Chapter 11

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Everyone was in position, I was just waiting for the envoy to pass so I could place the last barrier.  As expected, Temari wasn't making her captors' jobs easy, and it made me grin.  "Stop now, or we'll cut off those limbs of yours!"

Temari struggled harder.  "Oh please, you would've done it by now if you could!"

One man punched her in the face, stunning her for a few seconds.  Hmmm...  My blood was boiling, but I knew I needed them out of range or they would notice my barrier.  I waited thinking of how to punish the man, and then they finally were far enough.  I placed the barrier and circled around ahead of them to where Itachi and Ryo were waiting.

Ryo looked at me nervously while Itachi raised an eyebrow.  Ryo shifted slightly.  "Kunoichi?"

I looked straight ahead.  "The bald one with the green shirt.  He's mine."  He nodded, relaxing a bit.  Itachi opened his mouth but was interrupted by Temari's shouting.  He frowned slightly before disappearing.

Ryo moved to block their path while I circled to their back.  The men stopped at the sight of the boy blocking their path.  "Move or be killed."

He smirked.  "I won't be the one dying today."  All at once, we launched our attacks.  Itachi successfully trapped the center 3 holding Temari in his genjutsu, while Ryo and I swiftly took out the 4 in the front and back.  Ryo's group had the target of my rage, and as requested, he left him alive.

I gave the signal and sand surrounded Temari and lifted her away.  As anticipated, more of the enemy came from hiding.  I unleashed my chakra threads, easily cutting down 5 more of the enemy as they surrounded me.  The boys also took out their opponents without much effort.

"Ryo, go to the others."  He looked as though he was going to protest, but a single glare, and he was gone.  I activated the Byuakugan and confirmed that no more of the enemy were lying in wait.  "Strange..."

Itachi raised an eyebrow.  "What's strange?"

I looked at him and focused on his forehead.  "No offense, but remove your headband and don't replace it til you return home."

He hesitated but did as he was told.  "Why?"

I scanned the area and walked to where the enemy attempted to ambush us.  "It will make the village a target.  The Sand itself could have done this job themselves, strange they would come to me for assistance."

I was looking for tracks leading elsewhere.  "Hmmm..."  I found what I was looking for a few twigs where snapped going in a different direction than the ambush.  I ran in its direction, searching for other subtle signs of flight.  Finally, my prey came within the sight of my Byuakugan.

I glanced back at Itachi, who was on my heels.  "Two enemy nin ahead."  We picked up the pace, and when we were within range, I used my chakra threads to cut down two trees, stopping our targets.

It was a man and woman images of the Rock village emblazoned on their person's.  "So, you can track as well. You never cease to amaze."  I remained silent as I approached.

The woman gasped.  "The Sharingan?  Your new pet interests me, Kunoichi.  Is that how you found us?"

I continued to slowly advance, I knew there was a trap.  "Just as deadly and silent as they say... Come then, it's time we taught you some manners."  I watched the man's hands as he formed his jutsu.  "Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bomb!"

I didn't dodge the dragon that emerged from the ground. Instead, I cut through it and continued forward.  Itachi was stunned and lost focus on the woman as she attacked.  I glared at her and waved my hand.  "Ice Style:  Jagged Barrier."

A wall of ice formed between them with icicles pointing in her direction.  She barely stopped in time, only getting a few cuts before jumping back.  "Itachi! Focus."  My barrier fell as he faced his opponent again.

The woman was infuriated.  "You better focus on your own fight!"  I looked at her as her partner threw a punch at me, and I caught it in my hand.  She gaped as I applied chakra to it, and he screamed in pain. 

I looked at him.  "Now that I have your complete attention.  Why are you luring me out?"

I stopped damaging his hand as he fell to his knees.  "I won't tell you anything."

I frowned.  "I have another of your allies to torture and kill.  I would really appreciate it if you made this quick."  I sent searing hot chakra waves into his arm, causing it to burn from the inside out.  "Now, unless you want me to burn it off, start talking."

He screamed out again, causing his partner to whirl in our direction.  She looked horrified as his arm began to blister.  "Stop it!"  She ran towards me enraged.

I frowned in her direction and used my free hand to form hands signs.  "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu."  I let hot chakra fill my lungs and directed fire balls in her direction.  One hit her shoulder, and she grunted as she clutched at it.  "What was that about paying attention to your own fight?"

The man was close to passing out, his arm turning black.  "Sorry, got distracted."  Itachi captured the female nin in his genjutsu.  "Now, you can tell me what your purpose was."  He whimpered, but still no response.

I grabbed his throat.  "I'm at the end of my patience."  I seared his throat, and he let out a silent scream.  "Now, speak, or you will experience true pain."

I released him, and he fell to the ground.  "Go to hell."

I smiled evilly.  "Bad decision."  I grabbed his throat again, forcing him to look me in the eye.  I entered his mind and got the information I needed, and then the true torture began.  I sifted through his memories, each loved one I found he watched die in horrible, unspeakable ways.  Then, I turned my attention to him and made him suffer pain ten times worse than he had already experienced.

When I exited his mind, he was already broken.  He lay in the fetal position, rocking himself as he screamed and cried in anguish.  I knew he had been driven to madness, and I couldn't help but admire my work.  I felt Itachi approach and tore my gaze from the man.  "What did you do?"

I tilted my head at his horrified tone.  "Only what I promised."  Itachi couldn't stop staring at the man, and a feeling I didn't recognize surfaced.  I sighed.  "Itachi, let's go."  As pulled I him away, I flicked my fingers, sending a thread to slice the man's throat.

Itachi began to turn back when his cries stopped, but I stopped him.  "Don't look. It's over."  He frowned down at me.  "Yes."  I answered his silent question without hesitation.  Yes, I've done this before.  Yes, I enjoyed it.  Yes... I'm a monster...

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