Chapter 12

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We met back up with the others, and the man I had asked to be left for later was tied to a tree. Itachi's sharp intake of breath was enough to know that I may have gone too far. I gave the man a level look, and he cowered under it.

I looked at Temari. "I saw him strike you. I'll let you deal with him."

Temari smirked, walking over to the man. "For earlier." She punched him, hard enough that I heard his jaw break. His shout was muffled by his gag. She walked back over to us, and I nodded.

I threw a confused Ryo a look and tilted my head to the tree. He understood, and I took Gaara by the shoulder leading him away. "You did well."

He smiled. "Thank you." We took to the trees, Ryo caught up quickly. When night fell, we made camp in a cave, and everyone fell asleep almost instantly except Itachi and I.

I left the cave and sat outside on a rock to look up at the stars. Itachi followed after me and sat with his back against mine. "I'm surprised."

He rested his head on mine. "About?"

I clicked my tongue. "You saw what I did, Itachi."

He shrugged. "You trained under Ibiki. I'm more surprised by how much you have grown."

I sighed. "I would be dead if I didn't."

I felt him tense. "It's true. That's what they wanted."

I closed my eyes. "Hn." We sat in silence until I felt him drifting to sleep. "Let's go back." He nodded sleepily and took my hand.

I looked down at it and then back at him. "Doing that a lot lately." He hn'd as he led me back into the cave. I sat at his head as he laid down. "Sleep, we'll be moving fast tomorrow."

He turned and faced the wall. "You should sleep too." Soon after he was out, and I put up a barrier to keep out intruders. I closed my eyes and felt Kurama stir. Yes?

He will tell.


Do you want them to know how much you have progressed? They may try to force you to stay.

They can try.

If you say so.

Just spit it out, Kurama.

He doesn't want you to leave the village. He will do what he can to ensure you stay.

I'll deal with that if it comes to it. Now, if you would, I need to sleep. Kurama quieted, but he was still uneasy with the situation he thought I brought upon us. I felt tug of sleep and didn't fight it when it finally grabbed a hold of me.


"Mama, Papa?" I looked around the empty room and back at my parents. "Why are we here?"

My mother placed a hand on my shoulder. "We have... something to discuss with you."

My father knelt to my eye level. "Kunoichi, by now you've realized that you are... different."

I tilted my head. "So is Shinobi. Why isn't he here, too?"

My parents exchanged a glance. "You are different even from him, Kunoichi." I blinked, waiting for further explanation. "In our clan, you know everyone has special abilities, but can only unlock maybe 3 of them. You, however, have acquired almost all."

I nodded and smiled widely. "That's easy, Papa. Just do as our friends and family do."

My mother knelt beside my dad. "Kunoichi... you mentioned you were having dreams?"

I scrunched up my face. "Of the white lady and some of the abilities I learned sometimes, but the lady was just a dream until she hurt me. Did she come out of my dreams, Mommy?"

She shook her head. "She's older than any of your dreams, my sweet girl."

My father took my hand in his. "These dreams are not dreams... they are the past, your past."

My eyes widened. "I'm just 6, Papa. There's no way I did those things as a baby."

He sighed. "You didn't in this life, but you did do them... in your lives before."

I was confused. "I was alive before?" My parents exchanged a glance before looking at me process what they had said. "So, I'm 6, but I'm not 6?"

My mother smiled. "Your body is 6. Your soul is far older."

My father nodded. "Kunoichi, that woman will not stop until you're dead. We need to prepare you for what is to come, your destiny."

I frowned. "But Shinobi is the same..."

He shook his head. "Your brother is your twin, but it is not the same. He has shown great promise in what he has done, but he can not enter the minds of others, nor can he acquire the abilities of the clansmen without your aid."

My mother took my other hand. "Your brother's purpose is also important, Kunoichi, but yours makes you a target. We are the only clan that trains and fights as we do. The other clans are peaceful and depend on us for protection from the evils that surround us."

I gulped. "So you're saying I need to train... to hurt and kill people like the adults?"

My parents' faces saddened. "You will need to learn everything. From fighting, to seals, to barriers, and yes, even to kill when the situation calls for it. Your brother will be with you as well, but within 10 years' time, you will need to completely become one with your past selves."

I tilted my head. "How do I do that?"

A single tear slid down my mother's face. "You will need to die."

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