Chapter 45

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Naruto and Hinata were sitting awkwardly in the living room when I arrived. "What's wrong?"

Hinata blushed while Naruto scowled. "She's acting weird." Her slight widening of her eyes was all I needed to draw a conclusion. She has a crush.

I sighed. "Let's go." We went into the village and found Shisui and the others. "They want training, and I have a meeting."

Aya smiled. "What should we work on?"

I shrugged. "Just nothing forbidden."

Ryo nodded. "Will do." I waved as I left them and went to see Hiruzen.

I paused at the door to the sound of voices. "She has refused."

I heard a sigh. "What did you expect? She's a free spirited girl who has no interest in boys right now, apparently. Let alone marriage."

"She's a disrespectful brat who needs to learn her place."

"Hiashi... you never liked the child, but she has grown close to my boys..."

"Then marry her off to one of them. Your oldest seems quite fond of her."

Another sigh. "It's not that simple. She isn't like the other girls in the village who would jump at the chance of marrying Itachi or Shisui, for that matter. He's better suited since they travel together."

There was rustling. "So, if she doesn't agree?"

"Hinata's young, but is also suitable for a marriage when she comes of age."

"The heiress of the Hyuuga?"

A scoff could be heard. "She's not my heir, just a weakling who can be of some use." My blood began to boil. "Your youngest is about her age, correct?"

"That's the girl Chihiro took with her?  No, I won't cross that line."

"Afraid of her Fugaku."

"You would be a fool not to be..." Well, he has some sense, I suppose. "I risked enough with the first proposal, she refused, which is unfortunate."

"She's a child."

I flung open the door. "Yes, I'm a child and not a pawn to be used in your schemes. How about telling me why this is so important?"

They looked at me in shock. Hiruzen cleared his throat. "You're early." I crossed my arms. "A bunch of old men trying to marry me off... without my father's approval, no less. I am not a Hyuuga, I am not an Uchiha, and I certainly am not a citizen of Konoha."

The Hokage leaned forward. "That seems to be where this unrest is coming from. You're a nameless, villageless, traveling shinobi. Now, the nations are attempting to acquire you."

I shrugged. "And?"

Hiashi scoffed. "If you are a Hyuuga, you're aligned with the Leaf, marrying to another prominent clan solidifies that."

I smirked. "I don't want to be aligned with anyone, especially the Konoha. I'm exiled after all."

Hiruzen sighed. "Poor judgment on all of our parts. You are the Nine Tails Jinchuriki... you belong here."

I shook my head. "I belong nowhere... it's time we left. All of a bunch of old men have become too comfortable with making decisions on our behalf."

The adults in the room frowned. Hiashi took a step towards me. "So, you just leave when you feel like it?" I simply stared at him, daring him to continue.

Hiruzen stood, rounding the desk. "We can't just let you leave."

I glanced at the three men. "Why not, Old Man?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Do you speak to all the Kage this way?"

I shook my head. "No, but I also don't treat you as I treat them either."

He frowned. "How so?"

I smirked again. "I've never threatened you or Minato, nor have I caused you any physical harm. I have a reputation that I'm sure you are aware of..."

He slightly nodded. "You're quite dangerous."

I mimicked his gesture. "If you know this, then I would suggest you let me walk back out of that door. It would be a shame to hurt you all."

They began to close in. "I don't think you'll hurt us."

I began to concentrate chakra into my fingers. "You think wrong." They paused as I took a defensive stance. "I'm leaving. Please don't make me do this." Their hesitation was enough so that I jumped out through the window. When I saw they weren't following, I searched for my group.

When I found them, Aya and Ryo frowned upon seeing me. Shisui paused from coaching Naruto and Sasuke and Hinata visibly saddened. Naruto looked up at me. "Sis! I was beating Sasuke!"

I smiled at him. "That's good, Little Bird. Come, you and Sasuke will go to his house for the evening."

He frowned for a minute. "If you say so..." We moved quickly, knocking when we reached the door.

I signaled for the others to stay outside as Mikoto let us in. "I'm sorry to do this last minute, but do you mind watching Naruto until Minato returns?"

She blinked, confused. "No problem, but..." She was afraid to ask, I could see it in her eyes.

I averted my gaze. "We're leaving... tonight. It would seem people are making plans behind my back, and I won't stay for them to carry them out."

She sighed. "I understand."

I smiled at her. "Thank you. I'll speak to the boys and be off, okay?" She nodded as I joined them in the living room. "I'm sorry you two, but I'm leaving."

Naruto jumped up. "But why?"

I sighed. "There are things going on that make it impossible for me to stay."

Sasuke was frowning. "Will you come back?"

I lowered my gaze. "Not for a long time."

Naruto was close to tears. "When?"

I met his eyes. "For you graduation."

They both gasped. "That's four years!"

I nodded sadly. "I wish it were different, but I have no choice. I will come back for you two, I promise."

I heard someone come through the door, and Fugaku stood at the doorway. "Chihiro..."

I shook my head. "Okay, you two, it's time." I hugged and kissed both of them on the forehead. They were holding back their tears, but they didn't try to stop me.

I regrouped with the others, and Hinata looked back sadly. "We're leaving."

I nodded. "You can stay of you like... Minato will make sure you're safe."

She shook her head. "I go with you, Sensei."

I smiled at her sadly. "We won't be back for a long time." She looked ahead, determined. "Then we leave in 30... I'll meet you at the gates." They nodded and dispersed.

I went to the interrogation building and waited for Ibiki. "What's up, kid?"

I smiled at him. "We're leaving, I can't explain, but I need you to give these to Minato and Itachi."

He took my two pieces of paper, frowning. "What happened?"

I shrugged. "They would drive me out sooner or later, right? Maybe next time they'll let you spend time with your student."

His frown deepened. "Chihiro..."

I shook my head. "If you have questions, ask your Hokage. Maybe we'll see each other in passing." I turned to leave, contemplating the feeling I felt as I walked toward the gates. I guess this is sadness...

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