Chapter 1

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I felt Zetsu's chakra signature as he emerged from the ground. "They sent Shisui... he should be here in two days... unless he pushes it."

I nodded but didn't look up from my scroll. "Thank you, Zetsu."

He lingered. "He's planning something. We don't know what yet."

I gave them a small smile. "I didn't expect one like him to stay quiet for so long. Thank you for the information." They nodded as they disappeared back into the floor.

I finished studying the scroll and returned it to the Kazekage's shelf. After straightening the area, I went to his office and knocked. "Enter."

I bowed deeply. "Lord Kazekage, it's time I took my leave."

He looked up from his papers. "So soon?"

I smiled. "As always, I'll return when it is safe."

He frowned. "Gaara's doing well under your tutelage."

I nodded. "He has a bright future if you allow it, my lord."

He gave me a long look. "He's a weapon, nothing more, nothing less."

I bowed my head. "As you wish."

He returned to his paperwork. "You may go, but be sure not to stay away too long. I would hate for him to regress."

I bowed again and turned to leave. "As soon as I can, my lord." I left his office fuming but held my rage. I walked through the Sand Village in search of a certain child. After wandering a bit, I saw his sister, Temari.

I approached, noting the worried look on her face. "What happened?"

She looked at me, pleading. "The villagers..."

I needed no other explanation and followed the menacing chakra I knew so well. I saw his sand long before I saw the boy. "Gaara."

The boy looked at me, frowning. "Kunoichi-sensei, they-"

I waved my hand, silencing him. "It doesn't matter. Let them go." I noted the bloodlust in his eyes, but the sand retracted, giving me the chance to look at 3 men cowering away from the boy. "Go, or I'll be the one to kill you."

They didn't hesitate and ran for their lives, making me shake my head. "Gaara-"

He lowered his head. "They were teasing me, and I was okay, but then they were talking about Temari."

I sighed and ruffled the young boy's hair. "That doesn't mean you kill them. Temari can take care of herself against the likes of them."

He nodded sadly. "I understand."

I smiled at him and lifted his chin. "Don't lower your gaze for anyone. There's no shame in protecting your sister, but you have to manage your anger better."

He sighed but smiled up at me. "Yes, Lady Kunoichi."

I blinked at the title. I'll have to get him out of that later. "Come, we have things to discuss." He nodded and followed me to the roof of my apartment. "I will be leaving tomorrow."

He looked at me, surprised. "But... why?"

I smiled at him. "It's time for me to return home."

He frowned. "Can I go?"

I chuckled. "No, but I will return. You remind me of my little brother."

He looked at his feet. "Not enough for you to stay."

I shook my head. "Even he doesn't have that luxury, but just like him, I will always return."

He sighed. "Promise?"

I nodded. "Now, I need you and Shukaku to work on your relationship while I'm gone, understand?"

I saw a shift in Gaara's eyes at the mention of the One Tails. "We understand." I nodded, and we watched the sunset until Gaara was falling asleep. He began to close his eyes when he whispered. "Promise you'll come back, okay?"

I stroked his hair. "Promise."

The Sand Siblings we waiting for us at the gates the next morning. Kankuro smiled as we approached. "Leaving so soon?"

Ryo smiled back. "Gets dangerous when we stay in one place too long."

Aya took Temari's hands. "Next time, I'll beat you, okay? I don't go getting soft on me."

Temari smirked. "In your dreams."

Gaara stood off to the side, sad. I bent to his height, which wasn't far because of my height deficit. "Continue training, and I'll be back when I can."

He looked at me, hopefully. "Promise?"

I kissed him lightly on the forehead. "Promise." He nodded and stepped back, blushing, making me smile. We said our final farewells and set off with the siblings watching us. "I'll miss those guys."

Ryo nodded. "Wouldn't mind staying there for good."

Aya eyed him suspiciously. "You say that about every village we leave."

He shrugged. "Seems they always want us to stay and are really nice to us."

I shook my head, smiling. "One day, you'll both find places to call home."

Aya frowned. "How about you?"

I shrugged. "I'm happy traveling without being affiliated with a village. More freedom that way."

Ryo chuckled. "Then, I guess we'll be without a village as well." I ignored the comment, and we strolled to the normal meeting place. Ryo began to tense as we neared it. "Kunoichi..."

I glanced at him. "Don't worry, they don't send people who will kill or harm me." He didn't comment but hesitated when it was time to part. "Ryo, you know how this goes. They can't know who I travel with or what I've done outside of my assignment."

Aya put a hand on his shoulder. "We'll follow them. If anything happens, we'll be there." He nodded stiffly and stayed with her as I made my way into the clearing. I felt as they put distance between us and then masked their chakra.

It was only an hour before Shisui came into view. "Wow, did you even rest, Uchiha?"

He smiled, tired. "I couldn't wait to bring you home."

I shook my head. "Doesn't help if I have to carry you back."

He took a big breath. "I'm good, I'll rest up here, and then we can hurry back."

I chuckled as he plopped on the ground. "The elders hate when you two do this. You'll be scolded for wasting so much energy."

He waved his hand. "Well, they can't send anyone else. Itachi and I are the only ones Minato trusts. Well, besides Kakashi, of course, but he seems to take a long time to get you back."

I smirked. "Kakashi is never on time."

Shisui's eyelids began to droop. "Hey..." He yawned.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I got you, Uchiha." Rest easy, my friend...

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