Chapter 2

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Shisui stirred from his sleep but continued to pretend, hearing me play the flute. I stopped and rolled my eyes. "Get up."

His eyes popped open as he smiled. "It's been so long since I've heard you play."

I stowed the instrument away and stood up, stretching. "You rested?"

He nodded. "Hey, keep that up, and you might actually grow a few inches."

I glared at him. "Ha ha, very funny."

He shrugged. "You're the smallest 11, almost 12 year old, I know. Are you sure you are eating properly? You're really thin, like a stick."

I slapped his hand away as he poked at my side. "Go to hell, Uchiha."

He threw his hands in front of himself. "Hey, hey now." I sighed and walked towards the tree line. "Aw, come on, I was just teasing." I leaped onto a branch, and he followed.

As he caught up, I looked back at him and sped up. "For a tall person, you sure are slow."

He frowned. "Hey, I made it here in a day and a half."

I smirked back at him. "I'll make it in a day."

I easily out raced Shisui, and he was panting when he met me at Konoha's gates. "How... did... you get... so fast?"

I smirked. "The Leaf is making you soft and slow, Shisui. You really should get out more." I felt my duo kept pace with no issues and inwardly smiled. They did well...

They follow a mad 11 year old. What can you expect?

Almost 12 and don't judge, can't lead an S class unaffiliated trio if they can't perform.

Kurama happened to sigh as Shisui did. "Whatever, maybe I'll join you next time." He smiled brightly.

I shrugged. "You could, if they would allow such a thing." We went into the village. The guards smiled as we approached and welcomed me back. "Lord Hokage is waiting for us-"

I rolled my eyes. "We came here days ahead of time. I think he can wait."

Shisui grabbed my hand. "Let's go." I puffed out my cheeks but allowed him to drag me to the office. He knocked, and a familiar voice floated through the door, granting our entrance. It felt like home. "Mission success!"

Minato's head snapped up from his paperwork. "Chihiro..." Before I knew it, I was wrapped in his embrace. "Welcome back."

I quickly returned it and untangled myself. "Elders couldn't find any more excuses, huh?"

He frowned down at me. "No, it was time for you to return home." I nodded silently. If only you knew... He smiled. "We should have lunch, I'm sure you both are hungry."

I shook my head. "I have others to see before I go gallivanting around for food. Dinner?"

His face dropped, but he relented. "Fine, dinner." I smiled at him and turned to leave. "We have things to discuss. I think you'll like them."

I turned to him and thought of the possibilities. "We'll see. Thanks for coming for me, Shisui."

I set off for the one place my little bird would be found and wasn't disappointed. In fact, it was better than I had hoped. I slid into a stool and looked up a Teuchi. "I want a bowl of your best ramen, Old Man."

He looked at me and beamed. "Coming right up, little lady."

Naruto's and Sasuke's heads turned to the sound of my voice. "Sister!" They said in unison and jumped on me. They were speaking at once, trying to out talk each other.

I pulled away from them. "You two, cool it. You'd think I had died or something."

They both shared a look, and Naruto sighed. "You were gone so long this time..."

Sasuke nodded. "No one would tell us anything."

I ruffled both of their hair. "What did I tell you both before I left?"

They smiled. "That you would come back to me, promise." I shook my head. When they are in sync, they are actually cute...

Teuchi put my food in front of me. "The best ramen we have to offer, on the house."

I smiled at him and saw the boys eyeing the bowl. "You brats want some?" They nodded eagerly, and I poured some into their already empty bowls. I ate silently while they chattered about what happened while I was away. I couldn't help but notice two chakra signatures lurking about. Why are they still here?

When we finished, I promised to help train the two so they would skimper off elsewhere. I strolled through the busy streets toward the Hyuuga compound. I went to the main house and knocked. As I turned to observe the compound, I heard the door open and was tackled by a small figure.

I laughed and pulled her off. "Hinata, how have you been?"

She beamed. "Better now! You are home." My heart warmed at her soft voice full of enthusiasm. "Papa will be pleased as well, I'm sure."

I shook my head. "I doubt it."

As I said the words the head of the family stepped into the threshold. "Chihiro, you've returned."

I nodded. "After 2 long months, yes, the elders decided it was time for me to come back."

He crossed his arms. "Well, if you aren't busy, I have something to discuss with you." Why does everyone wanna talk to me all of a sudden?

I noticed another small figure hovering behind him. "As you wish. Hanabi, you're growing fast." She gave me a blank expression.

I gracefully stood as Hiashi led me to his office. He sat, and I went to stand by the window. "I see your travels have not taught you respect."

I shrugged. "I know how to be respectful when necessary."

He stared at me for a moment. "I want to discuss you training one of the main house." I turned to him with an eyebrow raised. Now this is interesting...

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