Chapter 29

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I was leaning against a windowsill when Itachi and his father came in.  Mikoto smiled at both, I noted a bit of relief behind it.  "Dinner's almost ready."

I smiled and nodded before looking back at the clouds.  I've lost a day, how unfortunate.  I heard the front door open and close again, followed by small footsteps.  Sasuke looked at Itachi and smiled.  "You're back!"

He had a ghost of a smile as his little brother approached.  "Hello, Sasuke."  He poked him in the forehead.  I remember something similar.

Sasuke pouted.  "Why do you always do that?"

Mikoto came out of the kitchen.  "Sasuke, your manners."

She gestured over to me, and Sasuke grinned again.  "Sister!"

He jumped into my arms, and I ruffled his hair.  "How was your day, Sasuke?"  He began to ramble about his day and beating Naruto in some things.  I zoned out as all good sisters do while nodding and commenting where appropriate.  Fugako and Itachi watched us intently until Mikoto brought the food to the table.

I set Sasuke down and went to help her.  "Thank you for inviting me."

She smiled.  "I've missed having you around in a house full of men, but I'm sure you understand."

I blinked at her.  "Hm?"

She giggled.  "Shisui told me about those you travel with, and he says that the boys love you.  Sounds like I was right all those years ago."

I frowned.  "I'm not interested in any boys, more important things to focus on."

She covered her mouth to suppress her laugh.  "Maybe not right now, you aren't."  I tilted my head.  These Uchiha are really weird.

Dinner went by smoothly, especially after Fugaku stopped intently glancing in my direction, with the help of his wife's scolding.  I helped clear the table and wash dishes when Mikoto appeared behind me.  "So..."

I looked at her.  "So?"

She smiled softly.  "I know you were banished from the village, but know... you can come here anytime you need."

I smiled.  "Thank you, but I don't want to get you or your family in any trouble."

She took my hands in hers.  "You are important to us.  Please, if you need anything..."

I looked away from her.  "I love you all too much to put you in danger, please understand."

She smiled brightly and nodded.  "The offer stands if you ever choose to use it."

I nodded.  "I should be going."

She didn't let go.  "Thank you, Chihiro."  I looked at her curiously.  "You saved Shisui among everything else you've done.  I just wanted you to know we appreciate it."

I was starting to get the sense that there was more she was trying to tell me, but I ignored it.  "I'll visit before I leave."

She nodded.  "I'd like that, I'm sure the boys will too."  I left after that and waved while walking past the men of the household, I wanted out and fast. 

No sooner than I had reached the door, Itachi was beside me.  "I'll walk you home."

I looked at him defiantly.  "I'll walk myself besides, I'm not headed home."

He closed his eyes momentarily.  "Fine."

I raised an eyebrow.  "Fine?" He turned and went back to his family.  I was suspicious but left anyway.  The streets were quiet, which made it easy for me to hear the footsteps behind me, I turned a corner and grabbed the person following me, placing a kunai to their throat.

Izumi was white with fear.  "I only had a question."

I frowned, unmoving.  "Yes."

She took a breath and closed her eyes.  "What are you two?"

I blinked.  "What?"

She opened her eyes, they were blood red.  "You and Itachi."

I rolled mine.  "Friends, what is wrong with you, Uchiha?  All of you are concerned about children having relationships. It's quite disturbing."

She frowned and tried to get free, but I pressed my knife more firmly to her throat.  "Now, now, it wouldn't be good for me to accidentally cut that pretty throat of yours."

She stilled.  "He would never forgive you."

I shrugged.  "We don't have to find out, thankfully."  I back away stowing my blade.  "I would suggest asking him because, like I said, you Uchiha are strange. Surely you speak the same language."  I left her and heard as she slid down the wall. 

After a time, I made it to my destination. It was a lake surrounded by cherry blossom trees.  I took a deep breath, savoring the sweet scent, and sat on a boulder, looking out at the water.  I pulled out my flute and played. It was no song in particular.

I felt the flicker of chakra and ceased.  "I knew it was too good to be true.  If you're going to stalk me, you may as well be comfortable."  I felt him approach as I placed my lips to the mouthpiece and started again.  Rather than sitting nearby or in the grass, he sat with his back to mine.

I rolled my eyes and continued, ignoring him.  The faint rustle of pages could be heard in the background, and we naturally leaned into each other for support.  Time passed peacefully. Soon, the fading rays of the sunset turned into night.  The stars decorated the skies, dancing around the moon.

When I finished, I felt his labored breathing against my back.  I remained for a while before I teleported us to his room and covered him with blankets.  I looked down on his face.  He looks peaceful when he's not annoying me.  I took note of the stress lines forming under his eyes.

I shook my head.  "Stupid Uchiha... stop worrying yourself before you look like an old, stupid Uchiha."  I kissed his forehead and teleported myself to the red building.  I headed toward the hotel and asked the receptionist for Shisui and the others.  She hesitated but gave me the room number.  Hopefully, I'm not the only one that rested well...

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