Chapter 26

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I walked into the interrogation building and was talking to the receptionist.  "Ibiki is busy right now, I can tell him you came."

I frowned.  "Guess it's different now that I'm officially banished."  She nodded sadly, and I shrugged.  "He'll find me."

I walked outside and sighed as I went to find something to do.  I saw a shift in the buildings' shadow and turned to it.  "Are we back to stalking now, Itachi?"

He walked slowly toward me.  "Hn."

I smiled.  "Be careful now. People may get the wrong idea."  He tilted his head and shrugged.  I giggled.  "Suit yourself, Uchiha."  I walked toward the dango shop, and he fell in step.

As we sat down, the waitress came over.  "Chihiro!  It's been so long."

I smiled cheerily.  "Anything special cooked up today?"

She smiled.  "We have a green tea flavored dango, I don't think you've tried it."  I nodded eagerly, and she looked at Itachi.  "And the usual for you, I'm sure.  I missed you bringing her here. Where else would you take your date?"

I covered my mouth, shaking with laughter as Itachi blushed and looked down.  "We're... just friends."  I said between giggles.

She smirked.  "Maybe..."

She walked away, shaking her head as I poked Itachi's side.  "She thinks I'm your date, Uchiha."  I giggled. "Does she not like your girlfriend?  You were here with her yesterday."

He picked a menu and buried his face in it.  "She's not my girlfriend, and she just showed up."

I playfully pulled at his menu.  "Aw, come on, no fair."

He held on tight, amusement in his voice.  "Stop it, Chihiro."

I giggled again.  "Make me."  I dove under the menu and popped up on the other side.  "Ah, so this is what you're hiding."  I pinched his pink cheeks. They had gotten lighter, but my sudden intrusion set them on fire again.

He pinned my hands to my sides and smirked.  "Never knew when to stop."

I shook my head.  "Nope."


His face returned to its normal stoic expression as he turned around.  "Izumi."

I pulled my wrists from his hands and returned to my seat as she looked back and forth between us.  "I was wondering... if everything was okay... after earlier."

He blinked before turning back around.  She frowned at me as I drew designs on the table with my finger.  "Why didn't you just show me the documents?" 


I ignored her and continued.  "Excuse me."

I pursed my lips and said nothing.  Please don't cause another scene. 

"You deserve it, you know. Everything that's happened to you, you deserve."  I grabbed Itachi's pant leg as he was about to turn.

I sighed.  "Please, let's not cause a scene."  She glared at me.  "It didn't end too well for you last time."

The waitress returned with our food frowning.  "Is there a problem?"

Izumi looked at her before turning to leave.  "Just don't cause any trouble."

I smiled at her sweetly.  "Me? Trouble?  Wouldn't dream of it."  She stormed out of the shop, and I turned my attention to Itachi.  "I don't think she likes me very much."

He nodded to our waitress.  "Thank you."  I did the same releasing his clothes as I tested a dumpling.  "I'm sorry."

I blinked at him.  "For what?  There are a number of villagers that agree with her.  It's not your fault, I made my choices.  These are good."

He snatched the stick from my hand and tasted one.  "It is."  I tried to grab it back and failed, so I took one of his.  "You already know what mine tastes like."

I shrugged.  "Fair is fair."  He hn'd, and I sat back in my seat.  "She likes you, Itachi. I'm surprised she speaks to you.  She's past the fangirl stage."  He remained silent watching me play with a skewer.  "You didn't realize?"

He shrugged.  "It doesn't matter."

I rolled my eyes.  "As heir to your clan, it matters."

He was about to say something but was interrupted.  "So this is where you two are hiding."  Shisui casually slung his arm around my shoulders, smiling at Itachi.  "Are we interrupting something?"

Itachi sat back, crossing his arms as I took Shisui's off of me.  "Why are you Uchiha so weird?"

He looked offended.  "We're not weird."  He pinched my cheek.  "We just like you, look at this face."

I glared at him, and he released me.  "Do that again, and that's your hand,  Shisui."

He blanched.  "That's Kunoichi. Can we have Chihiro back?  She's nicer. "

I finished my last dumpling and threw the skewer on the plate.  "I'm leaving."

Ryo stood in my way as I tried to pass.  "Why are you avoiding us?"

I rolled my eyes.  "I'm not avoiding you."

He frowned.  "Seems like it to me."  He turned me around and guided me back to my seat.  "We'll eat, then you can leave."

I folded my arms on the table to rest my head.  "I nap, you eat."

Hinata sat beside me as the others took their seats.  "Sensei..."

I opened an eye.  "Hmm?"

She smiled.  "Sleep well."  I closed my eye again, but Itachi wanted my attention.  Yes?

His annoyance reflected my own.  You're popular.


You did say you were never alone.


I heard the shift of bodies.  "So... does he talk?"  Aya whispered above my head.  Can't be helped, I suppose.

"Rarely."  Shisui shrugged.  They're talking about you.

"Is he sleeping?"  Ryo was apparently looking at him.  So, everyone talks about me.

"Wait..."  Sound real confident there Uchiha. "Chihiro..."

I didn't move my head.  "Yes, Shisui."

He poked my head.  "I feel a silent conversation going on here."

I shrugged.  "Don't know what you're talking about."

He poked more forcefully.  "Lies."

I snatched his finger and twisted.  "I really think you want to lose this hand."

His face screwed up in pain.  "Sorry, but you're napping, and he is too. It's strange."

I glowered at him.  "Shisui, when is the last time you've actually seen me sleep."

He thought a moment before realization hit him.  "Sorry, I was ju-"

I stood up, and Hinata let me out.  "I'm leaving."  Itachi stood as well and followed me out, I glared at him.  "You're not supposed to follow, Itachi."

He shrugged.  "So, what was that about?"

I frowned.  "Nothing, now go away."  He continued to follow, so I body flickered away.  I wasn't really paying attention, so I ended up at the waterfall outside the village.  "Well, this is as good a place as any."  I laid in the cool grass and looked at the passing clouds.  It wasn't long before I allowed darkness to consume me.  Bothersome Uchiha...

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