Chapter 5

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I turned as I heard all of the chairs slide back in unison.  The entire party was following me out, and it made my cheeks hot.  I turned to leave and sighed in relief as my face was hit with cool air.  When the last of them filed out, I frowned at them.  "You don't have to do that. You all were enjoying your meals."

Minato put a hand on my shoulder.  "You should've said something sooner. We could have fixed it."

I shook my head.  "I was told I couldn't enter at the door. There was no fixing it."  Minato looked shocked, and I only shrugged.  "So, what next?"

Shisui looked around.  "You need to eat."

I shrugged.  "I have no appetite for food, right now."  They all looked at me in shock but said nothing.  "Maybe we should all disperse and try again tomorrow."

Minato shook his head.  "Let's go to the lake, I have news for everyone."  Everyone looked curious and followed him to the lake.  The surface was flat and perfectly reflected the night sky.  Everyone settled on the grass while Itachi and I took a seat on a rock.  A fire was built to ward off the cold.

I broke the silence.  "So..."

He smiled.  "What would you say to becoming an official Leaf nin?"  I blinked as everyone started smiling.

Naruto jumped up.  "That's great!"

Shisui nodded.  "About time."  Kakashi and Sasuke only nodded in approval.

Itachi was the only one to sense my discomfort.  What's wrong?

I shook my head, lowering my gaze.  "No."

Everyone stopped in their tracks, shocked. "No?"

I looked at each of them. The majority of the people I cared for here were looking at me in disbelief.  "No, I don't want this. Please don't misunderstand.  I love each and every one of you, I would lay down my life for yours in addition to a few other people here in this village."  I sighed.  "But I hate it here, I can't don a headband that states my life belongs to the Leaf.  I will not lie and say that I would die to protect this village because if not for you, I would never return."

They all sat in silence.  "Besides... there are others across the Five Great Nations that I care for as well.  Quite frankly, I would choose them over this village, which would make me a traitor if that time ever came."

Minato nodded, but there were tears threatening to fall.  "I... I'll support your decision and I'm sorry."

I smiled at him.  "You have done nothing wrong."

Shisui furrowed his brow.  "Then why allow the fox to be sealed within you?"

I met his gaze.  "I chose Minato and Naruto and all of you.  If none of you were in danger, my choice would've been different.  No offense to Kurama, of course. He has been a good companion over the years.  However, it was never for the village as a whole, only the select few."

Itachi looked up at me.  "I support you as well."  Naruto and Sasuke voiced their agreement after him.

Shisui looked torn.  "So, what happens now?"

I shrugged.  "Life continues as it has.  I'll be sent to infiltrate villages and return when told."

He frowned at me.  "Until you don't.  If something happened to you, no one would know where your home is, and we would know nothing.  And if you deci-"

"I will always return to all of you. That will never change."  I got up and knelt before him.  "Home is where the people you love are, so yes, the Leaf is one of my homes. However, so are the Sand, Mist, Rain, among other villages across the nation."

Kakashi shifted uncomfortably.  "So you have people waiting for you in those places too."

I smiled at him.  "Yes, I have sensei, students, little brothers and sisters, and friends who wait for my return.  I have not been spending my time idly waiting for the elders to bring me back."

Naruto grabbed my arm.  "I have other siblings?"

I laughed.  "Yes, and they all know that there are others like them without knowing who you are."

Sasuke looked puzzled.  "Why?"

I reached over and ruffled his hair.  "To protect you from the enemies I've made.  Maybe one day, you will meet some of them."

They smiled and nodded.  Shisui, however, still had reservations.  "They will label you as a traitor."

I shook my head.  "It would be unjustified.  I was never affiliated with the Konoha, I can never be a rogue nin so long as I never align myself with a village."  Shisui body flickered away.  "I'm sorry, Shisui..."  Give him time.

I felt Ryo amongst the trees, I knew he was having a private celebration at my words.  I stood and took Minato's hands.  "I'm sorry, and I'm thankful for all you have done for me.  My loyalties haven't changed."

He smiled sadly.  "I wish I could have protected you better."

I wiped a tear from his face.  "Minato, you and Kushina were the first to protect me.  The first people I considered family and the ones who rescued me from my personal hell.  You have done more than enough for me, and I will repay you ten times over."

He shook his head.  "I owe you my life and the life of your brother that is more than enough."

Naruto pulled my sleeve.  "What are you guys talking about, Sis?"

I put a hand on his head.  "When you are older, little brother, I will explain."

Kakashi clapped my shoulder.  "You will do great things."  I put my hand on his and nodded.

Minato stood.  "It's time for bed, Naruto.  Come home when you're ready."

Sasuke tapped his leg.  "Can I stay the night with you guys?"

Minato smiled.  "Of course, anytime."  The trio left, leaving Itachi and I alone, save for the sentry in the trees.  I approached the lake and lay in the grass.  I'm sorry, Itachi.

He lounged on the rock, looking at the lake.  So am I.

I looked at the night sky and admired the stars.  Itachi... how have you been?

They keep me busy.

I know about the coup d'etat.

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