Chapter 32

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We stood on the Hyuuga training grounds waiting for Hanabi to arrive.  "Sensei, if I fai-"

I shook my head.  "Don't doubt yourself, but don't forget who you are either.  You have no desire to hurt Hanabi, which will make you hold back. She's not so kind."  I felt familiar chakra signatures approaching.  "That didn't take long..."

The newcomers looked a little confused, and Hinata smiled at them.  "He wants me to spar with my sister."

I looked at the group.  "You'd think you guys were coming to war the way you rushed here and with this many people."

Minato frowned.  "It's rare that you leave Lord Hyuuga without something bad happening."

I smirked.  "So, you bring two and a half Uchiha, one and a half Namikaze, and 2 outsiders?"

He sighed.  "They were already waiting for you outside when I was leaving."

I blinked.  "Really?  Why?"

Shisui crossed his arms.  "That's not important right now.  Hinata, are you sure about this?"

She nodded.  "I want to see how far I've come."

The grounds started to fill with Hyuuga, Hiashi, and Hanabi.  Hiashi frowned.  "Did you need to call them to assist?"

I shrugged, crossing my arms.  "You brought an audience, I thought it was an open invitation."  Hinata walked to the center of the field and waited.

Hanabi looked at her father.  "She's changed..."

He chuckled.  "Still a weakling, don't let her fool you."  If his words hurt or angered her, Hinata showed no signs of it she was relaxed, patiently waiting for her opponent.  Good girl...

Hanabi joined her elder and nodded her head.  "Sister?"

Hinata did the same.  "Sister."  Hanabi took her stance, and Hinata waited, which confused her.  I watched as Hiashi activated his Byuakugan at the same time the duo did.  He's curious...

Hanabi rushed forward, and Hinata dodged beautifully before countering.  Ryo came beside me.  "She won't kill her, will she?"

I smiled and shook my head.  "She's her sister. She won't hurt her... too bad.  I may train her, but she is not me by any means."

Aya and Shisui joined us, and we watched as our protégé skillfully dodged and blocked her opponent's attacks. Hiashi's frown deepened.  "Hanabi, don't hold back!"

Hanabi flinched but attacked harder.  Hinata simply sidestepped and deflected her strikes.  Minato was watching with interest.  "Will she attack?"

I shrugged.  "When she's ready, I suppose, or she'll just wait til Hanabi tires.  This is her fight, I won't interfere unless it gets dangerous."

Hanabi stopped her attacks.  "So, all you've been taught is how to avoid attacks?  That's worthless."

I clicked my tongue as a glint appeared in Hinata's eyes.  "Wrong move."  Hanabi attacked again, and Hinata deflected it and struck her side.  Hanabi backed up as Hinata took a familiar stance.

Hanabi laughed and approached carelessly.  "That's useless, Sister.  You've never been able t-"

Hinata's voice was barely a whisper.  "Eight Trigrams..."  Her next movements were a blur.  "8 palms..."  She struck eight chakra points, catching Hanabi off guard.  "16 palms..."  Hanabi caught her bearings and jumped out of range after the fourth hit.

Hinata wasn't letting up and focused her chakra on the dew surrounding her.  Water needles formed.  "Water style..."  Hanabi's eyes widened as she dodged the makeshift senbon.

She landed.  "So... you have changed."  I felt a shift in Hinata's chakra that made me uncomfortable.  She rushed her sister and, formed hands signs.

I frowned.  "This isn't good."

She jumped.  "Fire style:  Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"  Balls of fire were aimed in Hanabi's direction. She dodged all, but one.

As Hanabi was recovering, I saw Hinata run toward her a large amount of chakra concentrating in her palms.  She barely dodged the first strike, but Hinata extended her chakra's reach, grazing Hanabi's abdomen.

Shisui shifted uncomfortably.  "Hinata!"

She didn't pause and went to strike again.  Hanabi sustained another near miss and stumbled, coughing blood.  I took a step forward. "Aya..."  She understood and prepared herself.  "Hinata, enough!"  When she didn't even hesitate, I threw a hand up.

Her hands struck ice, and she recoiled in pain as I appeared in front of her.  "Hinata, stop."  I looked behind me as the ice cracked.  She was aiming for her heart...

Aya was at Hanabi's side, healing her.  "She'll be fine. he just needs some rest."

I nodded and glared at my student.  "What were you thinking?"  Hiashi was stunned, as well as everyone who hadn't seen her in the last couple of months.

She blinked up at me.  "She disrespected all of you."  Her eyes widened when she saw her sister's state.  "I... I'm sorry."

I closed my eyes as I took down the barrier.  "It's not me you need to apologize to..."  I looked at Hanabi, who was staring at her sister in wonder.  "Let's call it a draw."

Hinata nodded as Hanabi frowned.  "She clearly beat me."

Her sister shook her head.  "I lost control of my emotions.  I won physically, but you got me mentally."

Shisui came up to us. "We never intended for you to go from timid to raging.  We'll work on it."

Ryo scratched his cheek.  "And you need to spend less time with that one.  Almost really hurting someone because they offended us is something she would do."

I gaped at him.  "That's... possibly accurate."

Naruto ran up to Hinata and hugged her.  "That was amazing!  Wish Chihiro would teach me cool stuff, too!"  She blushed, which made me chuckle.

I rubbed my temples.  "Minato teaches you just fine."

Hiashi approached slowly.  "So, seems you have grown..."

She gave him a blank stare.  "Not enough, clearly."

He thought for a moment.  "You start the Academy tomorrow.  You may stay he-"

She shook her head quickly.  "No."

I frowned at him.  "You see she has far exceeded your expectations and all of the sudden want her to return?"

Minato stepped in.  "If she would like, she can stay in with us."

Hiashi furrowed his brow.  "First, Chihiro... now, Hinata.  Should I be concerned?"

Minato shrugged.  "You basically shunned these kids out of your clan.  It's this, or they'd be orphans."

Hiashi turned to leave frowning.  "Possibly, let's go, Hanabi, we have things to do."  She's probably in trouble... 

I never particularly like her because she adopted the same arrogant air that her father and a lot of the Hyuuga had.  I despised that they believed they were superior to other based on a bloodline ability.  I also hated the caste system of the main and side braches.

We all watched as the Hyuuga cleared the field.  I turned to Hinata.  "You need to rest." 

She nodded and fiddled with her fingers.  "I didn't mea-"

Ryo ruffled her hair.  "We've all done it... Just gotta do better."  She smiled and nodded.  I wonder... will she choose to stay...

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