Chapter 13

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Tears clouded my vision when I opened my eyes. A handkerchief came within my line of sight. I blinked up at Aya and smiled. Ryo looked at the others, still sleeping in the cave. They had surrounded me, so if anyone woke, they wouldn't see. I wiped away my tears and nodded toward the cave entrance.

I took in a deep breath of the cool air when we emerged and closed my eyes. I don't understand Kurama...

I know, kid. I sighed and faced the duo. "I don't know what it meant, but we have about four or five years to figure it out."

They glanced at each other, worried, and Aya took my hand. "What happens then?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know..."

Ryo hugged me, making me stiffen up. "We'll be with you, then, and long after. Just tell us what to do, Kunoichi."

I relaxed but pushed him off. "Thanks, guys."

Aya perked up. "Oh, with all that was happening, I forgot. We found this on those nin." She handed me a scroll, and I read its contents.

I looked up at them, then back at the scroll. "Is this real?"

She shrugged. "We don't know for sure, but if it is..." Kurama, you see it?

I could feel his excitement. Yes, it's one of the things we've been searching for.

I nodded. We will start trying it out the next time we are sent away from the village.

He smiled. Thank you.

I blinked at them both. "Kurama, thanks us."

Ryo looked nervous. "Are you sure this is smart?"

I gave him a serious look. "We'll need every advantage we can get, Ryo. I'll study this and will have safeguards in place."

Itachi walked out to join us, and Ryo smirked. "So, we haven't been properly introduced."

Itachi gave him a once over and put his hands in his pockets. "Hn."

Ryo frowned, annoyed. "Well, Hn, I'm Ryo."

Itachi nodded and looked at Aya, who blushed. "A-Aya." He turned to me, and I raised a brow, crossing my arms, matching his stare. I won't play your game.

Ryo stood between us. "Hey, no staring. Could you tell us her name?" He nodded back to me, and I smirked. That's low... take a guess at what I'm called.

Itachi shrugged. "Not sure. This ninja and the one I know are different."

I beamed and jumped on Ryo's back. "See Ryo, I don't have a name." Itachi's face gave away nothing, but I felt his annoyance at my action. Thanks, Itachi.

Ryo stomped on the ground and tried to shake me off. "Well, we call her Kunoichi, but that's not a name dammit."

I giggled and got off. "No name for Ryo. Why is it so important anyway? Aya's been with me longer, and she doesn't ask as much as you do." I was jokingly prodding his side.

He spun and grabbed me around the neck, digging his knuckles into my hair. "I'll show you."

I struggled and whined. "Ow, stop it. You're not supposed to pick on the youngest. That's bullying."

Aya shook her head as I swept one of his legs from under him. "You two, really?"

I landed on top of him awkwardly and smiled up at her. "Aya! I'm free!"

Ryo grabbed me and flipped me under him. "Not yet, you're not." I kept hitting his hands away as he tried to poke my sides. "Tell me your name, girl."

I grabbed a wrist and pulled him to the side. "No!" I got up and started to run. He was close behind, so I picked up the pace. I laughed, enjoying the feel of the wind against my cheeks. I got a good enough distance away and circled back. "Where'd he go?"

Aya just shook her head and sighed. I grinned and heard Ryo approaching from behind. I snickered and hid behind Itachi. Ryo grinned devilishly. "He won't be able to protect you." I stuck out my tongue and grabbed the back of Itachi's shirt. "Fine, we'll play your way."

He took a step toward us and froze. "Aren't you gonna take a side? You're just standing there."

I hadn't been paying attention to Itachi's emotions and now felt he was confused and upset. I smirked at Ryo. "We should stop now."

He frowned. "Why?"

I nodded towards the cave. "They're awake." I released Itachi and walked into the cave, and everyone followed. I knelt and ruffled Gaara's hair as he blinked awake. "Let's get you home."

He and Temari nodded, and we set off. Our pace was slower, but with fewer breaks, we made it to the Sand in a day. As we approached the gates, I saw the sentries stir and one went into the village. I took the lead and casually strolled through the gates and to the Kazekage's office. No one asked for identification or our purpose, which was how I preferred things.

I knocked lightly. "Enter."

I pushed open the door, and my entourage filed in behind me. "Lord Kazekage, it seems you really didn't want me to go. I'm flattered."

He frowned but sighed. "Thank you for returning Temari, but was it necessary to cut one of my men?"

I shrugged. "He forgot who was the one giving the orders. I don't like being questioned, even you have come to understand this. Speaking of which, just how valuable is this man?" He has to pay for what he's done.

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