Chapter 25

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"Hey, Sis?"  Naruto was poking my side as we waited for our ramen.  I glanced at him.  "Are they gonna follow you around the entire time you're here?"

I rolled my eyes.  "And if they do?"

He pouted.  "I know Hinata, but those two are... well..."

I plucked his head.  "You don't know them.  So, stop, brat."

His fake tears started streaming.  "They don't talk!"

I sighed.  "They do. They are getting used to actually being in this village.  Let them adjust."

He slumped in his chair.  "Fine."

I giggled.  "Jealous?"

He turned his head pouting.  "No."

I nudged his side.  "Brat."

"Well, it has been a while since he's seen you."  Minato chuckled as he took a seat next to Naruto.

Ryo and Aya exchanged sad glances, and Hinata smiled.  "Hello, Lord Fourth."

He smiled back.  "Well, you sure have grown Hinata.  Hopefully, you're doing okay away from the village."

She nodded.  "People are mostly nice, and I've learned a lot."

I ruffled her hair.  "She's excelling at her training and building some much needed confidence."

Ryo patted her on the back proudly.  "She'll be an excellent shinobi one day."

Aya nodded in agreement.  "Yeah, she's smart and works so hard."

Naruto looked at both in surprise.  "You do talk."

Ryo pursed his lips.  "Well, yes, we aren't mute."

Aya playfully hit his shoulder.  "Don't tease the kid."

Naruto narrowed his eyes.  "Why do you even hang around my sister anyway?  What do you want from her?"

I hit Naruto in the head.  "Naruto, stop it."  Ryo opened his mouth to speak, but I glared at him, making him stop in his tracks.  "Don't you dare answer that."

Aya playfully covered her ears.  "My poor virgin ears can't take the honesty."

I smiled at her.  "Really? You?"

She paled. "I have no clue what you are talking about."

I smirked.  "Oh really?"

"6 miso ramen up!"  I smiled at Ayame as she put the bowls in front of us.  "Chihiro! How have you been?"

Ryo and Aya froze and turned to me in shock.  "Chihiro?!"

I nodded to her.  "I've been well, I've missed the ramen here."

Ryo and Aya exchanged glances.  "Chihiro?"  I continued to ignore them, and Naruto glared at them.

We ate in silence, other than seldom whisper between the two, until Naruto slammed down his chopsticks.  "What're you two whispering about? It's like you didn't even know her name."

I giggled.  "That's because they didn't."

Minato blinked.  "Really?  How long have you all been traveling together?"

Aya scratched her cheek.  "Over three years now, and Ryo came along a little less than a year ago."

Naruto glowered at them after he finished his first bowl.  "Wow, what have you been calling her?"

They looked at each other and then back at him.  "Kunoichi..."

His cheeks puff up before he burst out laugh.  "Kunoichi! As in girl ninja?! That's so..."

Minato furrowed his brow.  "As in Kunoichi... of the Chakra Thread."  I slowly ate my noodles in response, glancing at Minato.  "You're an S rank nin in the bingo books."  I finished eating and sat back, pursing my lips and playing with my chopsticks.  "Chihiro, you're eleven."

I sighed.  "Twelve."  Aya and Ryo looked at each other in concern.

Minato blinked in confusion.  "Almost twelve, anywa-."

I shook my head.  "Nope, a full twelve.  I spent my birthday hunting down some bandits that were terrorizing people in Snow Country."

Minato's eyes widened before he lowered his gaze.  "I'm sorry, I didn't..."

I shrugged.  "I wasn't here, I haven't been here for my birthday the last 4 years.  I completely screwed up this year, so..."

Suddenly, arms were draped around my shoulders.  "No worries, Lord Fourth.  We celebrated in style when we completed our mission."  Shisui gave me a little squeeze before letting me go.

I rolled my eyes.  "How was it?"

He backed up, and I saw Itachi and Sasuke behind him.  "It went well, actually."

Minato frowned.  "Shisui?"

He smiled.  "In the flesh.  It's been a while."

"But how?"  His shock was evident.

Shisui cleared his throat.  "That's a story for a more private setting."

I slid off my stool.  "I'm leaving."  Ryo, Aya, Shisui, and Hinata exchanged a glance before nodding.  I strode past the Uchiha when Itachi caught my arm.  I blinked up at him.  "Happy belated birthday and... thank you."

I smiled at him before pulling my arm away.  "Thank you, Itachi."  I body flickered, not wanting to be stopped again.  I feel light-headed.

Kurama stirred.  Used more chakra than usual.


I sat at the edge of the cliff and watched the waterfall.  In four days I won't see this place for a long time.

You seem at odds.

I have no love for this village, just certain people in it.

You were hurt. Minato forgot your birthday.

Yeah, it's not his fault, though.

Shisui was the only reason anyone knew... except Itachi, of course.

He's a good friend.  I'm happy I was there that night.

For Shisui or Itachi?

I thought about his question for a moment.  For both of their sakes.

Well, don't look now, but some Uchiha are about to disturb your peace.

I looked behind me, and men I didn't recognize were approaching.  "Fugaku-sama wants to speak with you, girl."

I blinked up at them.  "About?"

One of them sneered.  "You will come with us quietly, or we will force you, your choice."

I frowned.  "You really think it'll be that easy?"

They began to fan out in order to surround me.  "Resisting is useless."

I rolled my eyes.  "You trying to capture me is useless."  I didn't even bother to stand as they closed in.  When they were closed enough, I spun to my feet, releasing chakra as I went.  They all fell to the ground unconscious.  "Told you."

I started back toward the village.  I'll visit Fugaku tomorrow after I rest... bothersome Uchiha...

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