Chapter 40

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A knock on the door tore me from my thoughts.  Aya answered it, and the Third Hokage stood before us.  I looked at him suspiciously as he entered.  "Good, it seems everyone's here."

Ryo eyed him.  "Can we help you?"

He took a seat at the table.  "Yes and no."

I didn't move from the window, and Minato raised an eyebrow.  "What do you need, Lord Hokage?"

He looked over to me.  "You leave tomorrow..."

I rolled my eyes and looked back out the window.   "I'm aware."

"Where will you go?"  He had a mild interest in his voice, and I shrugged.  "Chihiro, would you like to stay?"

Everyone froze except me, I glared at the old man.  This is never good... "On what condition..."

He held my gaze, calm.  "You become a Leaf nin... and an arranged marriage."

It felt as though my stomach was boiling.  "I refuse."

He sat back in his seat.  "Even if that means the village will be in danger."

I was trying to hold my rage, clenching my teeth.  "I refuse, Hiruzen."

He didn't look surprised.  "You won't even hear the terms..."

I balled my fists.  How dare he... who does he think...

Calm down, kid.

I glared at him.  And if I don't?

He is not your enemy, and he doesn't know you... calm down or leave.

I turned back to the window and opened it.  Minato stood.  "Where are you go-"  I leaped and ran as fast as I could, but someone chose to follow.  I ignored them and passed through the gates.

I was well past the waterfall before I slowed, trying to control my emotions.  "Breathe..."  I clutched my head as memories that were not mine started to surface. 

I saw an alter... a wedding?

But the feeling of dread was palpable. The man that stood at the altar sneered as I approached... I hated him that much was evident.

I was pulled to another memory... the same man backhanded me, and I tumbled to the floor.  "You're mine now."  A different memory surfaced, I was pushed onto a bed, blood spattered over my clothes... 

"Chihiro!"  I felt myself being shaken.  "Chihiro, please."  I blinked up at him, tears running down my face.  "Chihiro..."  Itachi tried to embrace me, but I flinched back.  "What..."  His arms fell helplessly to his sides.

I was trying to catch my breath while suppressing my fear.  "Itachi... I can't..."  He simply nodded and reached for my hand.  I looked up at him again as I started to calm down.  "I'm afraid..."

He tilted his head.  "Of..."

I looked back at the ground.  "I don't know."

He put a hand on my head and pulled me forward.  He rested his lips on my forehead.  "It's okay.  You're safe right now."

I closed my eyes.  Safe? 

Another memory tugged at me. This time, it was mine.  "No one here to keep you safe, girl?"  Terror ripped at my chest.

Another man came into my field of view.  "How lucky for us... a pretty girl like you traveling alone..."

Why didn't they come for me? It was the most fear I'd ever experienced, but I also felt betrayed.  My head started pounding, ripping me away from the memory.  I clutched it and my chest.  Kurama...

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