Chapter 33

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We all managed to fit in Minato's house, and I immediately took Hinata away from the crowd to my room.  "You nap while we get lunch together."

She hesitated.  "I want to help."

I shook my head.  "You used up a lot of chakra.  It's not the same as when I do it... you can't recover as quickly."  She nodded and laid down. It wasn't long before she was out.  I crept out of the room and joined the others.

They were awkwardly spaced between my group and the Leaf citizens, as it happened, Shisui was in between the two groups.  He looked up at me in dismay.  "I didn't do it."

I raised an eyebrow.  "Do what?"

He gestures to the two groups.  "Seems to be a disagreement."

I sighed.  "About?"

Naruto and Ryo jumped up at the same time.  "You and Hinata should stay with us!"

I put a hand up to silence them before they continued.  "Stop right there.  First, I can not stay here.  Second, even if I could, it's my decision to make."

Naruto deflated while Ryo looked triumphant.  The two sides turned away from each other a fraction.  Aya sighed.  "If you could stay..."

I shrugged.  "What does it matter?"

Minato frowned.  "If you had never been sent away to begin with..."

I rolled my eyes.  "You need to get over that guilt.  Even if the elders hadn't sent me very little would be different."

Naruto shook his head.  "No, because then you would've been around more."

I shook my head.  "Based on skill alone... Itachi graduated the Academy after a year.  I went the first week of that same year, and at the time, I was more than able to do the same."

Minato's eyes widened a fraction.  "You still would have been made a genin, so it would have delayed things for a year at best."

I nodded.  "I would have been sent on official missions with a team that matched me or been sent to do the same thing I was doing anyway."

Naruto was struggling to keep up, but Sasuke got it.  "In other words, it would have happened anyway.  You would be a Leaf nin, though."

I smiled at him sadly.  "I would be a rogue and a criminal.  Instead, I am a wandering shinobi."

Naruto was dumbfounded.  "Why?"

I sat on the couch.  "It's a crime to leave and travel as you please when you work for a village.  Also, I killed someone who Leaf nin used to look up and answer to."  I felt an annoyingly familiar nudge.

Ryo frowned.  "Wouldn't have us if you were a Leaf ninja."  So, you would have left?

I leaned on the couch.  "Why not?  I met you two doing missions anyway."  Itachi, you know I have no love for this village...

Aya thought for a moment.  "You were in Kumogahure when we met. It was an assignment, right?" 

Your family and friends are here...  I felt a touch of anger.

I nodded.  "Anytime I was out, it was a mission.  Anyway, I'm starving, so let's agree to disagree so I can eat."  I have loved ones in other villages too.

Minato agreed and went into the kitchen, Aya automatically followed.  Hopefully, they get along.  I looked at Shisui.  "Well, how come they didn't bother to say where you should stay?"

He shrugged.  "I told them I'll go where you go."  I felt Itachi's annoyance at the statement and inwardly frowned.

I rolled my eyes.  "Cause that's not creepy at all."

He smirked and sat next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder.  "Oh, come on... you know you enjoy my company."

I pushed his arm away, and he looked hurt.  "You came from here too, Shisui."  A brother, huh?

Shisui scratched his cheek.  "Yeah, but I can come here and be out no problem, so always there to protect you."  An annoying one...

I crossed my arms. "I don't need your protection."

He had a mischievous glint in his eyes when he glanced at Itachi.  "You don't think so, but it makes everyone feel better."

I huffed.  "Whatever."

Suddenly, he kissed my cheek.  "I'll always be there for that."  I glared at him and felt out right rage from Itachi.  "What?"

I grabbed his throat.  "What the hell, Shisui?"

He tried to pull me off.  "Hey, don't overreact."

Ryo snapped out of his shell shock and jumped on him, too.  "You think you can just kiss her now?"

Shisui successfully got me off and started wrestling Ryo.  "Jealous?"  The two tumbled to the floor as I started to leave.

Itachi stopped me at the door.  "Where are you going?"

I grabbed the knob.  "Out." 

Naruto and Sasuke were behind me, both blushing.  "We wanna go too."  I nodded to them and opened the door.  Itachi followed us ou,  and I stalked to an open field.  Naruto pulled at my sleeve.  "Sis?  Are you two..."

I glared at him. "Absolutely not."

Sasuke couldn't look in my direction.  "Does he know that?"

I sighed.  "I... I would hope so."  I looked at Itachi sitting far off under a tree.  Itachi... what's wrong?

Naruto balled his fists.  "I'm going t-"

"You will do nothing.  He could kill you without thinking about it."  Nothing...

He sighed, frustrated.  "So what he gets away with it."  You're lying.

I thought for a moment.  "Nope, I'll get him."  Hn.

Aya came for us a short while after.  "Kunoichi, what happened?"

I frowned at her.  "What did they say happened?"

Aya looked concerned.  "Did Shisui really..."

I nodded.  "And I'm going to kick his ass."

Her eyes widened before she frowned.  "I'll help."  I smirked, and we headed back, Itachi trailed a distance behind us. His emotions were all over the place, so I shut him out again.  I have to deal with Shisui first...

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