Chapter 8

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I woke up to Naruto's loud voice ringing through the house.  "Haha, Sasuke, got you!"

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up smiling.  Yep, I'm definitely home...  "I'm going to kill you, dobe!"

I heard running footsteps before my door slammed open.  A blur of orange and yellow tackled me before scrambling behind me.  "Chi-chan! Protect me!"

Sasuke was right behind him, face graffitied in marker, and hurled himself at me.  "Don't protect that idiot!"  I laughed as Hinata hesitantly entered the room.

I almost had to strain to hear her soft voice over the boisterous boys.  "Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun, she may have been sleeping."

I wrestled them both to the bed and smiled at her.  "Only Minato could sleep through this."  I proceeded to tickle both of them, and they struggled before tossing me off.  They attacked simultaneously, but I rolled to the floor and pulled Hinata along with me out of the room before slamming the door.

They were beating it wildly.  "Hinata, go to the kitchen for me and wait there while I take care of these two."  She nodded, and I watched her leave and saw Itachi smirking in the hall.  "Hey, wanna have some fun?"

Itachi shrugged, and I released the door.  They tumbled out, and I was on them again, pinning them with my legs.  I reached to tickle them again, but I was picked up, and my arms were restrained behind me.  "Traitor!"

I struggled hopelessly as the two boys tickled my sides.  I couldn't breathe and could hear all of them laughing at my predicament.  "Alright, alright already!" I said between laughing.

They finally stopped, and Itachi guided me to the ground as I caught my breath.  "You didn't say which side I was on."

I glared back at him.  "Thanks a lot."

He chuckled before tickling me himself. I stood laughing and tackled him to the ground to get him back.  Much to my disappointment, he wasn't ticklish, I pouted.  "No fair!"  I attempted again and thought I was getting somewhere when a blush crossed his face. "Ha, so you're holding it in."  He frowned a bit and shook his head slightly.

Minato's door opened, and I was immediately pushed off.  "Lord Hokage, sorry for waking you."

I just smirked.  "About time you woke up, Old Man.  I've been attacked all morning with no allies except Hinata."

He observed the kids watching on one side of him, and then the two of us sprawled on the floor on the other, his eyes paused on Itachi.  "So, boys against girls, seems fair to me."

I gaped.  "Completely outnumbered."

Naruto took a daring step forward but stopped when Minato walked to the kitchen.  His face lit up.  "Food!"

I face palmed.  "One track mind, that one."

Itachi stood and held a hand out to me.  "Until next time... maybe I'll take your side."

I took it, pouting.  "Yeah, sure."  He helped me up and held my hand a second longer than necessary before releasing it.

I followed the troupe into the kitchen to prepare drinks.  Minato took his station at the 'grown man' stove, and I still needed a small stool to work with it properly.  Hinata was fidgeting with her fingers.  "I'm sorry I wasn't much help."

I smiled at her.  "You did exactly what you were supposed to do. You follow instructions well."

She returned my smile.  "Really?"

I nodded and ruffled her hair.  "Wanna help make juice?"  She nodded eagerly and sat where I directed her.  "Alright, you squeeze like this, we need 15 oranges, at least okay?"

She nodded.  "Got it."  We went to work while the boys set the dining table.  "Chichi?"

I got some sugar.  "Hmm?"

She talked at barely a whisper.  "I'm afraid for today."

I looked the young girl in the eyes.  "You let me worry about that, okay?  I'll make it worth everyone's while."

She nodded.  "Why don't you have the Cage Seal?"

We finished squeezing and tasted the juice before adding the right amount of sugar.  "There is no one in this village who can place it on me."

Her eyes widen.  "But father..."

I gave her a smirk.  "Regretted trying instantly."  She gasped.  "It's hard to explain, but I'll give you the book that does okay?"  She nodded and carried the pitcher to the table.

Minato was putting out the food.  "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen."  We all sat and ate together, I listened as each of them detailed things that happened in my absence.

I finished eating and sat back.  "So, excited to start the academy?"

Three voices spoke at once. "Yes!"

Naruto turned to me.  "Hey, how was your time at the academy?"

I scratched my cheek.  "I only went for a week, so I am not a good resource for that."

Sasuke puffed his chest out.  "Itachi graduated in a year.  I'll do even better."

Minato chuckled.  "Let's not get ahead of ourselves now."

Hinata smiled shyly.  "I'm ready to make new friends."

Naruto was still stuck on my earlier statement.  "You only went a week before you graduated?  So you surpassed Itachi-san!"

I shook my head.  "Not really, I never graduated.  That's why I never officially became a Leaf nin."

All the kids looked confused before Sasuke spoke.  "But you do missions for the village."

I nodded.  "Yes."

Hinata frowned.  "Then that makes you a Leaf ninja."

I sighed.  "You're too young to understand right now, but one day you will, okay?"  Itachi was watching the exchange silent. His sad eyes rested on me after I spoke.

Minato took note of this before speaking.  "Okay, kids.  We need to get ready for the day, so get showered and dressed."  Why is he acting strange too...

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