Chapter 19

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I sat silent on the grass, thinking of what had happened.  Everyone went home except Itachi, who was sitting beside me.  Suddenly, he grabbed my hand.  "I'm going with you."

I looked at him in surprise.  "You can't."

He looked at me pained.  "I can't let you go alone."

I knelt in front of him, holding both his hands.  "I'm never alone, Itachi.  I need you here with the boys....they can't lose both of us."

He tightened his grip as tears began to form.  "Chihiro..."

I touched a tear that fell and smiled.  "I'll come back, I always do."

He closed his eyes.  "I can't stay, not now."

I pulled him into a hug.  "I can't force you to stay, Itachi, but I'm asking you to.  I promise to return to you, just please stay and keep your promise."

He wrapped his arms around me.  "Promise to come back, and I'll stay until their graduation."

I pulled away and smiled at him.  "It's a deal, Uchiha."  He sighed and pulled me against his chest as I looked up at the stars.  Somehow, I knew that this would be my last time feeling safe for a long time, and tears started to fall.  He pulled me closer and placed his head on mine.  I'm sorry, Itachi.

I woke up wrapped in a person and wiggled to see who it was.  I gazed into Itachi's peaceful face and noticed dried streaks on his cheeks.  Strange... he usually takes me to my room...

His dried tears made me sad, I swept back his hair that had fallen across his face.  "I promise to return to you, Itachi."  I kissed his forehead lightly and slowly removed myself from him.

I went to my room, packed some things, and went outside, taking in my last view of the first home I ever had.  I turned when I felt a familiar chakra signature racing toward me.  "Chihiro!"  Isamu landed right in front of me.  "Hiashi! He... Hinata!"

I didn't need any other explanation and raced full sped to the Hyuuga compound.  A couple of guards tried to intercept me, but they were subdued easily.  I crashed into the meeting room to see Hiashi about to finalize the seal.  I rushed him, grabbing his wrist and the back of Hinata's shirt.

I tossed her into Neji, turning my attention to Hiashi.  "How dare you?"  I sent electrified chakra down his arm, causing him to scream out on pain.  "I told you if you dared, I would destroy you.  Did you think that was a joke?"

Chakra was coming off my person in waves, causing an electrified current to go through the room.  Onlookers cringed back but couldn't tear their eyes away from us.  Hiashi looked up at me, horrified.  "Who?!"

I sent another wave of chakra into his arm.  "Does that matter now?"  I looked at Hinata's forehead, and it only served to strengthen my anger.  "First, I will redo what I undid and give you that wretched seal that you wave over this clan.  Then let's see how much power you have."

Fear flashed through his eyes as I reached for his forehead.  "The beauty of this is, I don't require a predrawn seal."

I felt small arms wrap around me and froze.  "Stop, please!"  I looked down at the soft voice and blinked.  "Sister, please stop!"

I took a deep breath and glared at Hiashi.  "Saved again.  Keep it up, and one day, your luck will run out.  Hinata, pack your things, you're leaving with me."

Hinata hesitated, looking toward her father.  "Leave! I've already disowned you!"

I glared at him.  "Hiashi, her plea for my mercy will only spread so thin."  Chakra waves were still washing through the room.  I took her hand and pulled her to the door.  "Forget your things. You need nothing from this forsaken clan."  Hinata gave her father one last look before I teleported away, preventing myself from causing more harm.

I was back in front of Minato's and knelt, stroking Hinata's hair.  She was crying, devastated by what just happened.  "Look at me."  She slowly opened her eyes.  "Did Hiashi ever tell you why I left the compound?"  She shook her head, and I smiled at her softly.  "That's right, I was a ward of your father's long ago when I was first brought to this village."

Her eyes went wide.  "He kicked you out too?"

I shook my head.  "I was saved by Minato and his late wife Kushina.  I spent 3 terrible years in that compound.  He made it very clear that I would never be a part of his clan."

She hugged me.  "I'm sorry..."

I hugged her back.  "This will be the last time you cry because of the Hyuuga, Hinata.  From now on, you cry over the things that matter.  Cry because you're happy, or sad, or because I'm training you so hard that you think you're going to die.  But never, ever over the ones who thought you were not worthy."

She pulled away, tears starting to dry.  "So, I'm not going back?"

I ruffled her hair.  "You're not going to be anywhere near them for a long time, Little Sister.  You're leaving this village with me tonight and will not come back until graduation day."

She looked at the ground.  "So, I won't be going to the Academy."

I lifted her chin.  "What I will teach you will far exceed what the Academy can, but it is your choice.  I'll even offer you the first day in order for you to choose."  She thought and nodded before hugging me again.  You will grow strong without losing who you are... I promise...

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