Chapter 21

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The gate loomed before us as we walked slowly toward it.  The sun was low in the sky, indicating my time was up.  I smiled at the group with Hinata clutching my sleeve.  "I'll see you all soon."

Naruto jumped in my arms.  "When?!"

I set him down and ruffled his hair.  "I won't miss your first day of the Academy, Little Bird, nor will I miss your graduation."

He eyes got wide.  "But yo-"

"Even if they wouldn't allow it, nothing would stop me, Little Brother."

He smiled.  "Promise?"

I kissed his forehead.  "Promise."  I smiled to the others and turned to leave.  "Stay out of trouble while I'm gone."  I took Hinata's hand and started to walk away, I couldn't bear to look back at the sad faces watching me.

We walked towards the waterfall, and I felt someone behind us.  I closed my eyes as I turned to face him.  "You made a promise."

Itachi nodded and approached.  "I couldn't let you leave without giving you this."  Suddenly, he activated his Sharingan and Hinata fainted.

I caught her and glared at him.  "You-"

"I know, but this is about as private as I can make it."  He held out out a small package.

I laid Hinata on the ground and opened it.  "Itachi... it's pretty."  I ran my fingers over the circles linked by the chain.  "Isn't this the metal for chakra blades?"

He knelt beside me as he nodded.  "I don't know how useful it will be now.  You have those threads..."

I hugged him.  "Very useful."  I pulled away and noticed a faint blush on his cheeks.  I extended the chain on the ground and infused my chakra into it.  "Now, I'll always have a little stored away, just in case."

He smiled faintly.  "I'm glad you like it."

I smiled back. There was a look in his eyes I couldn't place.  "I'll be back before you know it, Itachi.  Just don't do anything stupid."

He froze.  "Like?"

I picked up the chain and looked at him seriously.  "I ripped through Danzo's mind before killing him, Itachi.  I saw what he wanted, and I saw what he asked of you.  I'm telling you, he's wrong, and I need you to trust me."

His face became stone.  "You always ask me to trust you, and yet you can't seem to do the same for me."

I was surprised.  "Ita-"

He grabbed my wrist.  "You took Shisui's eye without explanation. You went after Danzo. You want me to stay here while you leave. You ask me not to go through with what he asked.  Every time you want me to trust you to handle things alone."

I tried to pull away, but he tightened his grip.  "You're hurting me."

He frowned and loosened it a fraction.  "Can't you see,  I don't want you to have to do everything alone."

I smiled at him.  "But I'm not.  You look after the most important people to me.  You're where I can't be, and it puts my mind at ease when I'm away."

He lowered his head as Hinata began to stir.  I placed my forehead on his.  "I'll be fine, and I'll be back soon, promise."  I quickly kissed where my head just was and went to Hinata's side as she opened her eyes.  "Ready?"

She looked at Itachi, then up at me.  "Yes."

She took my hand, and we started across the bridge.  "Good, your training starts today."  She nodded eagerly, and as soon as we were no longer in sight, I teleported us to our destination, making me slightly dizzy.

Ryo and Aya looked up expectantly.  Aya smiled.  "You made it out... with a child?"

I smirked.  "Welcome my new protégé, Hinata.  She will be training under us, I expect each of you to show no mercy."

Hinata gulped.  "H-hi..."

Ryo knelt to her level.  "Hey, don't worry, kid, we're good people."  She blushed and buried her face in my sleeve.  "Ho ho, we'll need to work on that first."

I smiled.  "Yes, masking her emotions comes first."

Aya gave me a serious look.  "I successfully implanted his eyes... it'll take a month to fully heal."

I smiled at her.  "Thank you, Aya."

I left Hinata with the two and went into a back room of the house they found.  Shisui was sleeping comfortably, his eyes covered in a thick bandage.  I placed an ungloved hand on his head.  Shisui...

I felt him stir, but not awaken.  Shisui... I need to tell you before I wake you.

I felt slight confusion, then panic.  Chihiro!  What did you do?!

I stroked his hair.  Several things, most importantly, saved your life.

I accepted his anger.  I can no longer protect those I love! I can't stop the coup! I-

Are alive, Shisui.  I took the liberty of fixing some things after putting you to sleep.  You can do what you will after you listen.  I thought calmly.

He was fuming.  How are you even talking to me anyway?

I inwardly smiled.  I've always been able to hear people's minds. It developed over time.

He put two and two together.  All those times I thought you and Itachi were having silent conversations?!

I nodded.  Yes, but there are more important things to discuss.  First, Danzo is dead.

He gasped.  How?

I killed him after he stole your eye.  His battle with you made it easier. His interest in me made it possible.

He contemplated for a moment.  My eye...

I retrieved it along with the one in Itachi's possession, and my medic has put them back where they belong.  It will take a month for them to fully heal.

He went silent.  Then we can go back to the Leaf.

I shook my head.  You may go when you want, but I've been exiled.

Shock was his next emotion.  Why?

I shrugged.  The elders saw it fit because even with all the evidence stacked against Danzo... I killed an elder and was too much danger to the village.  You know Nine Tails Jinchuriki and all.

I was touched by his rage.  How dare they?

That no longer matters.  I'm asking you to stay until you are fully healed.  I am allowed to go to the first day of the Academy. You can return then if you like, or you can remain with us.  I could use a good strategist.

Shisui's resolve was absolute.  If you are exiled, then I am too.  You saved me, and this was your reward.

I shook my head.  Don't let that be your only reason, Shisui.  Stay with us for now and make your decision when we return, okay?  Are you ready to wake up?

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