Chapter 27

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I heard his footsteps and felt his familiar chakra signature, but I couldn't find the energy to open my eyes, let alone move.  "Chihiro..."


I heard his sigh.  "It's dangerous for you to sleep out in the open like this."

"Mhm."  I heard the soft crunch of grass as he knelt beside me and placed a hand on my head.

His tongue clicked.  "Fever."

When I felt his arms slide under me, my eyes snapped open, and I rolled out of his reach.  "Dammit, Uchiha!  I was just taking a nap!"  I stood and felt lightheaded.

Itachi looked at me with concern.  "Your skin feels like it's on fire."

I walked back towards the village.  "I'll be fine after I sleep. Now go away."  He was in front of me all of the sudden.  "Ita -"  He grabbed me, and we were brought to a familiar house, but I couldn't make my surroundings stop spinning long enough to remember which.  I pushed him away bent over and retched.  I clenched my teeth as I sunk to my knees.  "Dammit, Itachi..."

I was lifted from the ground, and the sudden movement made my head swim.  "Put me down..."  The weakness in my voice reflected the weakness in my body.  He didn't listen and carried me into the house.  I was fading in and out of consciousness but felt as if I was laid on something soft.

I was cold the instant he let go and curled into a ball.  Stupid Uchiha...  Something cool was placed on my forehead and touching my face.  I tried to push it away, but my hands were restrained.  "Sleep."  I frowned and struggled to open my eyes, but to no avail.

I was shifted and wrapped in warmth again as he began to stroke my hair.  It was more soothing than the swaying he had managed to make me do.  "Sleep, Chihiro."  Hm, I sometimes forget that's my name.  For the first time in a long time, I fell into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

I felt like I was floating.  I could hear the voices around me, but I couldn't open my eyes or speak. It was strange.

"Chihi-"  Naruto's loud, happy voice pulled me from nothingness.

"Let her rest. She's not feeling well."  Itachi sounded really close even though he was talking low.

I felt a hand on my forehead.  "She's burning up.  We should take her to the hospital."  No.  I was struggling for consciousness now.

I felt myself swaying again, and nothingness called.  "She said she'll be better after she sleeps. She doesn't want to go.

Minato's sigh was sad.  "I guess we'll have to trust her..."  The voices stopped, and I was greeted by silent darkness again.  This is nice...

"Is she okay?"  Shisui's concerned voice cut through the silence.

"Needs rest."  Itachi sounded annoyed.

Someone sighed.  "We should've been more attentive."


"Itachi, she won't le-"

"Just let her sleep, I'm sure she'll find you all when she wakes."  His tone was sharp and defensive.  Itachi...

Rest Chihiro.  I heard movement and then silence.  Everyone will be fine, sleep.  I felt my hair being brushed back from my face.  Sleep.  I sighed and surrendered once more to oblivion.

Sunlight hurt my eyes as they finally opened, feeling like I'd been drugged.  At least I'm warm.  I snuggled into the bed and froze.  That's not a bed.  I looked up and was met with Itachi's face.  "Well damn."  I said softly so as not to wake him.

I attempted to slowly get out of his embrace, only for him to tighten his grip.  He slowly opened his eyes before putting a hand to my forehead.  "Fever broke."

I blinked at him.  "Uh, can I get up?  Was I poisoned or something?"

He didn't release me.  "Exhaustion, I think."

I attempted to sit up, but once again, his grip tightened.  "Really? Well, I'm fine now.  So..."  I pushed his arms away and sat up, lightheaded.

He stood and pushed me back into the bed.  "Rest, I'll find you something to eat."  When he left the room, I stood and went to the window.  "Escape and I will restrain you."

I froze before glaring at him.  "I'm fine, and you wouldn't."  He sighed before leaving again.  "Stupid Uchiha."  I went into the hallway, he brought me to Minato's house.  No one else was around, which I found strange.  Hinata and the others should be here, at least.

I sat on the couch and tried to remember what had happened before I was imprisoned in my former home.  Itachi appeared with some tea.  "Where is everyone?"  Itachi shrugged.  "Not that I mind your company, but... what happened?  Why were you in the bed with me? Where is everybody?"

Itachi clicked his tongue.  "You apparently aren't taking care of yourself, and they weren't helping matters."

I frowned.  "You act like they have a choice.  I take care of myself just fine.  See, pass out for a few hours, and all good."  I sipped tea as he frowned.  "I can't leave Hinata alone for too long here.  She's not safe."

His frown deepened.  "She's in good hands, but this isn't the first time it's happened."

I pursed my lips.  "I don't know what you're talking about."

I felt his anger rise.  "You asked Shisui when was the last time he saw you sleep. When I found you by the waterfall, you said all you needed was sleep. You just confirmed it."

I looked away from him.  "You sure are talkative.  So, when can I go, I have little time left here, and someone has requested my audience."  I finished my tea and set the cup aside.

He tried to control his tone.  "Who?"

I shrugged.  "Your father."

He stood abruptly.  "You won't be seeing him."

I stood as well.  "I'm not hiding, Itachi. I know his aim, and he will fail.  He just has to see that for himself, so the sooner, the better."

He grabbed my wrist.  "No."

I tried to pull away and shocked him with chakra when he resisted.  "You don't get to make that choice."

He looked hurt but didn't give in.  "Then I'm going with you."

I puffed out my cheeks.  It's not like I can keep him from his own house.  "Fine.  I don't understand, but fine."  He followed me to the door.  This will be interesting.

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