Chapter 44

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I stood outside the Academy, waiting on my little trio. "I don't know how they enjoy this day in and out."

I saw Izumi approaching and made it a point not to look her way. It didn't help, however. "Waiting on your brother?"

I glanced at her. "And others..."

She frowned. "Well, I'm here to get Sasuke for his mom."

I shrugged. "Okay."

She pulled at her hair. "Why are you still here?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you still talking to me? I've done nothing to you."

She huffed. "Well, if yo -" My saving grace came in the form of the bell. Kids starting pouring from the school and Hinata, Naruto, and Sasuke came up to me.

I smiled at them. "Ready to go?" They all nodded. "Sasuke, Mikoto sent Miss Izumi to take you home."

He pouted. "I wanna go with you guys."

I chuckled and kissed his forehead. "Go, I'll come for you later."

He blushed, crossing his arms and averting his gaze. "Where's Itachi?"

I plucked his forehead. "On a mission, now... don't be rude."

He rubbed his forehead while following Izumi. "Worse than he is..."

I giggled. "Let's go, you two." We went to Minato's, and the house was vacant.

Naruto frowned. "Where's dad? He's supposed to train me today."

I shrugged. "Everyone is on a mission, I'll train you if that's what you want."

He smiled. "Really?! I wanna lea-"

I raised my hand. "Clones... you struggle with it from my understanding."

He frowned. "That's so stupid!"

I narrowed my gaze. "It's what you need to pass the Academy, Naruto."

He sighed. "Fine, but I wanna learn something else after!"

I used a stool to prepare a snack for them, and then we went to the clearing. "Okay, show me what you got." I watched as he made the hands signs and screwed up his face in concentration. After a massive chakra struggle, a deformed Naruto appeared.

I raised an eyebrow. "Well... it is you..."

He frowned. "Told you it's stupid."

I shook my head. "You need to learn it." I had him do it again and realized what the problem was. "Okay, so your chakra control sucks."

He scowled at me. "So."

I shook my head. "Not every jutsu can work if you overload it with chakra... this is one of them."

He huffed. "So what?"

I sighed. Your handicap is worse than I thought. "Try less."

He attempted again with the same results. He'd be more suited for shadow clones... but he'd make a ton. "Ok backtrack, how much has Minato shown you about chakra control?"

Naruto scratched his head. "I'm no good at that either." I face palmed. Dammit Minato.

I looked at Hinata. "Go over the water needles. This may take a while."

Naruto frowned. "No fair since she trains with you all the time."

I shook my head. "You have a... delicate chakra system." His frown deepened. "If it makes you feel any better, I was never able to make normal clones either, but I need Minato's permission to teach you otherwise."

He smiled. "So, there's a way."

I nodded. "But that's for a different time. Right now, you need to learn chakra control. You won't like it." I was right. I had Naruto meditating for one whole minute before he started complaining. I giggled. "It has a purpose, Little Bird. Focus." That bought me three more minutes before someone came into the clearing.

Isamu bowed his head slightly. Reflex... need to fix that. "Lord Hyu-"

"Better have sent you with more than a summons to save us both time." His face didn't change as he shook his head, and I turned to the duo. "Training is cut short... go back to Minato's, I'll come for you." They both nodded and scurried off.

I frowned at Isamu. "This better be good." He shrugged, and we set off. The compound was cold as always. Hiashi stood over the training grounds watching Hanabi. "You called?"

He glanced at me before looking back at his youngest. "I've agreed to arrange a marriage between you and the Uchiha."

I smirked. "I refused the Hokage and Fugaku. What makes you think I would agree with you."

I felt his annoyance. "It's what's best for both clans."

I shrugged. "I have nothing to do with either, nor the affairs of the village."

He glared at me. "Then it will be Hinata."

I laughed. "You have no right."

He was furious. "She's my daughter."

I turned to him, giving him a deadly stare. "You disowned her, Hiashi. Don't forget what almost happened the last time you went behind my back concerning her. No one will save you next time."

A hint of fear flashed through his eyes. "You think you will always be around to protect her? She's in the Academy now."

I smirked. "So clueless. For my entertainment try to arrange a marriage, just to watch it fail." With that, I turned to leave. I heard Hiashi curse under his breath before I was out of earshot.

I headed straight for Sasuke's house and knocked on the door. "So, you really did come for him?"

I faced Izumi. "I told him I would."

She sneered. "His parents want you nowhere near him."

I sighed, knowing there was no truth behind her words. "I really don't know what your problem is. What did I ever do to you?"

She frowned as Mikoto answered. "Chihiro! Sasuke said you sent him ahead with Izumi."

I smiled and nodded. "I was told you sent her for him."

Her eyes widened. "If hadve known you were waiting, I would have let him stay. She offered since Itachi is on a mission."

I shrugged. "Well, I'm here for him now as promised. I hope he helped you with some chores."

Izumi was fuming behind me, and Mikoto blinked at her. "Oh, Izumi, thank you again for getting Sasuke. And yes, he helped, but I think it's only because he knew you would ask."

I giggled. "Brat." Sasuke suddenly appeared beside his mom.

He tugged her sleeve. "Can I go?" She smiled and nodded.

He took my hand and steered me away from the house. "Let's train since Itachi can't." I shook my head and waved back to the duo behind us. These kids...

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