Chapter 34

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Shisui was a bloody mess in the corner, while Minato was nowhere to be seen. Naruto laughed loudly. "Serves you right, pervert!"

Aya smirked. "Who did this?" I was rolling my shoulders. "Kunoichi?"

I smirked as well. "This will make this so much easier." I grabbed him by his collar and dragged out of the house, I glanced back at Aya. "Coming?"

She nodded eagerly. "Definitely."

I threw him against a tree and formed a barrier surrounding us three. "You won't enjoy this." I removed my chakra chain and quickly used it to secure him to the tree. I sent blazing hot chakra through it, and Shisui grunted in pain. "You'll never do that again, understand?"

Somehow, he smiled. "But I liked it. You didn't?"

I frowned and decided in electricity next. "No! It was completely inappropriate." He grit his teeth. "Never again, Shisui."

Aya kicked him in the chest. "You kissed a girl without her permission, and she's a child, pervert."

He tried to catch his breath. "Fine! Never again... without your consent." He smirked again, which only made me up the voltage.

After he was grunting in pain, I stopped. "That won't happen." I released him from the tree, and he slumped over as I walked away. "Damn Uchiha."

Ryo came through the barrier before I lowered it, and roundhouse kicked him, sending him flying into another tree. "And if you do, I'll kill you myself."

Aya nodded before approaching him. "And I'll help him after torturing you first."

I smiled at the duo before lowering the barrier. "Aya heal him, he understands, he knows what happens if he didn't." I saw Minato smirking in the doorway. "I'm assuming you got him first."

He nodded. "He deserved it. Luckily, the commotion didn't wake Hinata."

I could smell the food from where I was standing. "Smells good..."

Minato chuckled. "Come eat while it's hot." I walked in and checked on Hinata before joining the others. Everyone was eating happily together except Shisui, who was being shunned, and Itachi, who was in his feelings.

I sat beside him with my plate. "Are you okay?" He shrugged but remained silent. I sighed and ate in silence while Naruto was telling everybody about a new jutsu he was working on.

I tuned in when I heard something I didn't approve of. "Yeah, all the perverts will drop dead when they see it. Believe it!"

I smacked him on the head. "You shouldn't even be thinking of such things!"

He rubbed his head. "But it's so cool, Sis, and all the private parts are covered."

I hit him again and glared at Minato. "You're letting him do this?"

He shrugged. "Boys will be boys." Then he glared at Shisui. "At least he's transforming into a woman and not touching them."

My eyes widened before I frowned. "I'm surrounded by perverts and weirdos." I trailed into the living room and chose a book from the shelf.

I looked up when a shadow stood over me. "Yes?"

Itachi had a blank look on his face. "We need to talk." I put the book aside and looked at him expectantly. "Outside... Alone." I pouted because I was comfortable, but stood to follow him out the door.

He led me back to the clearing before looking at me. "So..."

I crossed my arms. "So?"

He looked away from me. "There's nothing between you two?"

I swung at his face, but he blocked me. "I swear why is every time a boy is around me, it has to be something more than friends. What about Ryo? Gonna ask about him?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Well... should I be concerned about him then?"

I was furious and sent heated chakra through my fist to his hand. "Itachi..."

He winced. "I guess that's a no." He released my hand and appreciated the burns I left. "That's all I wanted to know. I'll speak with my cousin another time."

I frowned. "Why does it even matter?"

He shrugged. "It matters to me. Let's head back."

I stood my ground. "No, you were pissed when he kissed me and ignored me up to this point. I want answers."

He eyed the chain around my waist. "I never thought you would wear it."

I was confused and looked down. "Yeah, it was a gift and a useful one at that."

A small smile crossed his lips. "Good." He turned to leave, and I stood where I was furious. Once he was out of sight, I headed toward the village. I need to speak with a sane person.

The receptionist greeted me as I entered the building. "I'm sorry, Chihiro, he is busy at th-"

I glared at her as Ibiki appeared around the corner. "Lies. Hey! Old Man, are you avoiding me?"

Ibiki turned around a grave expression. "Chihiro... you can't be here."

I crossed my arms. "Then speak with me elsewhere. We need to talk now."

He looked around before approaching. "We'll need to make it quick." He grabbed my hand, and we were teleported to an apartment. "I'm sorry, couldn't risk being followed."

I blinked. "What's going on, Ibiki?"

He frowned. "I've been ordered not to have contact with you."

I scoffed. "And you listened?"

He shook his head. "Haven't had the opportunity to get to you. Seems there's a sudden influx of people needing to be interrogated."

My eyes widened. "But why?"

He lowered his gaze. "I spoke against you being exiled. Now, they are accusing me of sharing village intel with you."

My head started to hurt. "Why would you do that? You love the village, and though I don't, I would never tell their secrets."

He sighed. "They fear a child, they have for a long time. Now, what is it you wanted to talk about?"

I rethought my original inquiry. "I need to know why boys are so wierd..."

He blinked. "What?"

I nodded. "It's not my original question, but that'll get you in trouble. But you're the only reasonable person who will give me answers so... here's the deal." The elders truly are going out of their way to isolate me...

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