Chapter 14

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He shifted uncomfortably. "Why do you ask?"

I smiled sweetly. "He threatened several people that I care about rather than asking their Kage for my presence. He must've also forgotten what happened here when someone did the same."

Everyone who was present at the time exchanged a glance. The Kazekage cleared his throat. "Kunoichi... he is one of my best... maybe we can handle this another way."

I tilted my head. "And that way is?"

He thought for a moment. "Did he actually touch whomever he threatened?"

I frowned. Damn... "No, this lovely Leaf shinobi and others stopped him before he could." My tone was dripping with sarcasm, Aya, and Ryo looked slightly relieved.

He nodded. "Then killing him will not be necessary, I would hope."

I sighed. "I suppose."

The Kazekage sat back in relief. "Let him work for his transgression then. What he did was in poor taste."

I glanced around the room, and my gaze rested on Gaara. "He is to help with the boy's training til I return. He is one of your best? Then he should train him to be the same."

He'll hate it, and Gaara may kill him anyway. That would be satisfying...

He sat up again. "He is neede-"

"For training... Or he will be useless dead. It's your choice."

He stood and rounded the desk, approaching me threateningly. Aya and Ryo began to back up while Itachi watched them curiously. "Why should I waste a good shinobi?"

I smirked. "Now, now we both know how I hate to be questioned. Also, do we really want a battle of wills right now?"

He raised a hand ready to strike but hesitated. "You kill him, then you're an enemy of the Sand."

I raised an eyebrow. "First, you try to strike me, and you lose that hand. Second, I was an enemy of the Sand the moment here threatened those whom I care for." I gave him a steady gaze, my bloodlust becoming evident. "Also, you never asked who he threatened. He may be your true enemy."

The Kazekage blinked and lowered his hand. "What do you mean?"

I smirked. "Maybe you should ask him."

He turned to Temari. "Bring Kozu here, now."

She nodded and disappeared, and Ryo tilted his head. "Kunoichi?"

I looked at him, mimicking him. "Ryo?" He fell silent, knowing I wouldn't answer.

Moments passed slowly before Kozu came in, Temari, on his heels. "You summoned me..." He looked at me, and a flicker of fear passed through his eyes. "La-Lady Kunoichi, the mission was a success."

I gave him a deadly stare. "I would suggest you address your Kazekage."

He turned to him. "Yes, my lord?"

The Kage looked between us. "She tells me you may be an enemy. Explain."

He frowned. "I am no ene-"

He went to his knees as a chakra thread pierced his side. "I would also suggest you not lie." No one moved or spoke as I retracted the thread.

He clutched his side. "I did what I did for the village."

Ryo stood between us as I prepared to strike again. "Kunoichi, killing him will defeat the purpose." I glared at them both and turned away.

The Kazekage gave Kuzo a level gaze. "Explain."

He stood to his feet. "I was the one who ordered the kidnapping in hopes we would be rid of that monster." He jerked his head toward Gaara.

I heard books and papers fall to the ground, and a body hit the wall. I looked behind me in interest. "Now, now Lord Kazekage, he is one of your best shinobi."

He glared at me. "Why not tell me this in the beginning?"

I shrugged. "Can't have your name dirtied or a village scandal. It may give others ideas. Release him and let me deal with this. It will be discreet."

He spat in the man's face before letting him fall to the floor. "Do what you will."

I smiled, delighted. "As you wish." I bowed then placed a hand on his sleeve. "Ready to play Kuzo?" The look of fear in his eyes was satisfying as we disappeared, leaving the others in the office.

The room was dark, and a single candle was the sole source of light. "Too bad you weren't allowed to help with this mission. You may have succeeded in your goal, but before I kill you, I have questions."

He glared as he rose from the floor. "You ruined everything, go to hell."

I grinned. "You haven't realized? You are in a hell of my making. Shall we begin?" I removed my gloves and placed them in my back pocket. "This will be painful, and you will want to die. Try to hold on long enough for me to get what I need, I do hate having to revive people I intend to kill anyway."

He stumbled back as I approached. "What are you about to do?"

I tilted my head. "Telling you would ruin my fun. No worries, it will be just as I promised."

He hit the wall. "You are a monster, too."

I smirked. "You have no idea." I grabbed his head and barged into his mind. I set the place on fire and faced his inner self. "Now, we found a scroll concerning the tailed beast and sealing. Tell me what you know."

He looked as though he was insane. "You think this is enough to scare me?"

I shook my head. "This is just me setting the stage. This is where the real torture begins." I made his wife appear before me and wrapped her arm in a chakra thread. Kozu's anguish was evident, but he didn't waver as she screamed in pain. This will definitely be interesting...

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