Chapter 43

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The sun burned bright through my eyelids. "Hmmm..." I attempted to turn away but was wrapped up in something. I blinked, looking up into Itachi's face. "Why does this keep happening?"

Itachi stirred. "Awake already?"

I frowned at him. "When I said it was on you, I didn't mean literally." I heard a door open and turned to see Sasuke, blushing wildly.

He shook himself and left the room. "Never mind." I tried to get up, but Itachi tightened his grip.

I struggled. "Let go, Uchiha."

He didn't move. "Not awake yet." I scowled at him as his eyes closed again.

I huffed. "Itachi... this is inappropriate, even I know that."

He sighed and released me. "Mom will want you to stay for breakfast."

I scowled at him. "She knows I'm here?" He shrugged and turned over. "Does she know where I slept?"

He didn't turn. "They saw me bring you up here."

I gaped at him. "And they just let you?"

He shrugged again. "I didn't ask."

I pushed him. "Itachi!"

He reached over and poked my forehead. "I'm trying to sleep, Chihiro."

I pushed him again. "You're not worri-"

I was snatched onto the bed and restrained. "Sleep."

I struggled. "Stop it!" Suddenly, I felt frightened.

He opened an eye. "Why?"

I could tell he was teasing, but I fought harder. "Itachi, let go now!" I felt bile rise in my throat.

He noticed I was panicking and let me go, sitting up. "Chihiro..." I didn't bother to acknowledge him, I just felt I needed to leave fast. I jumped from the bed, and out of his window, I ran as far as my legs would carry me.

When I finally collapsed, I was I'm the middle of the forest. I tried to calm my heart, but to no avail as memories flooded my mind.


I was tackled to the ground. "No use in running, little girl." I struggled as I was bound and gagged, a sharp pain lanced through the back of my head, and I tried to maintain consciousness. Minato, Shisui, Itachi, where are you?

I awoke again to see a man sitting in front of me. "She'll fetch a good price, pretty thing."

There was a grunt behind me. "Exotic looking too... curly hair, purple eyes." Fear had a vice grip on my throat, and I thrashed, struggling for freedom. "Ho ho, she's awake."

The first man smiled down at me lecherously. "No one here to keep you safe, girl?" Terror ripped at my chest.

The other man came into my field of view. "How lucky for us... a pretty girl like you traveling alone..."

Why didn't they come for me? It was the most fear I'd ever experienced, I struggled harder as tears began to stream down my face.

I knife was at my throat. "Keep squirming, and I'll have to hurt you, girl... don't want to mess up good merchandise." I froze and tried to think past my fear. Why did they leave me alone?

You need to calm down and think, kid.

They abandoned me, Kurama.

Stop it. He was furious. They didn't, and this is not the time.

I felt a tug at my ropes. "May as well see just how good of a price we can get..." My hands and feet were tied to a bed.

A female scoffed. "Her value will be lessened..."

He shrugged. "No one has to know." The fear made my mind go numb. Kurama...

Shut it off.

What? I couldn't process his words.

Your emotions, your thoughts, your attachments, shut them off now. You need to be able to think.


I watched as a single tail wrapped itself around me, I felt like I was being drained. Give them to me.

I gave in and felt as though I was emptied out. "Now, let's see." He tugged on my shirt, and I glared at him. "Still have fight left, huh?" He back handed me, and all I felt was rage.

He stumbled back as gold and purple chakra began to seep out of me. "What is this?" I was blinded as there was an explosion of chakra. When my head hit the ground, I passed out.


I was shaking. What?

Kurama grimaced. It was sooner than I thought...

I curled into a fetal position. What happened... the truth.

He sighed. I took over...


The effects were... also not anticipated. You lost a part of yourself.

I blinked at him. They were going to hurt me... I understand.

He gave me a sideways glance. You've been slowly getting it back.

I sighed. I'm not sure if I want it all back. So, was it just a bad year?

He averted his gaze. You'll find out soon enough.

I looked at him curiously. If that's what you think is best.

I heard footsteps and tensed, pulling a kunai. Itachi emerged and was moving closer, but she froze, unsure of what to do. "I..."

I put my blade away, looking at the ground. "It wasn't your intention to harm me. I... overreacted."

He shook his head. "I took it too far."

I sighed. "You couldn't have known... I just found out myself."

His eyes widen. "You were..."

I shook my head. "Kurama saved me. It came at a cost. I'd pay it again if I had to."

I stood. "Let's go back. Your mom is probably looking for us." He nodded, and we made our way back to the village. So, now I know fear... and anger I have never forgotten...

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