Chapter 31

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Someone knocking at the door woke me.  Strange...  The first rays of the morning were starting to filter through my window.  "I really must've overdone it this time."  Another knock could be heard, more persistent this time.

I sighed and looked at Hinata, who was sleeping peacefully beside me.  She must have been up all that time... I slipped out of bed and padded to the door, Naruto could be heard snoring loudly in his room.  I shook my head and opened the door.

Clear grey eyes greeted me, and I frowned until I recognized the boy in front of me.  "Yes?"

He naturally held a stoic expression.  "Lady Chihiro... it's been a long time."

I smirked.  "Lady Chihiro?  Who put you up to this, Neji?"  I marveled at how tall he had gotten.  When will I get some height... that's not fair.

A shadow of a smile was all he offered before continuing.  "Lord Hyuuga requests for Hinata and yourself to come for breakfast."

My frown returned.  "We refuse."

He blinked.  "He said you would, bu-"

I held my hand up to stop him.  "If Hiashi wants to see myself or Hinata, I suggest he come do so outside of the compound."

As if she sensed that she was being talked about, Hinata came up behind me.  "What does my father want?"

Neji's eyes widen at her tone and demeanor. "Lady Hinata..."  Yes, she's changed, but...

She shook her head.  "I was disowned. We're equals now."

He looked taken aback before he nodded.  "Lord Hyuuga wants to dine with the two of you."

She frowned and looked to me.  "If my sensei refuses, then I do as well.  Sorry to waste your time, Neji."

He blinked again, and I sighed.  "Same soft voice, same Hinata, but different.  I won't have Hiashi toy with her."

Hinata tugged my sleeve.  "I'm okay, we can go.  Just to get it over with."

I raised an eyebrow at her.  "Are you sure?"

She smiled.  "You can't protect me forever.  Like you said, I'm different now."

I shrugged.  "Let's get ready then.  Neji, would you like to wait inside?"  He went and sat stiffly on the couch as Hinata went to the back.  "It's okay, you're in no danger here."

He looked at me and glanced to the back.  "I have a question."  I tilted my head in response.  "I was there when he was going to place the cage seal on Hinata.  Why did he seem afraid of you?"

I lowered my gaze.  "I'm not proud of the way I behaved, but those who know me know I have a temper."

He shook his head.  "I heard rumors after... that you don't have a seal because he can't place one on you."

I touched my forehead at the memory.  "It's not a rumor... it's true.  The seal recoiled, and I removed it from him."

His eyes widen.  "Then it can be removed."

I looked away from his hopeful eyes.  "Yes, it can, but only by the one who placed it or someone higher in the hierarchy."

He thought for a moment.  "So, you are..."

I nodded.  "You should speak with your father about that day and what it means.  He was there and we had words after."

Neji touched his own seal.  "Would you..."

I sighed.  "Speak to your father, I'm in his debt after all."

He nodded.  "I will."

Hinata emerged almost shoulder-length hair still damp she had a blue headband with grey and white flowers, a few strands framing her face.  May be time to cut it... She wore a short navy dress with a white sash and grey leggings.  "Ready, Sensei."

I nodded and left the two to get ready.  After showering, I looked at my attire, trying to decide how to adorn my chain.  I wore black pants and combat boots.  My shirt was grey, and the long sleeves hook around my thumbs so no skin would show between them and my gloves, even in combat.  I decided to use it as a simple belt wrapping it around myself several times through my belt loops.  After putting my hair in a messy bun, I donned a black vest and joined the duo in the living room.

Hinata stood automatically, and Neji followed suit.  "Ready?"

Hinata nodded.  "Let's go."  Neji led the way in silence after I left a note for Minato and Naruto.  The compound was strangely empty, making me go on high alert, Hinata noticed as well.  I was amused when we entered the great hall, and most of the clan was present.

We were brought to Hiashi and Neji bowed.  "As you requested."

He arched an eyebrow, noticing we didn't bow as well.  "You've been in the village 2 full days and didn't come, now you don't show respect before the whole clan.  Chihiro has tainted you more than I thought."

Hinata's face was stone.  "You summoned us?"

His eyes widened a fraction.  "Insolent child, I'm still your father."

She tilted her head.  "Was I not disowned and told to leave with my sensei?"  Her soft voice could be heard clearly in the now silent hall.

He frowned.  "Chihiro, it seems you've changed this weakling."

I kept my composure.  "If you have nothing but degrading things to say to us, we will take our leave."

His face harden.  "How dare you? You both were brought up in this cl-"

"You made it clear to both of us from a young age that we were not worthy of the Hyuuga name, or do you forget?"

He stood.  "Do you dare disrespect me here?"

I put my hand on Hinata's shoulder.  "It seems this was a mistake.  We'll be going."

As I steered her towards the door, Hiashi's voice rang out.  "I propose a duel."  Now we get to the point.

I barely turned my head.  "I refuse."

He chuckled.  "Not with you, between Hinata and Hanabi."

I looked to Hinata, who blinked up to her father.  "I also refuse, I have no desire to hurt my own sister."

He laughed loudly.  "Please, you have always been inferior."

I squeezed her shoulder.  "It's up to you."

She sighed.  "Why would you want us duel?  Are you trying to humiliate me again?"

He sneered at her.  "Are you afraid?"

She shook her head.  "I'll accept, but after this duel, if we are to duel again, it will be for the title of heiress."  I looked at her and hid my smile.  You never fail to impress me...

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