Chapter 15

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After reporting back to the Kazekage, I found my group in a dumpling shop.  I slid in beside Itachi.  "Hey."

Aya and Ryo exchanged a knowing glance and looked at Itachi.  Aya looked down at her hands.  "He has questions."

I raised an eyebrow.  "I would expect as much, why the worried looks?"

Ryo looked at me.  "We do too. We're hoping you're... calmer? Than you were earlier."

I glanced at Itachi.  "He doesn't look worried."

Ryo rolled his eyes.  "His face never changes.  Also, he apparently hasn't gotten the back end of your temper."

I playfully put a hand on my chest.  "Me? Temper?  Now Ryo, I'm hurt."  I giggled.  "No, he hasn't had the pleasure."

I looked over the menu as the waitress arrived.  We all ordered, and I looked at each of them as she walked away.  "I'm in a good mood, I suppose.  So ask away."

Aya smiled in relief.  "Did you find anything else concerning the scroll?"

I nodded.  "Seems legit."

Ryo smiled.  "So, we return to the Leaf now?"  I nodded again and turned to Itachi.

He cleared his throat.  "What did you do to him?"

I frowned.  "See... that's how you kill a mood."

He looked me directly in the eye.  "That's my first question."

I sat back.  "He's dead. That's all you need to know.  No more questions."  Itachi was fuming, but I ignored him.  "After this, we can head back, I'm sure the village is dying to see us."

We ate in silence after that, I began thinking of the first steps in my new training.  I heard footsteps approaching and turned toward them.  Kankuro smiled.  "Brought them home safely, as expected."

Ryo grinned and ruffled my hair.  "Yeah, still got to teach this one a thing or two."

I gave him a deadly glare, and he stopped instantly.  "You're welcome, Kankuro."

He smirked.  "Well, as a thank you, how about... dinner?"

I shook my head.  "No thanks, I just finished eating.  Maybe these three will take you up on it."

He looked stunned and a bit hurt.  "That's... not what I meant."

I blinked up at him.  "So... you don't want to take the team to dinner?"  Temari and Aya could no longer control their laughter while Ryo and Itachi were glaring at him.  Itachi, what did I miss?

Just ignore it.  I could feel his anger, and it made me even more confused.

I inwardly frowned.  You're upset...

He sighed.  Hn.

I looked around and felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.  "I'm leaving."  I stood to leave, and everyone looked at me shocked.  "I'll see you around."  I strolled past the now silent group and headed for the gates.

Familiar sand swirled around me, and I smiled at Gaara, who was following behind.  "You leave soon, right?"

I nodded and continued walking when he caught up.  "My promise still stands, I will return to you one day."  He nodded and silently escorted me to the gate.  "You won't say goodbye to the others?"

I sighed.  "Probably not. I may leave my team here if they don't come soon."

Gaara tilted his head.  "Kankuro upset you."

I looked into the desert beyond the gates.  "I don't like not understanding a situation, and no one seemed to care to explain.  You know how I am, Gaara.  It's better for me to leave than to hurt someone."

Gaara nodded.  "But you'll come back."

I smiled at him and kissed his forehead.  "I always will, promise."  He smiled at me sadly and watched as I ran off into the barren land beyond his village.  I didn't stop until I came to a river and rested.

I took stock of my surroundings.  "Two days tops to the Konoha, but I'm not sure if I want to go."  I frowned and laid in the grass.  "Wonder if they know I've left yet, I know Gaara isn't one to speak."

I splashed water in my face and then sat in a tree.  "I'll see soon, I suppose."  I pulled out my flute and placed a barrier around me.  I closed my eyes and played until I felt sleep looming.  I looked down at the old instrument, feeling a wave of nostalgia and the weight of my promise.  "Soon, old friend.  I haven't forgotten."

I stowed it in my pouch and took a nap.  Something was trying to pass my barrier, and it caused me to awaken.  "Hm?"  I landed silently on the ground and approached.

Itachi stood studying the barrier and walked a little ways before stopping again.  His Sharingan was activated, but even I knew that it wouldn't help him.  I glanced around and noticed Ryo and Aya were nowhere in sight.  I sighed as he walked a little further and lowered the barrier.

He looked in my direction and frowned.  "You left."

I matched his expression.  "And?"

He looked me over.  "You could have gotten hurt."

I turned to return to my tree.  "I'm fine."

He was in front of me in an instant.  "That's not the point."  I glided past him, and he grabbed my arm.  I spun toward him and was shocked at the anger blatantly shown in his blood-red eyes.

My response was automatic, and I fought to suppress my own Sharingan.  "Let me go."

I tried to look away, but he caught my chin.  "Don't walk away."

I closed my eyes tightly.  "I said let me go, Itachi."

I could feel him debating before finally releasing me.  "You shouldn't go off on your own."

I rubbed my arm, looking at the ground.  "I've been on my own for a while now. It's none of your concern."

He clenched his fist.  "It is my concern."

I was confused.  "Why are you so angry?  You were upset when I was messing around with Ryo, then when Kankuro asked us to dinner, and now.  You've been acting strange since I've come back to the village.  I don't understand."

He froze.  "I don't know."

I rolled my eyes and turned to leave again.  "Whatever, we need to get back.  Those two will catch up."  I took to the trees, and he followed after a brief hesitation.  I think men are more emotional than women, so strange...

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