Chapter 9

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We cleared the plates, and I started to wash them while Minato went with Itachi outside. I finished and walked toward the door. My hand hovered over the knob when their voices floated in.

"My hands are tied."

"Then, assign me to her next mission. She shouldn't be out there alone." Worry saturated Itachi's tone.

"I understand how you feel, Itachi, but they won't allow it." Minato sounded defeated.

"You're her father and the Hokage. You have to be able to do something! She's not even twelve and is considered an S class ninja!" Well, they came to that conclusion rather quickly.

Minato sighed. "What could we expect?  For her to sit and waste her time while she was away?"

"No, but there should be a way to protect her better. After the first year and a half, she was left to fend for herself. Now, the time she is left out there is growing."

"Itachi, I was trying to make her an official shinobi of Konohagakure so we could at least have her on a team, but she refused. Seems she to havr grown to like her life away from the village."

Itachi sighed. "I can see that. I would too if the very village I saved hated me."

Minato paused. "You care for her..."

"Don't you?"

"Of course, but tell me if you had to choose trapping her in a village that hates her and letting her roam the nation free, what would you choose."

"Whatever makes her happy, but if I got to choose, I would send people I trust with her or go with her myself."

"I will see what I can do, but I make no promises."

"Thank you, Minato-sama."

I retreated to my room before they reentered the room. They are hurting...

They love you.

I know.

Let them work through it. They will come to terms with this.

But when I kill Danzo...

It won't be in cold blood. Just give it time.

We both know the elders and village care nothing about that. At best, I will be banished at worst...

They can't kill you for several reasons.

That doesn't mean they won't try. There was a soft knock at my door. "Come in."

Minato popped his head in. "Heading out, meet me later for lunch." I nodded at him silently and began to gather my clothes. A royal purple long sleeved dress, fishnet calf length leggings, black shorts, and combat boots. I padded to the bathroom and to get ready, hearing the kid play ninja.

When I emerged, the house was silent, I felt for chakra signatures, but there was nothing. I crept through the house, and nothing seemed out of place. I grabbed my pouch and gloves, leaving the house in a hurry. I searched the ground to find nothing. As a last result, I activated the Byuakugan. Scanning the area, I saw Itachi with the kids in a clearing with another person and ran their way.

"Just hand over the girl, and there won't be any problems." I stayed behind a tree and listened.

Naruto jumped in front of Hinata. "You can't have her!" Sasuke did the same frowning.

The strange man laughed. "Not that child. I'm looking for Kunoichi, and rumor has it she is here." Well well well...

All of them looked confused, and Itachi crossed his arms. "There are a number of kunoichi in a ninja village."

The man stopped laughing. "Not as in female shinobi, brat. I'm looking for the Kunoichi of the Chakra Thread."

The boys started laughing. "There is no one here by that name, mister!" Naruto burst out. Hinata's eyes widened a fraction, and he didn't miss it. "So that one knows."

He rushed her, but Itachi intercepted him. I stepped from the shadows and walked in front of the children. "Cease."

The Sand ninja stopped immediately, kneeling, and Itachi snapped his head in my direction, confused. "My Lady..."

I frowned before taking an expressionless face. "State your business."

He bowed his head deeper. "The Kazekage is requesting your aid. It seems that Temari has been abducted after a failed attempt at Gaara. The boy went mad with rage, and it was all we could do to subdue him and bring him here."

I looked back at the trio of kids behind me. "You threaten those I care for, then ask for assistance?"

He began to tremble at my deadly tone. "I apologize, I was unaware..."

I wouldn't kill the man in front of them, but he would die. "Lead me to Gaara first. Punishment comes after."

He hesitated before standing head still bowed. "My lady... I beg-"

"To Gaara, now." He bowed deeply as I passed Itachi. "Take them home and meet me in the Hokage's office." I followed the nin into the trees, past the outskirts of the village. I heard a roar and knew where we were going. I picked up the pace and felt Shukaku's chakra growing.

I saw the swirling sand surrounding the boy, all who were with him trying to escape it. I fearlessly landed in the center and approached the two from the front. "Gaara, stop this."

His head snapped up. It was Gaara's body, but Shukaku's eyes. "They took her!" He wailed.

I placed a hand on his shoulder. "And we will get her back, but I need you to calm down now, or I will have to tighten your seal for one and also put you to sleep until the job is complete. Neither of you want that."

The storm seemed to calm until Gaara's sand began to attack. I grit my teeth, removed a glove, and placed my hand on the boy's head. "Sleep." He fell unconscious. I revealed his seal and placed my hand on it. When it showed its pattern, I placed my finger accordingly and tightened it. The sand settled and began to go back into its gourd.

I sighed. "Stupid boy." I brushed his hair to the side to see 'Love' engraved on his forehead. "Very stupid boy." I lifted him from the ground and faced the Sand nin. "Tell me what you know." I listened to the men, perplexed. "Return to your village, I will bring Gaara and Temari."

They looked at each other panicked. "We can't leave Gaara."

I frowned slightly and glared. "I would suggest you do as you're told. Today is a bad day to die."

The leader stepped forward, stuttering as the others cowered. "How will we it explain this to Lo-"

I flicked my finger and released a thread, leaving a deep gash across his cheek. "That will be all the explanation you'll need. Bandage your wound and return as you were told. My patience is running thin."

I turned to leave, and no one dared follow. Before I got out of earshot, I heard the leader call to me. "We thank you." You owe me more than your thanks...

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