfully.

The Sharingan can control the Nine Tails.

To a point.

When you were in the hospital, a golden chakra surrounded your eyes when it activated.


You unlocked the Mangekyo Sharingan the night he was sealed.


I suspect you plan to use it to protect Kurama.

Something like that.

How do you know it will work?

His eyes are weaker than mine.


I'm telling you so you don't do anything stupid, Itachi.


I don't know, but remember your promise.  I'll take care of the rest.

You shouldn't do this alone.

I'm never alone, Uchiha.  I left him to his thoughts and began to think over the past six years.  It was hard at first, but I came to love my life away from the village.  I made friends and of those who knew my secret no one ever judged or shunned me for it. My skills expanded exponentially with every new encounter.  I knew I made the right decision, I could only hope those who wanted me to stay would accept it.

I felt myself being carried and lazily opened my eyes.  "I can walk."


I chuckled.  "One day, I'll be too big for this."

I felt Itachi's smirk.  "That would require some growth first."  I pinched his side and pouted into his back.  "It's true."  I snuggled into his shirt and felt him tense.

I blinked.  "What's wrong?"

He relaxed.  "Nothing."

I clicked my tongue.  "Liar."  He continued to carry me in silence. When we arrived at the house, he raised his hand to knock.  "After all these years, you still knock?"

He shrugged and knocked anyway.  Naruto and Sasuke opened the door, arguing who made it there first.  I shook my head, smiling.  "I think Itachi made it to the door first since he knocked."

Their eyes widened, and then they scowled.  "No fair!"  Itachi set me down and turned to leave.  "You can stay too."

He hesitated.  "My pare-"

"Already informed."  Minato popped his head out of the kitchen.  Itachi looked between all of us and nodded.

Naruto threw his hands up in the air and did some sort of dance.  "Namikaze- Uchiha sleepover in progress!"

Sasuke punched him.  "It's Uchiha-Namikaze, dobe."

I pushed past the two as they began to bicker again.  "Whatcha doing, Minato?"

He went back into the kitchen.  "Cooking, of course."

I sat at the island.  "Sorry about dinner."

His face darkened.  "It wasn't anything you did.  I'm just happy to have you home. What have you been doing these last two months?"

I shrugged.  "A little of this and that.  Ibiki already has the intel."

He nodded.  "The elders..."

I shook my head.  "Will do what they have always done."

He nodded and dropped the subject.  "There are rumors..."

I knew where this was headed.  "About?"

Itachi took the seat next to me after getting the boys to settle down and play nice.  "A trio of shinobi who are completing S class missions for many nations."

I blinked in surprise.  "They must be strong."

Minato placed the plates on the counter, and I took two to the boys.  When I returned, his face was serious.  "They say it's a bunch of kids, nameless and villageless."

I scrunched up my face.  "That's hard to believe."

They exchanged a glance.  "So you know nothing about it?"

I shrugged.  "Have you seen me with anyone else?"

Itachi sighed.  "No, but you're good at covering your tracks."

I nodded.  "Well, do they have descriptions of these shinobi?"

Minato shook his head. "Apparently, whoever strikes a contract with them forgets their names and appearance when the contract is complete.  It's said that's part of the deal."

I sat back in the chair.  "Then how do they know it's kids, or even that there are three of them?"

Itachi watched me carefully.  "The only thing that anyone can remember is that they were young, looked unfit for the job, and that there were three."

I crossed my arms in pretend contemplation.  "I would like to meet them, they sound interesting."  The two exchanged another glance but fell silent.  I was putting the dishes in the sink when there was a knock on the door.  I went to answer it and smiled at our new guests.

I was immediately wrapped in a hug.  "Sister, father said I could stay tonight."

I patted her head.  "Well, that's wonderful."

Isamu hovered in the doorway.  "Can I speak to you outside?"

I directed Hinata to where the boys were and followed him out.  "Lord Hyuuga proposes a test."  I waited for the rest of his explanation.  "He wants you to test Neji, Hinata, and Hanabi to choose your student."

I scoffed.  "He wants to prove a point."

Isamu shrugged.  "That's all he would tell me."

I nodded.  "Thank you, by the way, I know training Hinata is... a process."

He smiled at that.  "It is since even I can not even comprehend your style. The clansmen have been pouring over the books to understand how to do it, but to no avail.  Lady Hinata, however, is in the works of getting it.  Maybe not as quickly as you, but she has true potential."

I smirked.  "Hiashi doesn't understand that it takes a certain chakra character in order to do it.  Hanabi lacks it, I haven't observed Neji."

He nodded.  "Even though he is from the branch family, he is considered a genius.  He picks up on things almost as fast as you."

I shook my head.  "Main family, branch family... I hate that about the Hyuuga it's demeaning."

Isamu shrugged.  "You don't have to worry about it, though.  Hiashi can't place the cage seal on you."

I looked toward the house.  "But he can place it on Hinata, and that I will not stand for."  I will protect you, little one. The question is how...

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