Chapter 38

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We returned to the party, and only a few people bothered to glance at us when we returned.  I joined Minato and Naruto, ruffling his hair.  "Where'd you go, Sis?"

I smiled at him.  "Stargazing."  Minato raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.  "We should get you to bed. You have to be up early tomorrow."

He pouted.  "I'll be fine."  I pinched his side and went to get Hinata.  She was talking to a blonde and pinkette.  "Come on, you have the Acadeny tomorrow."

She smiled.  "Yes, Sensei."  We left, and soon Aya, Ryo, and Shisui were following.

Shisui was about to put his arm over my shoulder but stopped and scratched his cheek.  "Well, that was fun."  The other voices their agreement.  "Ready for tomorrow, Hinata?"

She smiled.  "Yes, but I've made my decision already."  We all smiled and stopped in the road.  "Sensei, will you stay with us tonight?"

I shook my head. "It's my last night with my family, I will stay with them.  Just be sure to be on time tomorrow, okay?"  She nodded eagerly as we went our separate ways.  I felt her long before she attempted to ambush me.  I dodged her and used her outstretched arm to throw her against a wall.

I looked down at her crumpled form.  "Izumi?"

She glowered at me.  "I'm glad you're leaving."  I shrugged and started walking away.  "Stay away from Itachi. He deserves better than you."

I didn't pause or look back.  "If I understand your meaning, that's one thing we agree on."  I heard a soft whoosh behind me and looked back. She was gone.  I sighed and shook my head, I no longer wanted to return to Minato's.  I detoured toward the lake and sat on a boulder.  Izumi's words confused me.  Everyone here deserves better than me, not just Itachi...

You're stupid, brat.

I glared at him.  Me coming and going only hurts them, Kurama.

He lashed a tail at me, knocking me over.  If not for you, they'd all be dead.

I threw myself at the fox, successfully punching his nose.  I'm not denying that you stupid fox, but maybe... with me staying away for so long...

He rubbed his nose, anger in his eyes.  Stop lying to yourself.  You'll miss them and they will miss you.  There's no avoiding that.

I was staring despondent at the sky when Itachi came and sat beside me.  What's wrong?

I looked at him curiously.  What do you mean?

He looked concerned.  I know you...

I sighed.  I think... you should really consider giving Izumi a chance.  She seems to really care about you.

He tensed.  What did she do?

I shook my head.  Nothing, but... you deserve someone who will be around and make you happy.  I understand what everyone is getting at when they as-

He frowned.  Ignore them... we're just friends, right?

I looked back at the sky.  Yeah...

So, there's nothing to worry about.

Hmmm...  I could feel the emotions swirling in him.  Just find happiness, Itachi, that's all I want for you.

He lowered his head.  I am happy...

I smiled at him.  Good...  We felt a shift in chakra behind us and turned, Izumi stood at the tree line frowning.  I should go.

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