Chapter 23

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I stood impatiently at the gates of Konoha and glared at the guard. "Could you guys hurry it up? I mean, I know the man is old, but really, I could just walk in and get the answer myself."

He shrugged. "Rules are rules. You haven't been gone long enough to forget." I puffed my cheeks and looked at my group. Everyone had donned their masks and cloaks so as not to be easily identified. Even Hinata stood patiently masked among the other three.

Shisui came up and put a hand on my shoulder. "Relax, he'll grant you an audience."

I smiled at him. "At least he knows I'll barge into his office regardless, I can take his ninja. Thank you for coming, Shisui... I know it's hard." I turned to the second guard as he approached the gate.

He paused before us and smiled. "He has agre-"

I glided past him and gestured for the rest to follow. "About time, what were you talking about the weather?" I hurried through the Konoha streets, ignoring the questioning stares my group was attracting. I barged into the Hokage's office without knocking. "Could that have taken any longer, Old Man Hiruzen?"

The Third Hokage sighed as he looked up from his papers. "This is not your father's office anymore. You should knock before entering."

I rolled my eyes. "You shouldn't leave your guests waiting at the gate when you already know they're coming. I sent a whole hawk ahead of us."

He chuckled. "This is true. But you arrived more than a few days ahead of time."

I shook my head. "As a ninja, you should be prepared for anything." I closed the door behind my friends. "You can take off the masks." Each of them did except Shisui, I put a hand on his arm. "He's okay."

Shisui gave a stiff nod before slowly removing his. Hiruzen gasped. "Impossible..."

I smiled at him. "No, it took a lot to keep him in the land of the living, but Shisui is alive, with both eyes intact."

Hiruzen smiled. "Welcome home."

Shisui frowned. "Konoha isn't home anymore. They chose a dead traitor over someone who has risked her life."

Hiruzen looked taken aback. "Then, you don't plan on staying."

He looked at him sadly. "Can she stay? If she chooses to, of course."

The Hokage sighed. "Unfortunately, that was never up to me. I never wanted her to go in the first place."

Shisui shook his head. "Then no, she needs as much protection as I can offer for the sanity of her friends and family here."

I stood before my group. "So you know Shisui and Hinata, but these two are Aya and Ryo. This is the traveling party that needs to be granted permission to stay here."

Hiruzen looked them over and nodded. "I've heard of these two. Nice to have faces to stories and speculations." They both nodded nervously, and I shook my head. This is why I'm the one who handles the Kages.

I looked out the window and saw the familiar shock of yellow. "Well, Old Man, you've been informed, I have some catching up to do." I smiled mischievously at the group before vaulting from the window. I knew everyone was shaking their heads helplessly.

I caught up to my very blonde family and jumped on them. "It's almost as though I never left, right?"

Naruto laughed and wrapped me in his arms. "You're early!"

Minato ruffled my hair. "Did you see Lord Third?"

I smiled at him. "I just vaulted from his window as a matter a fact..." I turned, and my friends were all unmasked except one. I nodded in understanding. "I need to find some people before we continue this. See you soon."

I waved before grabbing Shisui's sleeve. "I bet I know where they are at this time of day." I stood in front of a certain Uchiha's favorite dango shop, and Shisui chuckled. We entered, and sure enough, the brothers were eating their sweets silently.

I hugged Sasuke from behind. "Keep following Itachi, and you'll get fat." I tickled him, and he spun.

He hugged me briefly before blushing and pulling away. "You're early."

I frowned. "You know your blonde counterpart said the exact same thing."

He scoffed. "Dobe."

I pinched his cheek. "Times 2." He blushed again, and I giggled. I smiled at Itachi, who had his normal indifferent mask on. It was then I noticed a familiar brunette next to him. "Itachi, Izumi, it's nice to see you."

Izumi frowned and pulled a kunai. "We were ordered to keep you out of the village."

I eyed the knife and chuckled darkly. "I would suggest you put that away before you hurt yourself."

She stood slowly. "I will be escorting you to the village exit."

I glanced at Itachi, who also stood and moved closer to me. "Get your girlfriend, Itachi. I can only behave for so long before I start slicing things."

Izumi stiffened and then jumped at me. "Your choice!"

Itachi grabbed her wrist as Shisui stood in front of me, ready to attack. I put a hand in his sleeve. "Not at all necessary." He pulled out our traveling documents and shoved mine in her hand roughly as I pushed him out of the way. "As you can clearly see, I have all the permission I need. Now Itachi, Sasuke, if you could meet me at the usual spot, I would greatly appreciate it." She will ruin everything if she comes...

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